Chapter 344: Meeting Hades

My magic is at the dark blue stage which is good, but everyone is already at least at the gray stage because of their smaller mana capacity causing them to evolve faster. At least I can go against black cores and minor gods at my level.

-Yo Damon, are you alright?-

-Yeah, I'm alright- Damon smiled -I...just need a small breather. I feel invincible right now, as if mana is moving around me more freely.-

-How long were we down there?-

-I hate to say it, but it was exactly 69 minutes.- Dabria answered

< Hell yeah! >

I then put my ring back on and all my clothes apart from plot armor and S-rank shirt to test to see whether it was successful or not. I took out an S-rank dagger and an SS-rank dagger that I requested Luke to make.

Usually an S-rank dagger isn't able to kill me, but it can at least do some damage if I don't have plot armor.

"Well anyone want to take a chance to stab me?"

"Oh me." Urie responded as he came and took the daggers from my hands and stabbed me, but nope, the dagger got deflected.

Urie then used the SS-rank one and clad it with his aura before he stabbed me with his full strength. Same result the knife just got deflected off my skin, he then tried stabbing my face and other parts of my body, but nothing, no injury, we only stopped because the dagger got bent.

When I was in the river, I made sure that the river seeped into every part of my body, coating every single feathers of my wings and every part of my body so that I have no weak spots.

"My turn." Erix joined in as he clad his fist with his gold magic and aura.

He then dashed forward and punched me with full force, I got blown back and I used wind magic to stop me from falling into Styx again, but I suffered no injuries, stumping Erix a bit.

"That's the curse alright" Thanatos commented "Well anyone else who try to bathe in it without knowing will get their physical body slowly dissolve until they are nothing but a soul."

"So just a question, if I were to take a large portion of the river water with me to splash it on Eros, will it do something?"

"It'll slow down his healing and weaken him, but that's only if it got on him a lot." he answered "If it's on a mortal, it'll take a while for their body to slowly dissolve, it can be offset by healing magic though. Unless they ingest it, the result would be different then, it'll dissolve their body from the inside."

"Just another curious question, a friend of mine seems to have been taken by Eros, and he used his arrows on her, she now hates everyone she used to associate with while being infatuated with him. What should we do when we get her back?"

"Lethe." Hypnos answered "Memory magic can eliminate the memory but the effects of his arrows will still remain, so Lethe would be the most effective as it can eliminate all of it."

"Aphrodite and Hecate can't help?"

"No, this is Eros' arrows, unless he undo it himself or you manage to learn on how to use his arrows, only Lethe can help." Hypnos shook his head "Better save her quick, otherwise you will need a lot of Lethe, the faster, the lesser you need. A drop of Lethe can erase a lot of memories, you don't want to use too much."

"And if I use it on a god?"

"It'll work, but it'll take more than a drop if you want it to take effect." Hypnos answered "We both alongside with Dabria and your bonds should be immune to its effects too, after all it's my symbol, unless you really want to forget something, Lethe won't effect us."

"Why is my son immune to its effects?" Mom asked

"He got my blessing, and my powers that I granted him." Hypnos answered

"Just how many gods do you receive blessings from?" Mom questioned me "I thought you aren't religious."

"I'm not."

"I know I asked you this before, are you a romantic relationship with Dabria?"

"Mom, trust me, we're not."

"He wishes." Dabria grumbled

"They did kissed each other once." Ace pointed out

"Ok, you and Lia needs to get home now. We're going to be busy, I need to go see Hades while Urie and Erix wants to check out the coliseum where they can fight dal souls."


Dabria got my mom and Lia back home as the rest of us remained in the underworld to continue our journey.

"Did you really kissed the goddess?" Jake asked

"Please, it's like a really long story. But technically yes. So we can just fly across the river, right?"

"You can, but..." Thanatos then opened a warp gate "This will lead us directly to the lord of the underworld. Erix, please do not challenge him into a fight, I know you're enthusiastic, but he is not someone you want to fight. One spell is all it takes to kill you."

"Don't worry about that, I'm saving my energy for the coliseum and Tartarus." Erix laughed

"I look forward to Tartarus, I might consider even moving there." Urie joked "Tartarus can be our paradise."

"Oh you do not want to move there." Elektra commented "I've been down there once, not a nice place, no tourist attractions, no good food, no anything, down there, it's kill or be killed. Luckily you brought food with you or else down there, all you have are monster corpses' to feast on."

"The air down there is toxic too." Thanatos added "The water is all undrinkable, basically not a good place to live, if you're eating, eat quick, food rots quick down there."

"Luckily we moved out of our mother's home, mansion or not, nothing down there is good." Hypnos shivered at his memory

-I still can't believe we're going down there, it's like suicide at this point.- Diana commented

-Well it's not like we'll be killed with this curse on us.- Siege grumbled -Let's finish all of this quick, it's dark and loud down here, I don't want to sleep listening to wailings of souls as a melody.-

-Yeah, I doubt they got good asmr down here either.- Ace added

"Let's go meet Hades then."