Chapter 203: Damon's parents

"I wanted to wake you up violently and scream 'wake up, sunshine!', but you guys wake up too early" Galem said as he stood in front of our cavern

"Don't do that, because my girlfriend is still sleeping, so what are you doing here so early in the morning, Damon is in the next cavern sleeping in his dragon form"

"No, I just wanted to meet you" Galem answered before transforming into a human and approached me "You bonded with both a dragon and a phoenix, not a lot of people throughout history can accomplish it"

"So what do you want from me, Galem?"

"Nothing, I'm just here to check what's so special about you" he answered "You didn't just bond with any ordinary dragon, but a candidate for a lord position at that, you are very very unique"

"Just a question, what about Diana, she was also abandoned as an egg. Phoenixes don't do that, is there a competition to select the future lord for them too?"

"No" he shook his head "The chickens are very free spirited, they do not bother to have a lord, the only authoritative ones you can find are the leaders of each settlement, but otherwise none"

-That means that it's going to be harder to find than Damon's- Dabria concluded

-It's not like I'm looking for them either- Diana responded -I have you guys and even if they're still alive, they've made their decisions when they chose to leave me, so I doubt our reunion will be a good one-


As usual, we are riding on Damon's back as he fly alongside Ron and Galem on our journey to meet his parents.

-Can you 2 stop flirting already? You're making me jealous- Diana grumbled

-We're not even doing anything-

-She's snuggling against you and you're both giving each other that really happy look, that makes me jealous- Diana argued

-Just sleep through it- Siege advised

-Well I'm trying on sleep on his lap, but sleeping while flying is really hard- Ace responded

-Well it seems like we're almost there, so hang on- Damon joined in -We can warp there later if we need to-

"Don't you need a bit more sleep?" Lia asked "I don't think you had a good sleep last night, I can give you a lap pillow if you want"

-See, Dabria? Why can't you be more like her?-

-That's because I'm a goddess who will not indulge in your delusional fantasies- Dabria replied

-Boom! Destroyed- Ace snickered

-Yeah, harsh- Diana agreed

"What did I do to even deserve you?"

"As long as you continue to be cute, I'll be there for you" Lia giggled

We arrived at the cave in about 2 hours and with Ron and Galem there, we are easily granted entry. Due to Damon being the only dragon lord candidate of the snow dragons, it wasn't long till we see his parents running towards him.

Galem then did the blood resonance magic to see if it was actually a match, just to make sure. The blood from the tree glowed brightly signifying that it was a match, confirming that the 2 dragons really are his parents. The 2 dragon cheered with with tears in their eyes as they hugged him(Yes, dragons hugs) with joy.

"I'm sorry, my boy. We had no choice" His mom cried while apologizing "They force us to separate from you"

"We tried to hide you, but we weren't strong enough, what's your name, son?" his dad asked while holding his face and checking him if he's healthy or not

"My name is" Damon hesitated a bit, but calling his father dad only made the dragons cry even harder

-Not strong enough? Never thought that I'd hear that from a dragon- Siege grumbled

-Yeah, they can easily rival many powerful mages of Artia despite being old and in the grey core- Ace agreed


3rd person view

Zach is in his office like usual with Draven, Alice and Stella as company, they're trying to find one of the secretly guarded beasts.

"We've finally found it! We found one of the hidden beasts, though in this's not really a beast" Zach said "I definitely can't send Perseus after this one"

"Well if it's me, it might be a bit too messy, so I'll leave it to the others" Alice sighs

"I can do it boss, I can kill the guy and leave no trace apart from the few remaining magic remnants at the scene" Draven said

"I can do it too" Stella joined in

"I'll leave this personally to the twins" Zach said "But Draven accompany them, the champions are probably guarding him"

"When will you tell my brother?" Stella asked

"After the operation is finished" Zach answered "He'll understand. To think that they're hiding it in plain sight all this time is so smart of them... "


1st person view

We were escorted to a cavern next to the one where Damon's parents are and it would serve as our guest room. We gave Damon his space and time to talk with his parents, they are currently discussing a bit about their lives in order to catch up with each other.

"So you have a chi- I mean a phoenix as a sister?" His mom asked "We're not the only ones who think that this is weird right?"

"You're not the first ones to mention that, even my bond over there thought so when we first met in that forest" Damon pointed at me

"Don't worry, I'm used to it now that I bonded with the 2 of you"

"I know that you probably have other plans for at least the next month, but...would you mind staying with us for a little longer. We've waited long enough for this day" His dad asked "Of course, you can leave. We weren't there for you, so you have no reasons to stay"

"Yes, please think about it for a bit" his mom added "We do not care about this whole lord business, we just want to see our child"

-You do you, Damon, don't even ask any of us for permission-

-Yeah, don't even turn towards our direction- Siege added

-He sounds reasonable for once- Dabria commented

-I'm really having a hard time determining whether you care for me or not-

-You'll journey with us after this anyway, I'd say go for it- Ace suggested

-Yeah, we have a bit of spare time- Diana nodded -I can stay behind with you for a bit if you want-