Chapter 230: Demons and gods (4)

-That's one god down, now what about the other 3? Did Zach and I managed to kill them before the other gods get to intervene?-

-They're trying but some force is stopping them- Dabria responded -The higher-ups is now directly handling the problem-

I then warped to everyone. I can sense the 3 gods, they're still alive, but barely and are hanging on their last threads. The demon lord? Dead. 'Equalizer' seems to have worn off after Maren die. But at least I can still continue to fight with the amount of mana I have left, well barely fight anyway.

"Gods really are stubborn, huh? After all that and they're still not dead" Damon joked

"Yeah, and unlike us, they also don't get exhausted easily. How long have we been fighting?" Diana asked

"8 hours?" Zach guessed "Didn't really keep track on time"

"Yeah, well I tricked one into a handshake and managed to kill him. Colden definitely wouldn't have shaken my hand and gave me the winning opportunity."

"Well as much as I'm enjoying this, I can't keep my demon form for long" Erix huffed "And we're only barely winning"

"Yeah, and I don't think I can use 'equalizer' again either. Go wild?"

"I like that idea" Urie laughed "I'm having so much fun"


3rd person view

"I won" Albert panted and fall onto his knees

"Too late" a small slime rex laughed "The fight is already almost finished...thanks for sparing me though, I'm still going to get to experiment on things I find interesting"

"I hate you" Albert mumbled before passing out

Rex in his tiny slime form then got out a vial and took a blood sample from Albert and then sees Perun who flew over

< That small presence he gave off just resemble those gods who fought the others > Rex thought

"He struggled better than I expected, sorry for taking long" Perun apologized as he arrived "Should I finish the 2 of them?

"No, let them be. Take me and help me spectate the fight" Rex ordered


1st person view

Mass amount of mana then got sucked into a spot and manifested a black medallion. As we charged against the 3 gods, the sky boomed. And several lightning bolt shot across the sky.

The largest lightning bolt then struck in front of me and a tall old man with a toga appeared and his eyes crackle with lightning. He seems mad as he glared me down and with one of his arms on my collar.

-Oh shit-

-Yeah, it seems like you recognize him already- Dabria whispered -And I'm sure that he's mad after all the insults you threw at him.-

-Yeah, and he's also known for being short tempered- Damon nodded

-You're so dead- Siege added as he spectated from far away

-Well, Perseus, just know that it's been an honor being your bond- Ace joked

"So...Zeus, are you here to help? beard hehehe"

"Perseus Silver" his voice boomed "You really think that I would left you off after all those insults?"

"I mean yeah...I guess. Have you seen the internet? I know you gods have them, many people insult you for fun. have more children than most love gods combined"

"You infuriate me more since you're the son of that bastard. God of sleep, tch, why do we even need him anyway? Humans would be so much more productive if they don't need sleep"

"You're just saying that cuz you want to enjoy longer action time with your secret mortal lovers"

"That is partly true, but I also hate your father for putting me to sleep all those times"

"Kill him" Colden shouted as the 3 gods charged in

Zeus who still have my by my neck then engaged them in battle pulling me with him. With one arm, he dodged their attacks and punched Colden in the gut before ending him with a large lightning bolt from the sky.

He then created a giant sword made from lightning and struck the other 2 down. He even summoned several lightning bolts on the 3 corpses for good measure leaving smoking corpses.

I think I'm going to get sick from him moving around all the time, dodging their attacks. but I kept myself from puking, if I throw up on him, I might really die.

-So Zoro wasn't the unexpected help? Cool- Dabria commented -But you're still so dead, don't worry, I'll make sure that your next life, you will be born as a son of a billionaire, I can pull in some favors-

-He killed them like they were insects, I lost like 4/5 of my blood just fighting Maren. Damn. And why is it always lightning gods?-

-Well he's very old, duh. Of course he's strong- Dabria responded -He's one of the higher ups. But your future self is also strong, maybe you can fight him then-

-He'll have to live past the current obstacle first- Diana pointed out

"Now that's one problem done" he grumbled "I can't believe they make me come for such a menial task, should've just send in an enforcer like Elektra last time"

"So can you let my collar go now, I lost a lot of blood earlier and..."

The sky then boomed again so I shut up as he glared at me.

"I mean, you won't kill someone who share the same name as one of your son right?"

-Oh he absolutely will- Dabria responded

-Nice knowing you buddy- Ace chimed in

"Let my brother go!" Stella demanded

Erix and Stella tried to charge against him but one lightning bolt each was enough to take them down.

"Guys, stay down" Zach ordered "Draven, go get that medallion. Do not attempt a sneak attack"

Draven then went for the medallion as the rest of us are left to deal with the big guy himself.

"I would love to kill you right now, but this time, punishment would be severe" Zeus grumbled "I was tempted to transform as your father and sleep with your mother, but damn Hera for getting in my way and Hephaestus' smithing skills for keeping me down"

"Zeus, trust me on this, if you sleep with my mom, I would hunt you down and sleep with your wife afterwards"

"You don't have the guts to sleep with anyone's wife" he replied "You aren't me"

-I don't know if that's something he should be proud of- Diana commented

-You want to dies by Zeus too?- Damon asked -If you want, since we're close, you can just fly up to him and say it to his face-

-Dear Dabria, no- Diana shook her head

-Since when have we started to substitute the word god with Dabria?- Siege questions

"Fair point, Lia would kill me...and Eliza would be the one supplying her the weapons. And Hera won't let anyone sleep with her either...well not unless you die, then there's a possibility"

"You think you're funny now, huh, Mr. funnyman?!" Zeus scowled

"I wouldn't say that I'm funny...but this novel does have a comedy tag, so as the protagonist, I have many obligations to make jokes here and there...especially in front of a god who's really pissed at my existence"

| I'm fucking done, anymore 4th wall breaks that I should be aware of?! |

We then heard faint claps in the distance.

"Well this ended quicker than we thought" A guy chuckled

I turned to see this handsome guy, 184cm tall, blond hair, and his eyes colors changing every second. He is wearing a fancy suit with a bow on his back.

"Hey, that's Eros, the guy who even the gods fear, a reference to a story about Psyche. She was destined to marry a monster that even the gods fear, I was right! Nova, we were right!"

-I don't think you should be happy when an enemy of that level appear- Ace responded -...Who am I kidding? I want to fight him!-

-I would love to say we, but this is all on you, congrats- Nova complimented me out of nowhere

"Smart boy" Eros chuckled "By the way, Elizabeth's and Cordelia's feelings for you are very genuine, don't mess up."

"Thanks for that...Say, I know that you're supposed to be my enemy and all, but can you make Zeus stop holding me by my collar, my adrenaline is gone now and it kinda starting to hurt and with him holding me like this, it's not helping"

"I like you, too bad that we're destined to be enemies" Eros replied

"I hate destiny, maybe we can go for a couple of drinks after this and see how it goes, non alcoholic of course"

"You're asking me on a date?"

"What gave you that idea? I just want to see if we can be allies rather than enemies"