Chapter 157: Prince (2)

-Just my luck, that matched me with one of the tournament's favorite right off the bat-

-Well we can't help you, so better not lose- Siege replied -You can't make up excuses just because you aren't using your sword-

-Don't worry, I won't-

I then headed into the arena.

3rd person view

"Why are you watching it here with me?" Dillard asked "Get him a chair please, a comfortable one like mine"

Urie then sat down next to him in a comfortable armchair that was brought for him

"It'll be more fun to watch it from your place"

"The seating I arranged for you and his majesty gets a closer and better view"

"You don't have to worry about it, Perseus plans to fight this whole tournament without using his sword, which should also interest you"

"It does" Dillard said as he leaned forward "Why is he doing it? Isn't his sword his most powerful arsenal?"

"Something along the lines of not wanting to rely on his equipments too much" Urie chuckled "But he is using his armor and one of the abilities of his ring"

"That ridiculous jacket is his armor?" Dillard asked incredulous

"Yep, it can even withstand some of my attacks"

"Now that's something" Dillard then sank back onto his armchair "What is the ability of his ring?"

"He can eat magic" Urie answered


"I mean it quite literally, he can eat magic" Urie laughed "When he does, it regenerate back mana, take that mix with his phoenix level regeneration ability, he is quite invincible. But his eyes is the most dangerous, I train him a few times and I still can't figure what it is"

1st person view

I was against this vampire who look to be in his late 20s, 180cm tall with red hair, black eyes, slightly muscular with a belt containing several small vials of blood and he's in the light grey core.

"I assume you can use blood magic too?"

"Well quite rare among us vampires, isn't it?" he smirked "Do you not have vials of your blood prepared?"

"A few in my spatial storage in the case I need blood transfusion, but mostly my regenerative ability makes up for it, I have several containers of each different type of blood in case someone close to me needs blood. But yeah, I don't need vials since I can regenerate back a lot of blood"

"Have anyone ever told you that you talk too much? Or that you're a psychopath?" He mocked

"Funny enough, everyday actually"

-At least you know- Dabria applauded -You have a brain after all-

"Ready...start!" the referee started the match

I then surround myself with wind and lightning magic with the mixture of aura, he got out those vials and crushed it within his palms and sent blood bullets towards me. I then shaped aura into a huge barrier to block the attack.

"Aura can do that?!" he held his head in shock but recovered as he crushed a few more vials and shaped it into a blood sword and charged at me

"Trust me, you'll be surprised" I said as I focused aura into my fist and used one of my hands to grabbed his sword, and used the other to uppercut him.

He was faze for a bit but recovered and went on offensive again, I blocked and countered all his attacks with my fist hitting him constantly all over the place, his face, his gut and every part of his body.

He stumbled backwards, I then made swords out of aura, duel wield it and charged at him, He then took out several more vials and crushed it to create blood lances and used wind magic to shoot it at me.

I then used warp on all those lances to aim it back at him, he then created wind barriers to block all of the lances, I charged in and slashed his chest, he then used wind magic to push him backwards for some distances. He crushed most of the vials he had left and use blood magic to heal all the wounds on his body.

"How are you not injured?" he panted

"Good armor"

"I need to know your smith"

"Eliza Iron and Luke Iron, they both just earned the title as forgemasters, they live in Neelofar, I can help you book a reservation"

"Good to know" he nodded as he then spread his arms as wind started to gather around him "I'm using my remaining mana for this, if you can stop it, I forfeit"

He then condensed it into a human sized lance and mixed it with the blood he had left. He also used some of the blood to create blood wires and hold me in place

"God's blood arrow" he casted as I was stuck in place

I broke free from the blood wires and then remembered several scenes from several show I watched. I want to grab the arrow, spin and throw it right back at him like a javelin, but I also remember one key detail, your own magic can't hurt you.

-I can use disruption and break the spell or...-

-I can tell what you're thinking- Dabria responded -Don't let my brother's training go to waste, use corruption-

My eyes then glowed, corruption is a skill that the gods can use in order to turn their opponent's spells against themselves, essentially turning their spell into your own, the only way that can make your opponents own spells hurt them.

The vampire sensed something wrong with his spell, as if he was losing control of it which hasn't happened before, so he shot it before he lost control, but it was too late as his spell has become mine. I sidestepped and grabbed the arrow, spun and threw it right back at him like a javelin.

-That's going to kill him- Dabria commented -Save him-


I then warped him out of the way at the last second as the javelin hit and destroyed a part of the arena.

"Aren't those arena enforced by runes and enchantments?" I whistled "You're strong"

He then shot a lightning bolt at me, I caught it and ate it.

"Why didn't you use lightning magic earlier? You now have barely enough to shoot out 1 more"

"I just recently unlocked the it, so I'm not used to it" He answered "I forfeit!"

"The victory goes to Perseus Silver" the referee announced and the crowd cheered

"Can you do paperwork? Maybe also lead some soldiers?"

"Why do you think I'm joining this tournament? I'm here to become the prince" he retorted with tears in our eyes "Now thanks to you, I've lost my chance"

"You okay there, bud?"

"Don't call me that, my name is Ranger Alder" he wiped a tear in his eyes "But you deserve the win, you're strong"

"Alright then, server me, Ranger, like Urie, I will usually stay outside due to some of my business and I would need a guy to keep things here in order, what do you say?"

"You recruiting me?"

"Well what else am I doing?"

"I'll think about it" He replied "I'll give you an answer later"

"Well be quick, cuz otherwise, I'm finding someone else for the position"


"Oh he'll accept the position" Nova laughed "It's better than nothing, not just that, working with a prince should be a great honor for a vampire, and by accepting your offer, you can do whatever you want while he work for you"

"Yep, I get a great position and I have a guy to do all the work for me, but that is if I get to the top 2 first, with these eyes, it should be easy"

"Wouldn't you need more than one person to do all that for you?" Nova asked

"I'll be stupid to only recruit one guy, being the prince gives you lots of money from tax payers, I either save it all for myself or I give it away to my employees, I like my free time, so I'm giving it all to them"

"Overworking your employees? Cruel as always" he sighs "But cruelty is part of life"

"Hearing that from the god of life himself makes me feel so much better about myself"

"Oh you actually feel a bit of guilt"

"Of course, I'm not a monster...Okay maybe I am...just a bit"

"Checkmate" he laughed "You got distracted!"

"You fucker!"