Chapter 278: Eliza's... (2)

Even with mass of energy and mana condensing and gathering due to my spell, the gods are still strong as each of the spells they shoot out still hurts like hell. The smoke from the smoke god are dangerous to breathe in and the magma god was the most annoying.

Stella was barely holding him off even as a celestial, He tried ice magic but they melt too quickly and some of it got corrupted and used against her or it'll just get disrupted and won't work, their eyes are really annoying.

Azlin's fire are mostly explosive and the 3 combined for an annoying team. Once I sensed that my spell gathered enough mana, I will make it explode, a much stronger explosion than any spell I casted before since it has absorbed the surrounding energy including the ones of the gods.

-Is the elevator enough to protect us?-

-Well, wish it will or else your spell would injure the 3 executives greatly at the very least- Dabria answered

< Damn it, I hate her vague answers sometimes >

"Everyone get in the elevator! Now!"

"Yeah, no need to ask me twice, my attribute is at a disadvantage and my attacks are barely effective" Jasper replied and rush for the elevator alongside Maska as my bonds cover them

Stella then followed behind the rest as my bonds kept the 3 gods busy, Ace was using illusion magic to trick about our whereabouts and trick their senses, giving the 3 hallucinations, his illusion magic looks so realistic, his training with the trickster god paid well.

Once I saw the 3 got in and the elevator doors, the rest of us got in too to not get blinded as I activated the spell.

"Star magic: Kilonova" I casted as the elevator's doors closed and light shone through the gap, Stella then use dark magic to create a barrier to block the gap but my spell was making her struggle even with my help of helping her enforce the dark barrier.


When we got out, the gods are weakened but still not dead, still a lot of mana can still be sensed on their body.

-Dabria, you can talk in other people's mind and world travel at will, right?-

-I'm a goddess, what can't I do?- Dabria answered sarcastically

-Can you go check on our family? You know, just to know they're okay and now that they know who you are, you can let them know we're okay-

-Yeah, taking these guys on might take a while- Damon agreed

-Well I rather not watch you fight one of my own, so I will do so- Dabria responded

3rd person view

Dabria did as Perseus requested, not that she mind, she then spoke to the closest person to their group on bonds, Cordelia.

-Well doing well, I hope- Dabria said to her

-Man, it feels strange no matter how many times you do this- Cordelia commented -Bonds aren't really popular in Neelofar, why are you here? Is Perseus and the others in danger?-

-No, they're doing well fighting 3 gods- Dabria answered -Him and his sister have quite a good team, well it seems like you're doing well, I'll go to Eliza now-



-Let's meet her at Perseus' house-

-I love to have girl's night again bu- -

-Trust me, you will need to see this- Cordelia promised -And I don't want the other gods to see if possible-


Cordelia then called Eliza and use a warp crystal to go to their home. Dabria then realized why they meet at the house as she sensed a life presence inside of Eliza, one similar to an annoying mortal that she still questions to this day why she cared for him and reminds her sometimes of her brother, worse after the very same man in question spend some of his time playing chess with her brother.

They are both very similar which scares her a bit sometimes.

Dabria then descents and placed her hand on Eliza's belly to confirmed it.

"Oh me, you're pregnant with the child of one of the most annoying mortal in existence" Dabria exclaimed "Well the least I can do as a goddess of life, I can make sure you won't suffer a miscarriage"

"Yes, he is annoying," Eliza countered "But, um, you know him more than us, so how do you think he will react?"

"Surprisingly, me and the others have a plan for this, when we come back which is possibly a week or 2 later, I will inform you" Dabria explained "Do not answer his calls and gather at our house, he has the same eyes as mine, he can see your pregnancy by a glance and he's smart enough to figure it out. We'll all then get to see his priceless face"

"I like that idea, I'll use that polaroid of his to snap a picture" Cordelia joked "I'll invite everyone over"

"You 2 are evil, sometimes I feel like I'm the normal one. And I'm dating Perseus, which would make me weird by many standards" Eliza commented

"Hey, you got a better gift than my anniversary" Cordelia commented "I would love to have a child, but your child is also going to be my child"

"I love it too, but like Perseus said before, the timing of it is kinda bad..."


1st person view

-I'm back- Dabria announced -Oh it seems that you handled the gods well-

In front of us are the 3 gods in chains, Jasper made them for occasions like this with the help of Rex and Zach. After our last fight with the gods, a few of these have been forged in order to restrain the gods if necessary, and we finally have the opportunity to test it.

-You sound cheerier than usual, it's...weird, i don't like it-

-I have no absolute idea of what you're talking about- Dabria replied

-Yeah, you even talk strange- Siege commented

-See, and Siege is the serious one, I take his word quite seriously, what happened Dabria? Found a hot guy or something?-

-I live in the realms of gods, in which most of them are very good looking, looks are not something I look for a in a man- Dabria responded -I'm quite tired of them-

-Then Perseus will suit you well since you have been quite vocal about how he looks- Damon joked

"You guys really don't mind if I use my ring to end them? In the void, I can become stronger with the enemies I kill within in, and with their body made of mana, it will also benefit my ring"

"Go ahead little brother" Stella answered "I have no objections"

"Yeah, go ahead, if it benefits you" Maska agreed "It's our job as executives to support each other"