Chapter 289: Demon world (5)

The 13 generals swore their souls to me afterwards giving me the right to become the new demon lord, and I thought about replacing a few of the generals with my own loyal underlings like Bora, Perun and Terra, but even though they are powerful, they won't gather enough votes to become one, so we still have the same generals serving under me.

To these demons, swearing their souls is like a soul contract, they can't betray me, but they can still challenge me into fights if they want to usurp the throne which won't be happening anytime soon.

Like the greedy person I am, before the coronation, I asked to see the treasury, and what do you know, they got a giant piece of plotinum in the middle of it. Zach touched it, but like he said before, plotinum no longer responds to him since he's no longer in his original body, now he's just an enhanced homunculus lich.

"Don't touch it for too long or else you'll get the sickness, the first ever demon lord brought this giant block of steel here" a general warned "The illness was even powerful to kill a demon lord once because they touched it for too long"

"Yeah, no magic or attacks affect it, but a god gifted this to the first demon lord and placed it here" another general added "It's the most powerful material we know, but we can't even leave a small scratch"

"Well Perseus?" Zach asked "Your jacket is made of the same material after all, it's all yours"

The generals are then surprised at this fact.

"Want to test it? Touch it long enough and you'll feel the same weakness"

They still look like they don't believe it so I took off my ring and threw it, one catch it with one hand but his hand was then forcefully brought to the ground as he couldn't lift it. Damon took the ring and gave it back to me.

"Well I would love to, but...I know a certain smith who is fated to make me a weapon that I will need."

"Right, your girlfriend, the mother of your new child" Zach replied "Can she handle it though?"

"Well she is trained by probably one of the best smiths of all times, so yes, I think so."

"Congratulations" Alice said "I might be late, but I wish you all the best, you definitely grown up since the day I recruited you"

"Thanks, well tomorrow is coronation day, so I better call sis, she'll kill me if I leave her out of things"

"You're finally treating her like a sister" Alice commented

-It's not like I have a choice-

-Well I'm also like your sister- Diana responded

-Sometimes like my mom, but yes.-

-What about Dabria?- Ace asked

-Well it's like marriage, we're stuck together for life whether we like it or not-

-And that's the worst part- Dabria complained -Your current life span is a few centuries-

-You'll marry me soon enough and take all that back, you're going to wish you have more time with me-

"I'm curious, how did your girlfriend seduce you into having a child?" Alice asked which is strange since she's a succubus, I should be asking her this question

"Well like how the process goes, when a boy and a girl-"

"Oh that simple?"

"Yeah, that simple" I nodded

"Then how will it work with him?" Alice asked pointing at Zach

"Have you tried attacking him in his sleep?"

"Yes, but I can't overpower him" she sighs

"I don't sleep with my employee" Zach grumbled "Much less having a child with her"

"Well I suggest getting him drunk, and attack him when he's having a hangover"

I went ahead and touched the giant piece of plotinum and try my best to not turn it into a weapon, I focused all my will power into only imprinting it with my mana so that no other reincarnates can steal it.

It took a while but it worked as I then got it in my spatial storage, hopefully Eliza and Luke can turn this into a strong weapon, though I doubt Luke can help much since only Eliza can somewhat manipulate metal.

Well it looks like coming here isn't a total loss.


The day of my coronation arrived, I had to wear this stupid robe and with royal clothing, tunics and stuff. I willed plot armor into the tunic so that it's comfortable but I still look ridiculous.

I was then paraded through the kingdom. People aren't really that happy that a new person got crowned, but it's not like they can challenge a person who can defeat their generals. I got some of the demons to investigate about Diana's parents, we gave a few demons her blood to find connection about her ancestry.

Well they did and they also tell us the whole story, but unlike that of Damon, it wasn't really good news. Like Siege's original parents, her parents are killed by the previous demon lord, the one chosen by the medallion.

Why? Her mother was the former demon lord, a demoness with her father who is a regular phoenix, most demons don't lay eggs, but apparently her mother did. I also don't know how a phoenix and a demoness can, you know, do it, but this world is a fantasy, so don't ask too much, biology isn't really my strong suit.

The former demon lord after being chosen, he was scared of a rebellion since her mother didn't leave the throne without resistance, so he ordered for her elimination, not just her but her family as well. Her mother knew of this and hold them off as her family fled, but all whom are killed.

Diana's father was the only one who managed to escape with the egg, he hid it where Damon found it to the north of Acira. Her father then lured the demons away and died by their hands. But even with all that, the previous demon lord has also destroyed all Diana's parents possession.

The mix blood caused a mutation, resulting in the current Diana, whose regeneration and fire are stronger than that of an average phoenix.

-I don't really want to kill these generals, I helped kill the demon lord who ordered my parent's execution, that is more than enough- Diana said

-Well it seems that we are both royalty- Damon chuckled as he hugged her -I'm glad that you are my sister-

-Oh man, is this what I look like to you guys?-

-Yes, very sweet but too much sometimes- Siege answered

-Yeah, try to tone it down next time- Ace added

-What? This is sweet-

-Great, we just encouraged him to do it more than he already does- Dabria sighs