Chapter 361: Expected

"So you're all going to Helios first?" Nyx asked

"Yeah, I should have some some advantage since I both carry the curse and a bit of the power of the sun. So defensive wise, I have the better advantage, though Erix gold magic won't be very effective on Helios, but we'll be mainly focusing on fighting with physical attacks anyway. With Hecate's bloodline, I'm probably the only guy on the field who will be able to use magic since the titans and gods will use their eyes."

"Just so you know, even if Cain is willing to give his 2 fragments to you, the other 7 isn't that easy to get, it could take about 2 months, mostly time is wasted on your journey there." Nyx informed

"Well we already predicted something like that, that's why we're heading back for a short break after we get 2 more, including Cain's, we got 3 of 10. When we get 5, and we'll head back to check on things and have some rest before we come down here to get the other 5."

-And we'll be coming down with a different party since they'll be expecting that we'll attack them with the same party, Stella and Zach should be good to bring down here if they're not busy.-

-Rex and the elves twins would also good.- Damon suggested

-I'd say we should get Oz and Gia instead, I get along with them, besides, they're funny to be around.-

"Well Nyx, after everyone find their own divine items, we'll be leaving to find Helios. Cain, you know where he is, right?"

"Of course, but it will take very long to get there." he nodded

"Good luck, because you're definitely going to need it. Divine items can only help you so much." Nyx said "Go and make me proud, don't be a disappointment like your father."

3rd person view

In the original world, Eros has asked his allies to disguise him as Perseus, he is swimming through the water towards the caverns of Neelofar's guardian, the leviathan. Coincidentally he sees that both Cordelia and Struan Laguna are talking with the guardian.

He only overheard something about becoming a corrupted and a celestial. The 3 noticed him so then he put on an act, his goal was to kill Neelofar's guardian to decrease the morale of Perseus' allies.

Though it is a 50/50, Neelofar could get more angry and motivated to go on offensive by him killing their guardian, but he's willing to take the bet. These people are no more than insects to him, he only want entertainment and decreasing their morale would give him a good laugh.

"Ah the little runt." the guardian commented "Why are you here? To request another nexus from me perhaps?"

"You're back quick, did you already got half the fragments?" Struan asked

"Well you know me." Eros shrugged "I'm the protagonist, nothing is impossible for me."

"Where are the rest, babe?" Cordelia asked

"Oh, they're with El-" His words then then got interrupted as a flying dagger thrown by Struan shot towards his head which he barely dodged in time.

By the time he turned back, he sees that Cordelia is right in front of him swinging a sword to his head, he deflected that by using the palm of his hand to hit it upwards. The ground then rumbled with one of the guardians tentacles coming out of it grabbing him.

"Oi babe, what's wrong?" He asked "Why are you all attacking me? You know I'm not into this kind of stuff!"

"If I call my boyfriend babe, he would hesitate a bit before answering my calls." Cordelia replied "He expected you to come for one of us."

"Yeah, us royals train very hard you know. Struan added "You really pick a good timing since I made this visit without my royal guards but with my sister."

"You know I beat Perseus right?" Eros taunted as he turned into his usual form though this time he doesn't have his bow on his back "I can easily overpower all of you."

"Yeah, nice try bud." Struan laughed "After your last attack, my wonderful future brother in law made several predictions of how you would turn up to attack those close to him, everyone in our family knows who's the imposter."

"Then what's stopping me from calling my allies to use the time stop again?" Eros continued to taunt

"You won't." Cordelia smiled "The higher ups of the council of gods probably have already prepared a counter measure against that, when you use it, they will know exactly where you are, even you can't go against several of their enforcers by yourself, it worked once, but it will never work again."

"Well they can't sense that I'm right here, so you're wrong." Eros replied "It has worked again."

"They can't sense you because you pulled the same stuff Colden did." Struan shrugged "And you can't do one of a large scale as his either since it'll tell them your location, so right now, your borrowed mortal form whose endurance is only around my level, the guardian can easily kill you just by crushing you. Though you surpassed me greatly in offensive abilities."

"So this is the face of the bastard of our opposition?" the guardian asked "If it wasn't us, people would have fallen for it."

"I'm trained by a goddess too, you know." Cordelia said "Amphitrite, the queen of the sea. I'm pretty much qualified for the guardian position too since you're now fighting in my domain."

"So Perseus predicted that I'll be almost helpless?" Eros asked

"Yeah, pretty much." Struan nodded "Anyone want to do the honors? We can now add killing a god to our resumé even though he's currently in a much inferior form."

"You do it." The guardian offered as she squeezed Eros even further "You can raise the morale of your army for when the time comes, show them that nothing is omnipotent, this is your duty as king."

"One thing before you kill me." Eros cut in with a maniacal smile "The princess, I returned her. Good luck saving her before she do a lot of da-"

Struan just hopped to him and drew out his sword, clad it with aura and cut off his neck.

"Sorry, he annoys me." he apologized "Now, let's send an envoy to Artia to tell them what Eros just said."