Chapter 342: This bath sucks

3rd person view

"You're really pregnant with dad's child?" Amora asked as she was watching Eliza at her work in the forge "Should you really be working?"

"Yeah, it should be fine. I just have fatigue sometime but so far it's not to the point where I need to rest at home yet." Eliza replied

"This is plotinum and you can manipulate it, does that know about Hypnos?"

"Oh you're asking whether I know everything about him? The past and all that? Of course I know. He told you?"

Amora then looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.

"Yeah, he told me." Amora answered "I heard a lot about you in the rebellion, Dad's personal forgemaster and smith, the greatest smith of all time. Though he didn't date you, he dated a goddess named Helena, but she died while she was pregnant with his child."

"That's an ominous omen." Eliza grumbled

"Why did you separate the plotinum in 2?" Amora asked curiously since Eliza has now manipulate the plotinum in 2, Eliza is now observing the material and pondering what to do next.

"What did the alternate me make?" Eliza asked as she used her hammer to start molding it into shape

"Well she made dad a scythe."

"Well I'm making him gauntlets." Eliza replied "Fighting with his fist was his specialty before and he still mostly fight with magic and his fist."


-I think I have too many girls in my life, if my child with Eliza turns out to be a girl, I might go insane.-

-I thought you like surrounding yourself with girls.- Dabria retorted

-I have limits, but what should we do with Amora? I mean, her own world in her timeline is basically destroyed at this point and she doesn't want to go back by the look of her expression. And it's not like I want to send her to future me either, maybe we can get her to change her name and let her live as a neighbor.-

Anyway, it's my mom's first time at the seeker's base and she was very scared of everyone as she stuck close to me and Damon, despite being a good hunter and archer, she knows her skills are probably equivalent to a captain of foot soldiers at most here.

I got Erix, Urie, Jake and Perun ready alongside wit me, my bonds, my mom and Lia before we can go to the underworld which Dabria arranged. Mom and Lia would come back after we bathe in the Styx river while the rest of us will go down Tartarus in search of Kronos' essence.

-Dabria, the portal to the underworld?-

-Yeah, wait a few second, I'm finishing my chocolate ice-cream- She replied as my bonds and I can hear the sound of her spoon hitting the bottom of the ice-cream tub -I'm wiping my mouth.-

She then descended in front of us and effortlessly created a portal immediately. on the other side of the portal, I can see Thanatos, based on Diana's and Dabria's description, their master, alongside with Hypnos and Elektra waiting for us.

I would call Hypnos 'father', not dad since it'll be too confusing with my current birth father and it's too familiar sounding, and mom is accompanying us, so we would still have to hide the secret about me being a reincarnate.

"Jake, come on, don't stand there stunned after all your preparation, if you're going to grovel in front of Dabria, just not yet, wait after my bath in Styx. Perun look after him and calm him down."

"No wonder, you're strong, you have a goddess blessing with you at all times." Erix laughed "Out of all the 4 gods right here, who's the strongest?"

"That would be the twin winged god at the other side." Damon answered "Wouldn't mess with either of them if I were you."

"I would say my master is the strongest, but don't anger him, he can easily reap your soul without giving you a chance to land one hit." Diana warned "The gods in front of us are far more powerful than all the gods we faced."

We then stepped in the portal and arrived at the underworld, and I have heard about the description of Styx from Dabria and Diana but it is more bigger in person. The Styx has the width of dozens of km and is surrounding a large island of the main part of the underworld, where the soul goes to, and the residence of Hades himself.

The river is dark grey in color and we can occasionally hear screams and insults of souls as it floats around.

"Mom, everyone, meet Hypnos, god of sleep and dreams and also my instructor for my classes of learning on how to use my wings. This attractive auntie is Elektra, goddess of lightning, enforcer of the gods. Urie, you met her before."

"And this is my and Diana's instructor, Thanatos, Hypnos' more attractive twin and the god of death." Dabria introduced

"It's interesting to see many gods in one place." Urie chuckled "I would love to challenge one of you into a fight, but I want a long fight where it could not just end with one hit."

"I can take you to our underworld coliseum, it's where the dead souls of powerful warriors across many worlds fight." Thanatos offered " thing is for certain, Perseus, Hades desire to meet you, whether he wants to kill you, I do not know."

"Sure, but do you know where Styx is? I kinda want to meet her too."

"She'll be there too, don't worry."

"That's the river you're going to bathe in?" mom asked "It looks really ominous."

"Just another warning, the curse of Styx, can only be carried by one person. Bonds can be an extension, so you're in luck. Perseus and the bonds can bathe in it, and if you survive, you become invulnerable. To most things anyway."

"Well no wonder not a lot of people carry it, but why is it called a curse?" Ace asked

"That's because everyone who carry the 'blessing' always get killed." Thanatos explained "All person who carries it are fighters, and their lives are always filled with bloodshed. That's why it's now called a curse, the person and their bonds who carry it always die before their time."

"That's where you're going to be wrong, I'm a protagonist with the blessing of a goddess of life and death, I won't die today nor will I be killed, I will live till my old age and peacefully retire." I declared in front of everyone