Chapter 282: Lucifer, YES! (3)

3rd person view

In the original world, Zeus has descended to help out Albert and Aenon.

"Well how can we world travel without being a celestial?" Albert asked

"I can blast you into smithereens and as a soul, before reincarnation, you can travel everywhere" Zeus suggested

"I'd rather not die" Aenon replied

"Joking" Zeus scoffs "Well I have 2 offers, I can have Helena for a night or I can send you to stop Perseus from his plan in his original world when the time comes"

"We'll take the latter. What do we have to do?" Albert asked

"Tch" Zeus clicked his tongue "Well as one of the higher ups in the god's council, I can grant power to mortals and make them celestials similar to that stupid medallion, but I still have to give you a test. Perseus plans on going back to his original world and get revenge, minimize the damage, because you won't be able to stop him"


1st person view

"What are you doing here, Lucifer?"

After he joined us, we go into a nearby bowling alley. The other 3 executives are cautious of him, so are me and my bonds, we do not trust him. He keep showing off during our whole time there about how great he is which is slightly annoying.

-Now you know how we feel- Dabria said

-Well I'm less annoying than that, we've been here for an hour and he's been talking non stop-

"For fun" Lucifer shrugged

"Why'd you get kicked out of heaven?"

"Just thought it'll be funny if I rebel against my father a bit but here I am"

"He's really good at staying in character as this devil person" Nikki commented

"How's your girlfriends?" Lucifer asked

"Why are you asking?"

"Well, you have 2 girlfriends, not a lot of people do that and live to tell the tale"

"Wait, you have 2 girlfriends?! Are you cheating on one?" Nikki asked

"What?! No! I'm dating 2 girls at the same time, and before you judge me, they were the one that made the decision...I just went along with it since they match my taste"

"Is that even legal? And do you not find it morally wrong"

"Hey, don't judge me. You got 4 girls here, clearly you have feelings for one of them while they all have their feelings for you, since your feelings are mutual, just confess and get on with it, be a man"

"Little brother, you didn't confess, Cordelia was the one that asked you out while Eliza made a decision with her to date you together" Stella pointed out "So you will be lesser than a man he is if he confesses"

"Sis, stop ruining my moment. Go on, Nikki, confess to the one you like"

"I-I like you since we first met, Perseus, please go out with me"

"What?!" the 4 girls shouted

"Uhhhh...what now?"

-No wonder we detected the lie- Dabria realized -We asked if he liked anyone 'here', that includes you-

Ace then doubled down laughing while holding his stomach.

"Oh my" Diana gasped

"Oh my me, even I didn't expect this development" Lucifer chuckled "Well to think that he would confess to you instead of me, that hurts my pride as a handsome devil for a bit"


The girls then tried to reason with Nikki as we were shocked by the sudden confession.

-Well you didn't expect this development now, did you?- Dabria joked

-Well no one did-

"Nikki, I'm flattered, but no, I got 2 girlfriends whom I love very much. Confess to some other guy"

"Y-You! It's all your fault!" Girl #1 shouted while pointing at my face, Damon and Jasper "It's your stupid good looking face and your handsome looking friends! Go die and born uglier!"

"...Wow, harsh" Jasper commented

"Well, you met my mother, I heard her say worse" Maska chuckled

"I knew you should invited this good looking group over!" girl #4 scolded girl #3 "Even the girls would serve as our rivals, look at how pretty they are!"

"I just wanted to make him jealous! And these good looking people are just the one!" Girl #3 argued

"I knew him for a long time, but even I didn't know this about him" Girl #2 panicked "Even if I lose, I-I didn't expect it to be like this"

They then shouted all over earning us glances and glares from others. But it's not like they haven't experienced this before as they did nothing ignoring us which we didn't mind.

"Lucifer, this is your fault, maybe you are a jinx. How are we supposed to do Kalei's task now?"

"Don't blame the devil for everything" Lucifer complained "I just want to have fun, not be blamed for every unfortunate events, I went against god once, and boo hoo, oh no, banished from heaven you go. I've seen people do worse and got to heaven while I'm still exiled, those fucking bastards"

-At least he's still allowed in the god's realm, just not his version of heaven- Dabria chimed in -His father exiled him and is one of the higher ups, so no one bothers to go against the decision-

-Oh man, I want to experience the god's buffet once, they look good-

"You help me win against Eros, I'll pull in a favor to get you back to heaven"

"Well you can pull in a favor if you accomplish the impossible, but...I plan to become mortal soon, I lived long enough, it's...boring"

"Well, will you help me when the time comes at least?"

"Consider it done, but I won't help much, if I see our side losing, I'm running, I want to die of old age, not slaughter"

"What about your pride?" Damon asked

"Well pride I can recover, but once I die, I die. Some things are just too meaningful to lose" Lucifer replied

I then sensed Kalei's presence nearby, Lucifer did too as we tuned to see Kalei as a waiter giving us some blue lemonade.

"We didn't order this"

"Well it's on the house" he winked and left

Lucifer picked a slip of paper and hand it to me.

'Well he did confess, not like what we expected, but he did. Your portal won't be interfered once you open it, I'll make sure of it. I suggest going back in 4 days as it's the most optimal time'

-Well, we have about 2 more days for cooldown, but I'd take his advice. It looks like we won't need to fight in this world which is good, Azlin and his group is tiring enough-

-Who's with us in our next group?- Diana asked

-Stella and Alice- Siege answered -Urie would join if we are to get a warning that a god would interfere-

-Well hopefully we'll get our training again, it was kinda fun- Ace chimed in -All of us haven't really mastered all our teachings after all, but we'll be making a short trip to the demon world first-

-Man, I hate Horus, he sometimes gets distracted and fantasize about my former birth mother, it's really horrible. I want to spend more time with auntie, but it seems like she's busy-

-Of course, she works as the god's enforcer while spying on Eros' side but ultimately serving your lazy excuse for a father- Dabria responded -She have a very busy schedule-

-Lazy, horrible and terrible...not enough words to describe him as a terrible god and father-

-Let's hope you can be a decent father when you have your own children, your alternate selves are good, but I can't say the same for you-