"So based on your picture of the woman you gave us, we found her and identified her body" the informant told me "She's dead, Grace Leven. her actual name is...."
I remember being devasted at that fact and couldn't even focus on anything else. I lost the only person who was there for me, I remember crying a lot as my siblings tried their best to comfort me.
But I got up on my feet, they also lost someone dear to them and yet they comforted me. I guess they became my everything, we argued a lot, and we shed a lot of blood. In the end, I guess they became people who are as dear to me as she was.
The next scene is me squirming in pain as I got tied to this stretcher as some doctors and researchers take a look at me. In a certain mission, I got a whiff of the gorgers acidic breath and trying my best to not lose control.
"Interesting, he somehow resisted the gorgers breath and not get infected" one guy commented
"But his blood is strange, the ability ferocity is now a bit stranger than before" guy#2 replied
I remember all the rumors that comes up about me later, I resisted becoming an infected but it came at a price, unlike other people with ferocity who only gets stronger the more injured they are, for me my personality changes a bit, it changes to a person who craves for a fight.
3rd person view
"How much control does he have over that ability?" A general asked
"His personality does change, but he doesn't fight like a brute, he still retains his intelligence" an instructor replied "And not just that, his physical strength has now surpasses that of a regular ability holder"
1st person view
The scene ended and I opened my eyes again on my bed in the orphanage, and I can move, so I ran to the bathroom and checked the date. June 4th, 20XX, just 2 months before the day we die.
| Author's note: All of his past will not be revealed for now, so please understand why I only showed a few portion, there's a reason for it |
-Guys? You there?-
-Ah he's finally awake- Diana responded
-We're here- Ace answered -Where are you?
-You guys are together?-
-Yeah, Eliza and Lia are here- Damon replied -Luckily we prepared clothes to blend in, we've been here for a while.-
-Yeah, we heading your way, and our task is 'Let Grace accomplish his task', so what's your task?- Siege ask
-We would go there earlier, but there's this invisible barrier blocking us from heading to your direction and we can't warp past it- Diana added
I ran back to my bed and found the paper.
- 'Change your fate in 2 months time', that's so vague! So what? I can just go kill those guys before they can betray us 4 and beat the test early?!-
-I don't think you should do that- Siege advised
-Yeah, you might make the test harder, let's just delay it a bit longer- Diana suggested -Though we are coming to meet you and change this illusion's timeline a bit-
-I'll think about it, since I want to end this quick. How long have you been here?-
-Well we've been here for 2 weeks- Damon informed -Ace have used electricity to break those ATMs and cash registers on the way, so we're financially stable-
-What about the cameras and stuff?-
-Don't worry, we stayed far away and I use wind magic to lead those money to us- Ace reassured -No one will know that the money is with us-
-Are you as yourself like us, or are you Grace Leven?- Siege asked
-I'm back to being Grace Leven, I just experienced a few portion of my memories before being able to talk to you guys. It skipped the time the military trained us and beat us. Or that time where we had to kill the infecteds, which are humans that are somehow infected by those monsters-
-You did have regular school where they taught you the regular things- Diana pointed out -Well after you got beat up and everything, so sometimes, you couldn't even focus-
"Grace!" A voice called as Benny pop his head in "That's weird, you're not making us breakfast today, are you not feeling well?"
"Um yeah, kinda"
"Well Kenny made them already, so come eat and get well. It's our day off, so just relax, but do make lunch for us and not forget about pizza night tonight" he said before leaving
A few tears dropped out of my eyes when he left just now, but I then went to the sower and wash up.
Zach warned me about it, but I still feel a bit emotional after seeing him.
I can use magic like normal and can just change everything now, but I'll do it in 2 months like the task suggested.
-Can you guys warp here?-
-No, we can use other magic apart from spatial magic tough- Damon answered
-I can, but I'll just wait, how long till you arrive?-
-Just finish your breakfast, it shouldn't longer than 30 minutes till we arrive- Diana replied
-Are you in your phoenix form?-
-No- Diana answered -I'm in my human form, I can blend in as a person who can transform into a bird and can shoot out black flames-
-You guys got any IDs?- I asked as I headed to the other 3 for breakfast
-Yep, we have fake IDs- Damon replied -And a leash for Siege and Ace-
-I hate it- Siege exclaimed -But it's just a world of illusions, so I'll bear with it-
"Sorry, Kenny I shouldn't sleep in"
"It's fine" he waved me off "You contributed a lot for our last mission, so I understand that you're tired. I'm only a rear support despite being captain, so it should be my job to take care of you. We got waffles today"
"Well without your sniping skills, us 3 on the front lines will also had a tough time" Kelly reassured him "You're not useless"
"Well most squads also have help from other squads." Benny pointed out "We don't"
"Well that's because if they work with us, they'll afraid that they'll be overshadowed and get lesser rewards" Kenny replied "Especially with Grace as the 6th best fighter of our era"
< And their betrayal is what cost us your lives >
"Yeah, working with Mr. big shot really undermine our achievements" Kelly nodded
"You're saying that as if I'm the only big shot" I retorted "Benny is ranked 19th, Kelly 14nd and Kenny is ranked 15th, we're in the top 20!"
"Top 20 and I still can't find a boyfriend or a girlfriend" Kelly grumbled as we laughed and eat our breakfast
My phone then rings with an unknown number after I finished, it's probably the others and there's a high chance that they stolen that phone.
"Hey" Lia said from the other side
"Um hey Lia, how've you been?"
"That's a girl's name" Benny whispered "Since when did he made any female friends apart from Kelly?"
"I don't think he has friends apart from us" Kelly pointed out "Only acquaintances which doesn't include any girls"
"Yeah, and besides I didn't see a name on his phone, yet he recognize her. Did a girl ask for his number while we're away?" Kenny suggested
"Kenny, you should hear yourself, no girl or guy is crazy enough to be interested one of us" Kelly retorted
"Well we're here" Lia replied and immediately hangs up the call as we heard a knock on the door.