Chapter 252: Flashback (3)

A bolt of lightning then hit my spot. Damn, he probably copied the tier 9 lightning manipulation ability. I needed a new cover, so I turned my rifle into single burst mode and shot at his direction.

He then create a barrier made of lightning to block the shot, but the blast went through that and and almost bit him but Karen came to the rescue and use her ability to erase the blast.

But in that short moment, I shot another blast of it, the guy tried to dodge it, but the blast was quicker and erased his left arm along with a portion of his body. I replaced my magazine and put it to normal rifle mode and rapid fire.

I managed to kill him angering Karen, what angered her more was that me and a few others shot up flares signaling an emergency

"Now, tell me a reason for trying to kill us, Karen. Will coming out of this as the sole surviving squad raise your already massive ego for fame?"

"You have always talked too much" she clicked her tongue in annoyance "But us worshippers have finally managed to gather all the strongest soldiers in one spot, you in particular annoys me"

"May I ask why before I get to kill you?"

"Trust me on this, even if you somehow manage to kill us all today, us worshippers have already worked our way up the government." she chuckled "No matter what, this world is doomed like god wanted it too. We have no rights to fight against god's will"

"You realize that you also killed those gorgers right? Won't you also be committing a sin by going against him or her? I don't really believe in your god"

"And that is why I will make up for it by offering him sacrifices like you...unless of course, you join us, Grace" she offered "You can be so muc-"

I didn't give a damn about what she says and I opened fire at her, she charge in ignoring the barrage of shots and use her ability, and this time her range was further than what she can use previously in practices. It erase everything in front of her for the distance about 12m and I see her click her tongue in annoyance.

< 12m is her furthest range > I noted as I change my rifle into the single burst mode and consume the last remaining energy of the current magazine and shoot a small blast.

She dodge that and I charge in with a knife, she dodge that too as I cut her face a bit. She tried to use her ability again, but due to being injured and 'ferocity' activating, I was faster and stab my knife as hard as I could into her shoulder and she screamed in pain.

With her mouth open screaming, I threw my miniature bombs into her mouth and back away, but at insane speed another special caught it and threw it back. Thanks to my distance, it lessens my damage, but it still hurts as I still got flung backwards and shrapnel hit my armor, only a few pierce through it.

I ran and take cover as I inject painkillers and take out some of those shrapnel out of myself.

"Those escorts are dead and now we're outnumbered by the numbers of gorgers" Kenny reported "Our allies are also dropping like flies, we're losing a lot of signals on the stupid radar. Retreat"

"Yeah, I'm not arguing" Kelly joined in "Run, I'll cover you"

"Fuck, I'm not having an easy time with Karen and now another special join in, I'll join you guys"

"You're not leaving here alive, Grace Leven" special #2 claimed as I poke out my head to see him but took cover again as several bullets whiz by.

Karen is using one arm to shoot as the special's body then ignited into flames, I then got out of my miniature fire extinguishing bomb and threw it as it blew and created a small smokescreen which gave me time to run towards the others who are retreating.

Bullets started to fly past me as I ran, the special who just arrived then somehow appeared right before me blocking my path, his arm then turned into that of a bear and swung it as I jumped onto its arm and dash forward to deliver a knee kick into its face.

And before I could even land, at incredible speed it grabbed me by the collar and threw me upwards into a building breaking through a few ceilings. I then injected another painkiller as I got up and hid under a desk and reload my rifle.

< It has a cooldown between each use of superspeed, and it can also turn into animals, shit seriously won't belong till 'ferocity' change my personality, I don't think I can hold it in for any longer >

I saw an eagle fly into the building and I open fire at it, after hitting it several times, it started to change back into its original form. My rifle did nothing but annoy it or give it minor bruises.

"So annoying" it complained as I can then sense the building tilting and I slid. Karen probably used her ability to erase the walls and everything supporting the building as it collapse.

I got the radio and call the others as I head for the window to jump out

"Guys, leave without me, Karen and this special are relentless"

I jumped out the window and activated the parachute, but the special followed me as a large bird tackling me in the air, 3 shots then whooshed by and hit the special turning it to its original form and become daze for a second.

I use that moment to deploy another parachute and landed safely as I head for the others.

"Thanks for the save bro" I said as I met up with them

"Anytime, but now we gotta run" Kenny replied

But the winged special I fought earlier was faster as it flew to block our path and the one with super speed landing right behind us.

< Damn, worst day ever >