Chapter 210: Yep...they're my kids... (2)

"Well do you mind giving me a blood sample, it'll benefit in both my experiments and there might be something different in your blood that I can find to help you" Rex said "Kamila reported nothing interesting these days, you 2 will definitely help with my boredom"

"I'll help you with that, because this both baffles me and intrigues me at the same time" Zach said

"Can I spend time with you 2?" Stella asked Jaxon and Paris

"Sure" Jaxon answered "But please do not forget your objective, you gotta help us get back. The longer we stay here, the worse it gets and affect you."

"Dad, can I spend some time with you and mom instead?" Paris asked "If not, I can spend it auntie Stella"

"Sure, but let me give you a warning, because I really am not used to this"

-Reminds me of the dates I went with her that the author couldn't include due to his laziness, sometimes, I'm just too socially awkward-


3rd person view

"Is he at his new house?" Professor Emma asked

"Oh, you really don't wanna go there right now, professor" Axel replied "Trust me, for us who are his family members, we are incredibly happy. But it's you..."

"Confusion would be an understatement" Mary finished his sentence

"Oh please, have you seen the reports on your son? Or even hear the rumors? I don't think you know how much I can handle this" Eleanor replied "We need to see him"

"Well suit yourselves, because you're definitely going for a treat" Axel chuckled "I want to get to know them more, but I'll let them have their private time for now"

< But haven't Perseus and Cordelia been dating for a while? Did he proposed to her or something for these reactions? > Emma thought < I should've brought Wally and Wilson with me >

< Private time...? Is he...? > Eleanor face then got bright red < Indecent, you're a princess! And if they did...before marriage...unacceptable! >


1st person view

We are walking through the supermarket I own in Neelofar and doing a little shopping since I don't know where else to go and take her

"It's really nostalgic" Paris said "It reminds me of the time you take me shopping"

"Well you'll be back soon, and maybe you can get the whole family to take you then" Lia replied "And your father here is going to help you go back, isn't that right, my lovely prince?"

"That's a pretty long nickname"

-The person who can do this...they're strong.- Siege commented -And ridiculously so, they're also targeting you if it's your children that they brought-

-Have you asked Hypnos?- Dabria asked

-She finally talk again- Ace commented

-Maybe he came from a different and ridiculous timeline where I'm stupid enough to love him is the only reason as why I'm calm right now- Dabria responded

-I haven't been able to invade Hypnos' dream yet, since I'm not strong enough, but for now, we'll focus on helping Damon becoming the lord and find a way to get these 2 back-

-I'll focus on my training over here, other dragons have offered to help me train and possibly get past the white core. You focus on helping your children- Damon joined in

-Yeah, I'll heal his injuries and help him with his training like old times- Diana added -Focus on your children-

"Dad, you okay over there?" Paris asked

"Sorry, conversations with my bonds and Dabria right now, a lot of things talk through my head, so hard to focus"

"There you are!" A familiar voice proclaimed

It was professor Emma and Eleanor who approached me very angrily.

-Is this about Lucas again?-

"I can't believe you" she said "Lucas is dead, and despite being his friend and former classmate, you are still working for the very people who murdered him. And instead of attending his funeral, you're here going on a date with 2 women. I can't believe that I used to like you"

"Professor, too much information" Eleanor said

"I have a lot of things to point out. But I'll keep it short, first of all, I can't attend his funeral, you know that, I'm exiled. Second, if I go on a date, I won't bring my bonds with me and lastly, I'm not dating Paris, just the thoughts of it disgust me. No offense, Paris"

"None taken, Dad" Paris replied

"Dad? Is this some sort of new kink of yours?" Professor Emma accused

"Yeah, Perseus, I thought more of you" Eleanor added "To even think of doing this in public, that's just disappointing"

"Please keep it down, we're in a public place. And yes, aw man, I can't believe that I'm saying this, she's my daughter, Paris Silver"

"Perseus, if this is your sick idea of a joke, I don't find it funny" Professor Emma retorted "You're 16, how can you have a daughter this old? Explain that to me"

"You're really making our little family trip a horrible one" with a snap of my fingers, we warped to my house.

I opened the door to see Jaxon and Stella playing poker.

"Hello brother, wanna join in?" Stella greeted

"Hey dad, you're here early" Jaxon greeted

"Oh man, Perseus, you are disgusting" Eleanor said

"Well meet my 2 kids, Jaxon and Paris Silver"


"You know what, forget all this!" Eleanor yelled "I don't blame you Lucas' death, but you could have at least warned us"

"How many times do I have to say that I DIDN'T KNOW! Are your heads for decoration?!"

"Good one, dad" Jaxon laughed

"You, whoever you are, shut up!" Eleanor demanded "Now explain this!"

"I told you, I don't know. I got home and there they are"

"What's next then?!" Eleanor yelled "You're some sort of magical spirit that reincarnated into this world?! You realize how stupid this is?"

| How do they all guess that? |

-I know, impressive- Dabria clapped

"Yeah, besides that boy looks nothing like Cordelia, he has black hair! Whose child is he?" Professor Emma then gasped "Is it that phoenix of yours?"

"Now that's just messed up. In what world would I hit on my own bond?! Explain that to me"

"Yeah, he may be a pervert, but he got standards" Diana supported me

"Thank yo- What?"

"Yeah, besides Perseus is careful, he use contraceptive magic all the time" Lia chimed in

"You 2 DID IT?! BEFORE MARRAIGE?!" the 2 shouted

"Lia, that's not helping"

"Yeah, besides it's more awkward for me" Paris coughed "I'm your daughter, I shouldn't be hearing this"

"You know what, that's besides the point" professor Emma then took deep breaths "Whose child is that?! He has your features, but not Cordelia's"

-Hiding Dabria's existence sure is hard-

"Well he is, so deal wit it" Siege responded

"Yeah, you can't talk to my future son like that"

"Hehhehe" Professor Emma then laughed "Oh I must be dreaming! That's the only possible explanation for this"

3rd person view

Arthur finally arrived at the royal forge and prepping his weapon in a hidden corner. He is doing this alone and didn't even tell his members as to not let information leak out

< Eliza Iron, I already got rid of the mother, and she will definitely bring him out. I hear that Stella is currently in the kingdom, so I better be careful > Arthur thought to himself in the shadows < Only Andrius and her have the power to beat me, the boy is the one with the most potential, so I'll rid him first. >

He waited for hours through that day. Eliza and Luke were the last to leave the forge and he chose that moment to strike.


1st person view

I warped to the royal forge after the call. The guards found it suspicious that Luke and Eliza haven't left the forge despite the head forgemaster already left, they went and investigate to see the scene before immediately informing me.

I warped to the scene and see that Luke's body is bloodied and on his arms was letters that was carved out with a knife. It spelled out a location. I then use phoenix robe on him and healed his injuries after I quickly memorized it.

"Eliza, is she taken?"

"He said that his name is Arthur" Luke replied

"If that bastard thinks that he can mess with me by capturing someone close to me, it's on, cuz I'll fucking kill him"

I then made a phone call to Zach.

"Hey what's u-" he got interrupted by me

"Zach, I'm killing Arthur" I said as I then ended the call and went to the location "Ace, Siege stay behind to look after everyone. Check on the Iron's house too to see if there's anything strange. I'll go save Eliza"