1st person view
Well fast forward a bit, the mission went...well, it was probably one of my tougher missions as the 4 of us almost died after the result. We could barely move as most of our bones broke after the incident and suffered major injuries. I hate the military more and more as the day went by, I couldn't wait till I can leave.
After that mission, I still have to participate in evaluation tests where I was painfully beaten to test out my new infected ability to see how it goes. Escaping wasn't an option either as they threatened the livelihood of my siblings.
The military never trusted me despite everything I did for them and so I won't trust them either.
3rd person view
In real time...
Nyx, the goddess of night, is spectating Perseus and Zach who are exploring the military base. Nyx is a woman about 178 cm tall, looks to be in her mid 40s, she has completely pitch black hair and eyes while wearing a pitch black dress. Accompanying her are the 3 dream siblings, Perseus' god brothers, Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasos.
Perseus and Zach got the files looking or the people they need, Perseus want to have revenge against the people who experimented on him first since it was a very painful experience for him, so he's targeting them first while Zach targets the people whose criminal record have been hidden by the military that live in the area.
Perseus saw that one of the scientists are on shift that night, so he found his way to the person, he is in a lab that is highly guarded. The lab are full of scientists experimenting on soldiers.
Without another word, he turned into a dark phantom and swiftly kill all the guards and phase through the walls. He then use lightning magic to overload every electrical devices in the whole base, there were explosions as generators couldn't withstand the overload.
"Dammit, the flashlight aren't working!" A scientist exclaimed, "What happened?!"
The batteries exploded due to the spell Perseus cast earlier so everything in the dark as no devices can project the light. But luckily they got out these glowsticks to light things up and try to evacuate.
They heard the explosions earlier and this possibly could be a terrorist attack.
Perseus killed every scientist as they couldn't even scream as they felt their throat sliced and slowly bleed out on the ground. The head scientist that Perseus was aiming for shook in fear as he see the bodies of his employees slowly fall onto the ground one by one.
In a blink of an eye, he felt a hand grabbed his face.
"Curse of eternal nightmare" Perseus casted
"Oh he used the spell I taught him" Phobetor commented as he watched the scientist slumped onto the floor shivering and screaming "His mind will continue to forever live in a continuous nightmare until his mind breaks"
"Yeah, I doubt he'll want to live after the spell ends" Morpheus added
Perseus then crouched next to the scientist and whispered into his ear.
"This will be your fate" he chuckled "A fate worse than death"
"I like the boy, pretty ruthless, though I seriously question his choices for a partner" Nyx commented "He's also part vampire, a creature of the night. The fates are interesting to make him a creature under my domain."
"Greeks don't have vampires though" Phantasos pointed out "So he maybe a creature of the night, but definitely not under your domain"
"For a boy who will have the strength stronger than most gods, he need a better qualified partner, those girls he's with are consorts at best" Nyx said as ignored her grandson's statement
"Do you want him to have an arranged marriage or something?" Morpheus asked
"Father would never agree nor will Elektra, his overprotective godmother" Phobetor added
"He owed me a lot of favors" Nyx scoffs "My future strongest grandchild deserve better. Phantasos, isn't Hygeia still single?"
| There is an alternate spelling for the goddess of health and hygiene which is Hygieia. But I'm using Hygeia cuz it has one lesser letter. |
You lazy piece of-
| You want desert? I got burnt brownie pieces prepared for you |
You wonderful author who totally isn't keeping me in his basement.
| Yeah, that's right |
"Yes, she is." Phantasos answered "Though can't we set up Dabria and him instead? She got trained by Thanatos, so she is both powerful and close to him."
"Well she would be a good choice" Nyx agreed "But I still like Hygeia. And I doubt that you 3 can change my mind, you can try fighting, but you'll know the result."
"Yeah, I don't need a prophetic dream for that to know" Phantasos replied "You can erase us from existence if you want to"
"Well let's prepare a dowry for Asclepius, a gift worthy of a healer who cured death giving away his daughter" Nyx proposed "Having him marry before the banquet would be good. He'll be the most recognized reincarnate during the banquet, and it'll also raise my reputation as his grandmother"
"Shit, what do we do?" Phobetor whispered to his brothers
"I don't know, we can't go against her." Morpheus whispered back "But, Perseus' is the godfather of my child, I kinda owe him."
"Well we can ruin his reputation when we meet up with Asclepius and Hygeia, I doubt he would give is daughter away after that" Phobetor suggested "We can hijack Hygeia dream and show her the vision of the timeline where he's dating the mother of your child, it'll definitely scare her away"
"What if she's into it? We don't know her type" Phantasos joined in
"You 3 do realize that I can very well hear you, right?" Nyx asked "You can just talk normally, no need to whisper. Though what is this timeline you're speaking of?"
Phobetor was then forced to show Nyx the vision. It was the one with Perseus, Lillian and Natalie in the throne room. Nyx face was the mix shock, horror...and a little bit of...fascination.
"...Wow...do not ever show Hygeia that..." Nyx muttered "...I can't believe I'm learning something despite my vast knowledge...I'm...speechless."
"Can we stop now?" Phobetor asked
"Yes," Nyx nodded slowly "The boy really is wild"
"We have to warn Perseus" Phantasos insisted "I'll go tell dad, Morpheus, you go warn Perseus."