Chapter 315: Adam and Eve

"Right I forgot Dabria, sorry." Aphrodite apologized as she then snapped her finger and Dabria appeared out of nowhere on a chair next to her.

Zach spent so much time as a lich, researching and he's even a reincarnate...yet his power barely even compare to Aphrodite, a love goddess who doesn't even fight. Well she can, but she just chooses not to. The way mana moves around her so effortlessly...

But something's strange, something that I never experienced before. When I see Dabria, my heart aches...? Something is happening and I don't like it, Dabria seems to experience it too. It definitely has something to do with Adam and Eve.

I grabbed my chest as my heart start to throb even faster every time I made eye contact with Dabria, so I avoided it. Aphrodite seems to know what is going on as she smiled and continue to drink her tea cheerily.

-Perseus, are you and Dabria hiding a secret relationship from us or something?- Damon asked

-Yeah, why are you both blushing every time you make eye contact?- Ace added

-Well if they are, I'll be impressed that they managed to hide it from us.- Diana joined in

-It's probably because of the effects of hosting Adam and Eve inside their body- Siege guessed -They were lovers after all, and now they reunited within the realm of a love goddess. It won't be good.-

I then felt something weird, it feels similar to that time that I died and become a soul in Dabria's death void thing. But unlike that time, my body has been hijacked!

I've been like expelled from my body as a see through ghost with a chain on my chest attached to my physical body. I'm floating and over looking the whole room as I can see Dabria across the room experiencing the same thing I am.

I then watched as Eve in Dabria's body running towards Adam who is in my body. She jumped and hugged him(me?) and...kissed each other...Yep, you read that right. Adam whose in my body is kissing Eve who is in Dabria's body while holding her off the floor.


3rd person view

Everyone else are then shocked at the sight as Aphrodite just chuckled. Perseus' bonds in particular are even more shocked than his 2 girlfriends as their jaw dropped to the floor like what you see in a cartoon.

Zach can sense that Perseus is no longer in his own body.

"...Isn't this what they call NTR?" Siege asked

"Seriously? That's the first thought that comes to your mind?!" Diana retorted

"Just to answer your question" Zach raised his hand "It is."

"Ah true love. I heard Eros helped you find a host, I didn't think you would choose Dabria though." Aphrodite snickered "Why did he helped you?"

"Shit I forget that his plotinum equipments are imprinted to his soul" Adam cursed as he then keep the ring and plot armor in the spatial storage, since he's in Perseus body, the effect doesn't hurt him now, but it won't be the case for long.

"I don't know" Eve answered "He said that he wanted me to reunite with Adam, so he helped me try to find a host, but in the end, I chose to wander on my own to come and find Adam since he seems to have other plans with a princess."

"Hold up here" Damon cut in "You can't just hijack our bond's body and use it to kiss without his consent. That goes for both Adam and Eve."

"Yeah, we can still sense them attached to that body, I bet they're freaking out right now" Ace added "You could have at least warned us before hand, not give each other passionate kisses!"

"In front of his 2 girlfriends too" Diana joined in

"Sorry." Adam apologized

"No, sorry isn't enough, give us our Perseus back." Diana demanded

"Well it will take a while, there's a cool down" Adam scratched Perseus' head awkwardly "I'll probably be in this body for 10 hours."

"Hah," Zach sighs "This is complicated, I can put one soul from one body to another and switch bodies, but not switch one that's occupying the same body, there's a trick, but it will take me 36 hours, 29 with Stella's help."

"That's more than 10 hours, you useless scholar!" Dabria shouted

"I'm more worried for what they will do without our consent to be honest, no offense, you're like super hot, I'll be tempted too, but I hope he has some self control."

"Look, I promise that no harm will come to Perseus' body" Adam promised "I'm not like the alternate mes, I do not have any goal of taking over this body."

"Ok this is from me, but give me my boyfriend back please" Cordelia requested "If you want to share him, you still need my permission, and I definitely haven't approve some stupid old spirit of you 2."

"Damn, He's more muscular up close." Adam said as he checked Perseus body "I envy his physical body. Super good looking too now that I look at it from close up."

Adam created a mirror using mirror magic to see his body from close up.

"Ok I know my boyfriend is hot but stop it, he may be a narcissist sometimes but even he doesn't check out his body like you do. And I doubt he'd appreciate another man checking his body out." Eliza summoned a small metal piece and throw it at the mirror

"Don't worry, I will not use his body for anything anymore embarrassing than this!" Adam reassured them

1st person view

It seems like no one can hear us no matter how much we say anything, I feel left out, it's like my reader's high school experience all over again, ignored all the time. Again, I'm sorry, I saw the chance and I took it.

"Ok stop making fun of our viewers and stop your stupid narration" Dabria complained "Help us get back into our bodies!"

"Well it's 10 hours, and the guy have the power to rival a god, so we should just wait 10 hours, I mean they already kissed, what's the worst thing they're going to do? Adam's not the type to sleep with other women's body even if Eve is possessing that body"

"I can't believe you stole my first kiss!"

"Isn't that your fault for never kissing anyone? I've seen how many gods you rejected. It's also kind of your fault for being a loner. Besides, I technically didn't."

"Your lips have dirtied mine!" She accused

"Woah there, I brush my teeth and wash my mouth properly. You know my hygiene routines, I'm very clean."

"You're right...You're not the worst person to give my first kiss to... Damn it! I can't believe I just said that."

"Calm down there, let's try to stay calm. If it comes down to it, I'm sure Thanatos can help, a little humiliation isn't the worst thing that can happen to us."

"Not to you, to me! I'm a goddess of life and death, and I lost to a spirit of some old lovebirds!"

"Well it could be worst"