Chapter 333: Reconciliation (2)

I then let Elektra in and let her make herself comfortable.

"Did Pasithea already set up the therapy session?"

"Yup, she couldn't find one so she volunteered herself as the therapist." Elektra answered

"Won't she be biased towards Hypnos towards some things? I would say Aphrodite, but she's more suited to consultations between lovers, can't she just spend a longer time to find one?"

"Well she's available at any time and your father has cleared his schedule. So if you're free, you can even do it now."

"That's a great idea." Diana commented "You have come at the right time, Perseus is feeling down a lot lately, you know, the news about his previous mother."

"I knew it." Elektra exclaimed

"Maybe we can wait a few days, I kinda don't want to see their faces right now, I will just start thinking about that fact, and I may cry."

"We'll vote on it, raise your hand if you want him to go now." Damon said as everyone in the house raise their hand.

-I agree with the statement- Dabria said

"Wow, so everyone is just against me. Auntie, why are you raising your hand? You don't live in this house."

"You lived in my house for 7 years, I believe I have some rights." Elektra countered

"The audacity."

"Raising came with some difficulty too, you know. I deserve some authority over you."

"I thought you said that I was the greatest thing that has happened to you in your life."

"Don't pout. If we go now, when we come back, I'll cook us all dinner like I used to." Elektra offered

"I'm not pouting. And please do not treat me like a child."

She then tried to pull my cheeks again but I saw it coming so I jumped backwards at high speed. But in a flash, she somehow got her hands on my cheeks and pulled it.

"You are slow as always," she laughed "I will never stop treating you like a child."


"Be careful to not destroy my quarters, it took a lot of magic to make it look like this." Pasithea warned

"Why do you have your own quarters? Is living with Hypnos in that Cave that bad?"

"No, we take turns switching places to sleep, his cave gives the most comfortable sleep but my quarters have more facilities and everything else." She answered

The room looks familiar, the couch the looks similar to a show I watched. it feels really familiar.

"This is the room from Lucifer, isn't it? This is awesome!"

"I'm glad you like it." Pasithea nodded with satisfaction "Elektra please sit in between them, and on the table is wine I got from Dionysus. If things goes sour and you want time to go faster, you can drink it."

"You would get along well with Marella." I grumbled as I took a seat at the other side of the couch while Elektra sat in the middle to separate me and Hypnos.

"Ok first of all, I'm not a professional therapist, I am not certified. So my techniques will be a bit different. I would ask like a consultant, 'What broke you apart?' or 'Why are you here?', but I already know all of that, so I may skip a few steps." Pasithea explained "Perseus, what do you dislike about your father?"

"Ugly face, never there for me, hid secrets about my mother, sleeps all day, never thought about to make even the slightest attempt of communication until after my death."

"Ugly face? My face is actually handsome." Hypnos argued "And I can't help to be born as a sleeping god, yes I can just stay awake, but I need to manage the dream gods and the dream world. There are a lot of traffic, you know. And I can't just appear and attract the attention of other gods, an affair might be acceptable but actually raising a child is different."

"There are other dream gods to help you, you couldn't just spend at least an hour or something to bring me get some ice cream? I didn't even ask for a lot. I never even seen your face till like 2 decades later."

"Well I admit, I should have. But it's in the past, I'm here now, I severely apologize for the terrible things I did, I will make it up to you."

"Oh, by what? Teaching me on how to ride a horse or something? If so, no thank you, I already learned that in the beast taming class. And if you talk about Morpheus and Phobetor teaching me, I would have figured it all out by learning from Vlad anyway."

Elektra thought as she took a big gulp of it and immediately felt intoxicated

"Should we stop them?" Elektra asked

"No, let them let it all out." Pasithea answered "They'll feel better afterwards, just enjoy your drink."

"You complain so much, some people grew up without their father and they turned out fine." Hypnos argued

"Oh you're justifying yourself now? All those time I wished to just see my father and mother for one time, even just a small sight. You choose to instead watch over me from afar, do you have any idea how disheartening it is that some stranger told you that your own mother's killer is you? And turns out my own 'father' didn't even deny it!"

"Because you're reacting exactly how we thought you were going to react. We were trying to protect you."

"How long are you going to 'protect' me?! I would've found it out sooner or later, what will you do then? If you have told me earlier, maybe I would have not reacted like this. Why couldn't it have come out of your mouth, why does it have to come out of a stranger's?!"

"Look I cannot apologize enough, I understand that. But I'm trying to be better okay, so just listen for a bit alright."

"Fine, tell me, how will you try to be better? Hmm, tell me. Play catch with me? Host a picnic, small family dinner? No, I know you can't do that. If you really put in effort, even a little, we wouldn't even be here."