Chapter 159: Prince (4)

"You are very non vampire-like, you do not deserve the prince position, it will go to someone like me, a lady of discipline" My opponent said as she took out a rapier

She was this vampire looked to be in her late 20s, 176cm tall, brown eyes and black hair, dark drown skin and dressed in this 1800s French military uniform, she is in the mid grey core.

-What's her name again? I didn't listen when the referee announced it-

-Didn't you look at her files?- Dabria asked

-Yeah, but I only focused on her achievements and fighting style, not name-

-Shamita Stern- Dabria sighs

"If I get voted into the prince position, will you come work for me as my disciplinary officer?"

"If you become the prince sure," Shamita nodded and got to her stance "But I don't see that happening anytime today or in the future"

"Start!" The referee shouted as she charged at me

Her rapier was then surrounded by aura as her sword came at super high speed, I dodged it but the sword slashed through my cheek, but there was no injuries on my cheek which baffled her.

"Are your skin that strong?" She asked as she jumped back and prepared another attack

"Nope, my armor might looks like it's only protecting my torso and arms, but there's a thin sheet of barrier created by my armor, unknown to the naked eye and it is spread all around my body" I explained "Last time that I got slightly injured in a fight was with a god, or I can deactivate some parts of it when I need to draw out my own blood"

"So attacking any part of your body is just like attacking the armor itself" she concluded "Thanks for the hint, because vampire-style attacks taught by the kingdom will most likely not work on you, I might have to change it a bit"

-Their style is a fighting style that slowly draws out blood and finishing them with brute force only when the opponent is weak, well that style won't work on me-

She then gathered her mana into her sword, as wind and water started to swirl around her sword, she then charged in again, I used my eyes to disrupt the magic so that only aura would be left, she was shocked by it but still continued to charge forward.

I then clad my arms with aura, when she tried thrust it at me again, but I was prepared as I sidestepped to the right and went under, using my left to grab her sword and my other hand to grab her sword arm, I then flung her and smashed her against the ground.

I used earth magic to summon up a pillar at where she's at to hit her up into the sky, I then surround myself with lightning magic and jumped towards her. She recovered but reacted to late as my knee hit her in the gut and she coughed out some blood, I spun and kicked her downwards. When my kick made contact with her body, lightning crackled and exploded. She then crash landed on the ground hard.

As I fell, I summoned some fireballs and shot it at her as she tried to get up, she summoned a barrier made from wind and water under the onslaught, so I switched and use lightning magic, the water conducted the electricity and spread to her too.

I summoned up metal rope and trapped her in place, I landed in front of her, and blue flames started to come out of my hand as I aimed it at her.

"Incinerate" I casted as flames burst out and shot at her before she could escape.

When the flames died down, she wasn't even conscious anymore as the metal rope I created starts to melt on her skin, her body was singed, with her hair ablaze.

I then casted phoenix robe on her, so that she doesn't die.

"Victory goes to Perseus Silver" the referee announced as healers came in to heal her.

My magic did its work as most her skin was no longer singed and healed most of her injuries, but her clothes was badly burnt, so I turned away in order to not see her naked body even though it was very tempting.

-Pervert- Dabria insulted

-Hey, I'm not even peeking-

-But you are thinking about it-

-No, I'm thinking of the memories you shared with me-

-Wait, you're- -

-Yep, I've seen you naked before, and that's enough to keep me going for today-

-You pervert!- she retorted

-Hey, you've seen me naked too, you're as much as a pervert as I am. It's your fault for wanting to share our memories-

-That's because it was required! hmph- she pouted

-Haven't experienced this for a very long time- Ace chuckled -They really like a married couple, they're together till death do they part, they share each other's secret, they've seen each other naked, and fight a lot-

-If we are married, then I want a divorce!- Dabria retorted

-Well your fault for picking me, and like the rules said, you're stuck with me until I die-


3rd person view

"He's in the top 4 now, intimidated yet?" Urie teased "He even recruited 2 promising vampires to work under him, him and your son have to just beat one more and then they're the top 2"

"And with our bet, he would already have gotten 2 votes, just 1 more is all he needs" Dillard clicked his tongue "I can convince Lillian not to vote for him, she rather have him work for her instead of being her equal, but the other 2 on the other hand, if they decide to vote for him, my son will have to wait decades for another chance like this, and your son isn't even using his full power, you corrupteds have one more form, right?"

"Yep, but we can't use it unless our life was on the line, it is very very powerful to say the least, young master Zach's is already powerful without one, if there is someone in this world who has the potential to make him use it, it's Perseus Silver" Urie replied "He might laze around and order people to do things for him, but he works very hard in the background, and it's paying off, his strength is rising at a very alarming rate"