Chapter 262: 17th

"Alright, think of your world and your timeline" Future me instructed Aiden and Jade "And when you're ready, just grab my hand, I'll open a gate back to your world"

-Dabria, did you figure anything out about Diana?-

-A bit yes, but it's nothing but a theory of where she could possibly come from, not a definite conclusion- Dabria answered

-Well, let's hear it later then-

"He can go first" Jade requested "I'm mature enough to wait"

"Give the loli the chance to go first" Aiden responded

"Huh? Did you just call me-"

"You 2 just shut your mouth and follow the simple instruction!" me and future me said in unison

"Sorry father, I'll never do it again" they both apologized while bowing profusely

"That's what I thought, now focus or else you'll be stuck here leaving your real family behind"


"Bye dad, thanks for everything" Jade hugged me as she stepped through her gate "Bye everyone"

"Thanks for taking care of this whole mess despite being busy" Aiden said as he also hugged me "Just a curious question though, Between me and that glutton, who do you like more?"

"Just go, I'm not gonna answer that question, your real dad is waiting"

"Perseus" Luke called as he grabbed me by the shoulder

"Um, you're not gonna try to kill me, are you?"

"Aiden has been great, since Eliza is now at one of those ages, give me a gr-"


-That was quick- Ace commented

-Yeah, he's not ready to have a kid after all, make sense- Damon said

"Why not?!" he asked "That boy is a miracle, a boy or daughter, doesn't matter, me and your parents can help take care of them. We have enough money to even hire"

"Dad, calm down" Eliza stopped him

"You're in your 20s, the perfect time to have a child. Screw marriage, just have one!" he countered "That Aiden boy is a gift! he just left"

"You didn't even have one at that age" I pointed out

"Shut up boy" he retorted "You're lucky that I'm not killing you for dating her, the only redeeming quality about you is your magic and your somehow incredible loving children, otherwise, you have no redeeming qualities"

-Ouch- Damon winced

-Yeah, a massive hit to his ego as the protagonist- Dabria agreed -And that's usually my job to bring it down-

-Don't worry, we'll still love you- Diana reassured me

"Well good luck me" My future self said as he waved good bye "Have fun raising the kid, even as a descendant of the god of sleep, you really won't be getting any sleep once they're born."

"Don't encourage him"

"We'll take care of the baby for you" dad suggested "Besides I know lots of people who have kids at your age"

"That's because none of them are sane"

"Oh yeah, compared to you, I assure you, they are very sane" Mom countered "Who else would be the enemies of gods?"

"Pssh, I got Dabria literally in my head, worst case scenario, she'll resurrect me from the dead and elope with me. I'm pretty much guaranteed a peaceful life. but for now, let's see whether I can beat Eros and his master or whatever"

-Yeah, in your dreams- Dabria responded -If you beat Eros and the gods on his side, I'll go on a date with you, I'll personally arrange it and try my best to treat you like a regular date-


-You just made a bet against the protagonist, you know that it's not going to go well- Damon sighs

-It would be funny if she becomes his 3rd girlfriend- Ace chuckled

-Or a nightmare- Siege grumbled -Imagine them flirting as we're all sharing the conversation telepathically-


"Without my sword, I feel like I'm missing something. My first weapon gone"

"Alright, no need to complain" Luke grumbled "Me and Eliza can whip one up before you do your world traveling thingy"

"I feel like you're meaner to me lately"

"Give me a grandchild, and I'll think about interacting with you normally like before"

"Don't mind him" Eliza reassured me "Just a sword, nothing else? I feel like I can make a lot of things right now"

-The descendant of Regin, the god of craftsmen and metalwork. He was also a renown blacksmith. Nova did a great job finding out-

"Well I got aura, my fist and the strings that you guys made me last time, so I can survive in a fight. And I also need to practice some of my other powers too"


So the day of my 17th birthday quickly arrived, and to meet with Elektra in secret, I had to go to Zach's private base where no gods can witness what happens in there.

I applied the runes and enchantments to my house too, but Zach's base is safer.

It didn't take long as I saw her descended in a bolt of a lightning strike in her disguise as auntie.

"Just turn to your usual form, it's more of the real you anyway" I requested

"Since when have you started to talk so casually towards a goddess?" she chuckled as she turned to her real self "You checked me out when you got Dabria's memories, didn't you?"

"Let's forget about that"

-Did you tell her?- Diana asked

-No, but based on Perseus' perverted nature and wit her watching over him most of the time, it isn't that hard to figure it out- Dabria explained

"Why my 17th birthday?"

"I have a gift" she answered as she then handed me a picture of her in the disguise as auntie smiling next to Hypnos "That disguise wasn't just any disguise, my boy...It was of your mother"


"Your father opposed it at first when I suggest it, but he reluctantly accept it in the end."

" her name? Where is she? Why was Hypnos attracted to her? W-"

"You have too many questions" she sighs while shaking her head "But showing you what she looks like was already too much, you have to figure out the rest on your own"

She just then approached me closer and hugged me.

"Sorry for having to kill you" she apologized "But it's great to see you again, Pich"

"...Thank you for taking care of me" I replied as I held her even tighter