Chapter 152: He's alive?

3rd person view

The phoenix academy teachers were holding their meeting discussing the earlier event

"Damn, have you told the king yet?" Professor Steel asked

"No, but it won't be long till my outburst earlier find their ways to him" Professor Williams shook his head

"Andrius Thames, this is ridiculous" Professor Woods then slumped into his chair "What if these seekers belong into a cult? Maybe their leader is a corpse sitting on a chair?"

"They're not stupid enough to have a corpse lead them" Professor Blue retorted "But the greatest mage being alive? I'm having a hard time believing that statement"

"No wonder the guards said they somehow fell asleep, only Perseus have that power" Professor White said

"Well Perseus have sent a letter saying that he's free next week" the headmaster chimed in "I already booked us the place, we'll ask him more then"

"It makes sense now, he knew about that dungeon, he got the staff or whatever it is now, and if we were to fight back then, we would be alert, so the dungeon would be heavily guarded since we would need to descent it for the gears to arm ourselves if a war arises" Professor Steel slammed the table in frustration "He went down there when we were lax and replaced the staff and closed that door of light to make it look as if it was never explored"

"I'm so proud of teaching him right" Professor Woods grinned "Very cunning, but to think he would outsmart us all, that little bastard"


"They found out about what you did" Kamila reported "The teachers are both proud at your cunning tactic and they are also out for your blood

"Thanks for the report Kamila" Perseus thanked her

"No worries, you are still my superior" she replied

1st person view

"I'll tell Rex that you said hi"

"Please do not disturb his work" she pleaded before ending the call

I was in my bedroom with Cordelia, sitting on my bed, my bonds left to give us some space

"Now you get to spend your time with me" Cordelia said "Do you just want to talk here? Or should we go out a bit?"

"Let me make one call first, I need his permission on something"

She then took my amulet away

"You're spending your time with me here. Or would you rather spend it with your boss?" She asked

"You of course. Me being a seeker isn't going to affect the friendly relation between Artia and Neelofar right?"

"No, don't worry. But let's not talk about that, we should just relax and enjoy our time off together" She responded "You've gotten taller, you're 171 cm tall now, we don't have to look as awkward when we're together"

"Well you're still slightly taller than me, not that I mind"

"Just by like 3 cm, you can still grow"

"Well now that we're about the same height, I can take the initiative now" I said and kissed her

She was surprised at first but then relaxed.

"That's surprising, usually it's me who takes the lead" she then hiccupped

"Here, lemme help you treat that" I then kissed her again as she happily accept it

I then backed away after I hear some footsteps, I can hear them placing their ears onto the door, eavesdropping on us.

"Guys, again, I can hear you, I have very sensitive hearing"

But they didn't move an inch and I heard them shushing each other.

"Doesn't sound like they're leaving anytime soon" Cordelia giggled "And it's not like they want to confront us either"

"I got this, follow my lead" I whispered and got on my knee "Cordelia Laguna, would you marry me?"

I then hear gasps from behind the door

"Yes, YES" Cordelia played along

"Woah, too fast there" Struan rushed in as the others fell behind him "Things are progressing too...I fell for it, didn't I?"

"Can you all just give us some privacy? It's pretty uncomfortable to know, you're being watched"

"Sorry" Diana apologized "I couldn't stop them, I was also curious and couldn't stop myself either"

They then left us alone.

"Should we continue where we left off?" Cordelia teased

"Yeah, but let's not go too far, all right, I'm still young and not of legal age"


The meet up spot was at this fancy restaurant in a private room, me and my bonds were escorted into that room to see the headmaster, the Steels and Eleanor waiting, the waiter then left with a look of disgust staring at my direction.

"Fancy restaurant, you got great taste"

"Thank you, I'm sure you won't mind the other's joining us, right? They also have some questions to ask you" The headmaster asked "This is a soundproof room, nothing that is said here will be leaked to the outside"

-No listening or recording devices- Dabria said

-Thanks as always, my beloved goddess-

"I thought that there would be more coming, like Albert and professor Williams"

"They are busy today unfortunately" the headmaster replied "But order whatever you want, it'll be on my tab"

"We'll make you regret that"

We then ordered a lot, several orders of the same items because some of them aren't filling enough.

"I'll break the ice" Professor Steel said "Did you take the staff?"

"Of course, it's my new ring, see? And I can tell from your expression. No, I'm not a descendant of Andrius Thames, I do know him and his daughter though"

"Did you seduce her too?" Professor Emma asked


"Then is the founder of the seekers of salvation, Andrius Thames?" Professor Steel asked

"Yep, he's currently my boss"

"So he's really still alive?" The headmaster asked in amazement "How?"

"He's a lich, can't die, can be killed though. I can tell you that much, but he doesn't go by that name anymore"

"What does he go by?"

"Can't tell you, but again, you already know the answer"

"Can't you just tell us!" Professor Emma said in frustration

"Why are you so grumpy today? Should I give you a kiss to make you feel better? It works with Cordelia"

"Yes, I mean no. Don't you dare take advantage of my feelings, young man" she replied "When we visited the dragons, did you join them already by then?"

"Yep, I joined right after I left the kingdom"

"Why did you join them in the first place? What's their aim in all of this" Eleanor asked

"Can't tell you, even I only got briefed about it the moment I joined"