Chapter 172: Kraken (2)

| 3 chapters today? Yes, I'm in a good mood today, that's why |

The rest of the ship felt it too, a large being was heading and coming in our direction. The boat was shaking.

"Oi what the hell is this?!" Perun shouted as he grabbed the handle to stay still

"Our help, last time, it was a miracle that I can put her to sleep, she was too angry to expect an attack from me, no matter how strong you are, the moment you sleep in the void, you'll be there for hours unless I deactivate it. If it was a regular battle, my sword would've only made her drowsy since she would have expected an attack"

"Yeah, I figured, your sword can affect us both mentally and physically" Bora gritted his teeth "I never want to see you and your bonds go all out again"

"Fear got you, huh? Well I don't think I'll be using 'void of eternal nightmares' today, you don't have to worry"

The leviathan then erupted from the water and roared alerting our enemy who was far away too, the enemy then hasten their ritual to summon the kraken.

"What do you need from me?" The leviathan asked

"Well in several minutes, a kraken will be summoned from the whirlpool, and that kraken can't be killed no matter what you do, the only way to kill it is to give a killing shot once sunlight has made contact with it which is about 9 hours from now"

"So you want my help to restrain it until sunrise?"

"Yep, if you feel like you're in danger, retreat, you got kids and I can't make them orphans. If you can go on, I'll heal you"

"Consider it done, this is shall be me repaying you for finding my child" the leviathan replied as my nexus slowly disappeared from my hand


The summoning ritual must've been completed as the whirlpool glowed really bright.

"Guys, it's time, Jake move the ship further away, there's going to be a storm coming"

"Already on it" Jake replied

I then warped all of the ones going above their ship and dropped on it. Apart from Me, Ace and Siege, they all went to the whirlpool in order to fight the kraken.

-I can't wait to see how my improved skills and aura work on them- Ace said and jumped one of them with Siege following close behind. ace was shooting wind blades and fireballs to distract them and using spatial magic afterwards to erase their body

-You mostly use long range moves anyway, aura is more useful for me- Siege pointed out as he clad his fangs with aura and bit one of the enemy's neck and ripped it off

I then saw the guy I was supposed to kill. He was a guy named Roman, 182 cm tall, black hair and have blindfolds over his eyes. His blindness can't be healed since he offered his sight to a god, according to the rumors. He held a greatsword and wears little armor but all of them are S-rank and only has one magic attribute, wind.

"Where are the rest going?" he mocked "A child and 2 magic beasts can't kill a few dozen people"

"Well this child is an executive from the seekers of salvation, your arch enemy"

"They've made a child in the mid purple core an executive, oh how fall have you all fallen" he shook his head "You are not lying either, I can tell from the sound of your heartbeat, why are you here?"

"To kill the kraken"

"And here I thought that the father of magic was a peaceful scholar, he really has gone senile after all those years" he chuckled "Everyone leave the boy to me, kill the beasts and then we'll kill all those after the kraken, we must let the kraken roam free. And the seekers that are in our way, eliminate them"

"Cool, but don't underestimate my bonds, they have already killed a dozen of your men"

-You jinxed us- Ace said as he dodged one of the oncoming spells

-They're no longer letting their guard down- Siege agreed

-Now it's going to take you all longer, good job for raising stupid flags- Dabria applauded sarcastically

"Say, if I win, how about you tell me who you offered your sight to and why you did it"

"Fine, if I win, how about you tell me the location of your hideout" he replied


I then charged at him and brought my sword down, but he was quick despite holding such a huge sword.

"Despite being blind, all my other senses are enhanced you know" he mocked as he charged at me while being clad with wind magic and aura. I used 'presence' to hide myself and sound magic to eliminate any noise I make.

I then used curse magic to erase his other senses. He had a face of shock.

"Where are you?" he asked as he started to panic a bit, no matter how little presence a person have, they're always detectable but with my ability is the only one that can prove it wrong "It seems like you are my fated enemy, the ones from my nightmares"

He calmed down a bit and spread fast wind into a large field, and it's the only way to he can sense me, it's similar to echolocation, but he used his wind to determine my location using the reflected wind. He then charged towards me with wind swirling around his sword like a tornado, I charged towards him and surround Dream Eater with aura and slashed his attack in 2 and slashed a bit of his chest in the process.

He can't feel pain but he can feel that the wind around his sword dispersed. So he flew backwards. I then threw Dream Eater like javelin towards his chest.

"A swordsman should not throw their sword, that's our number 1 rule" he laughed as he tried to catch the sword mid-air, but it just went through his chest and came out clean the other side.

I then warp to him and hold my sword that was in his chest suspending him in the air. Due to the sword in his chest, he can feel his mana getting sucked out at an alarming rate. I then deactivated all my spells allowing him to hear and feel pain again, he coughed up blood and groaned in pain.

"Good sword" he smiled as blood started pouring "The sword felt so heavy when I tired to

"Well? Our bet?"

"Lawliet, the god of...death" he spitted out "It...wasn't by choice"

-There are so many variation of gods of the same thing, I can't even remember all their names, is he mispronouncing it?-

-No, that's an actual name- Dabria responded

-Sounds like a fictional character I know-

"I insulted...his believers...including my own parents and...killed and...tortured...his saint...and this is my punishment..."he then took his last breath

-He must have gouged the eyes of his victims-

-I agree with the punishment, he deserved it- Dabria agreed

-Remind me not to do that in the future, if a saint is our enemy, I'll just kill them in one attack-

-Noted, but don't worry, they can't do anything with me here, besides there are exceptions, like if the saint attack you first,- Dabria reassured -Or if you're a reincarnate-

-Oh then I'll just do whatever the hell I want then-