Chapter 189: House (2)

3rd person view

"Staring at your boyfriend's sleeping face really is cute" Cordelia said as she poked Perseus' cheek

Perseus then grabbed her finger and opened his eyes with a smirk

"I have enhanced hearing, remember?" he reminded

"Well it was good while it lasted" Cordelia giggled

"Sleep, you need some rest, I invited some people over for lunch"

"Well it'll your job to wake me up" she giggled

"You're lucky you're cute"


1st person view

"Ah welcome guys, I got lunch just about ready"

I invited my family over to the house in the morning since apart from Cordelia and my bonds, they haven't been here before.

"No wonder you wanted a small house" John said as he looked around "Since you'll mostly be using this spatial dimension anyway"

"What's this?" Olivia asked pointing at the oven

"An oven powered by mana, it's quicker and more convenient than a regular wood fired oven, but it's definitely doesn't taste as good" Diana answered as the rest of my family was fascinated by the gadgets I have around my house.

"Will you teach us?" Emily asked

"I would but none of you have the spatial attribute, but I'll teach you powerful spells. Ones that are strong enough to beat your dad"

"Where's big sis? I thought that she'll be here" Oliver asked

"She's sleeping, so don't disturb her"

-Sleeping huh- Dabria said -Did you guys do it all night?-

-I don't have that kind of energy, you know, I need my sleep too-

-Spoken like a true son of the sleeping god- Diana commented

-Please don't remind me-

-Well you should go wake your girlfriend up- Damon said -I'll take care of the food-

-Come back quick or else me and Siege will finish everything- Ace warned

-Yes, I'm quite hungry so I'll be eating a lot- Siege nodded

"Don't do anything while we're in the house" Eliza shouted "Keep it to your alone time"


"Wake up, you're going to miss lunch" I said as I shook her lightly

"Lunch...time, already?" she yawned "I missed breakfast?"

"Don't worry, I made lots and invited my family over, your brother and father couldn't join, but your mom should also be arriving in an hour or so. So wash up, Dabria got some of your clothes in our future shared closet already, so you can have your pick"

"I like it here" She laughed "I get free food and everything handed to me while living with someone I like, I don't think that I want to move"

"Well you will have to move, since I haven't started to live here yet"

"Help me to the showers, I can barely feel my legs" she requested as she opened her arms "Even with the healing, it still feels a bit sore"

"You're literally naked"

"You seen it before, so why does it matter?"

< You readers sure are having some lewd thoughts there, aren't cha? No, I'm not a mind reader and I don't need to be to know>

"I've healed your legs, you should be able to move"

"Then I'll stay right here on the bed" she pouted "Either you move me or you don't"

"Fine" I reluctantly gave in to her request


"There you 2 are, you sure took your sweet time" Dad chuckled as we walked down the stairs

"It was her fault, not mine"

"Then whose fault is it that I barely got any sleep?" she countered as my dad whistles while the rest were looking away despite paying full attention to what we were saying.

"There are literal children in the room"

"Not very princess-like my daughter, tsk tsk tsk" Marella shook her head "There are things that you shouldn't do before marriage"

"Well..." John cough

"Really runs in their blood, huh" Mom said to which Olivia nodded

"What are you guys talking about?" Oliver asked

"You'll understand it one day" Ace responded as he tried to change the subject "Come on, let's play"

"Or read" Siege suggested "Perseus got many books about magic spells here"

"If anything, she was the one who pushed me down"

"You didn't even resist, and who wouldn't be charmed if their boyfriend feed them chocolate ice-cream while saying that chocolate is as effective as an aphrodisiac" she argued

"I mean what kind of idiot would resist against such a temptation"

"He's got a point" Dad agreed as mom then grabbed him by the ear

-Out of all things to fight about, this is the one, you 2 are weird- Dabria commented

-Which is why they compliment each other in the strangest of ways- Diana giggled

"Lunch is ready" Damon called out as I help arrange our lunch


I then told them everyone briefly about the warning from Colden, Marella seems to get the gist of it since she knows that I'm a reincarnate, won't take long for her to piece it out for Zach and Albert as well.

"So you're now an enemy of several gods?" Eliza asked "That is the most coolest and horrifying thing I've learned in my life"

"I don't think that any of my equipments will be able to help you go against a god" Luke added "I thought another goddess captured him last time"

"He managed to escape otherwise he won't be giving me that warning"

"Why would he warned you?" Uncle John asked

"He's the type of guy who likes to see a struggle, so that's probably why"

"So that's why we can't kill Zach yet, 3 is better than 2 or 1, if we want to survive, we could use a guy who can go against the whole continent by himself" Damon added

"If we hadn't saved Artia from Colden back then, then we wouldn't need to fear him right now, but if we hadn't, he would've taken over every kingdom by now"


3rd person view

On Zach's table, there is now 3 necklaces, one with a water droplet pendant that Perseus got, one with a leaf pendant and one with a rock pendant.

"That's 3, just 4 more" Zach laughed as he sees the necklace on the table "You 3 should've just taken a break and rest like the others"

"I was bored, so I forced my loser of a brother to come along" Azure responded "Besides, it's fun beating those guys while they're down"

"It's fine, young master" Alice giggled "It was a bit boring waiting around anyway"