Chapter 363: Expected (3)

3rd person view

"Wait, when you say her purity, you mean...take away her virginity?" Emma asked

"As if-" Eleanor tried to complain but the binds extended again and gagged her "Mmmph mmph"

"No, we shave her head and the oracle will leave from the pores of her head...of course I meant it that way, what else did you think I mean. I even worded it nicely and simple for you." Apollo replied "Would you rather I explain it in a 1000 page poem while blasting rock music on a bass guitar?"

"What's a bass guitar?" Castor asked while scratching his head

"Yeah, and why will you dedicate a piece of music to piece of stone?" Charlotte questioned

-I wouldn't mind- Albert shrugged -Though I prefer a pop song-

-Focus- Helena said as she snapped her finger

"Can you do it in a classical genre instead?" Aenon asked

"Of course I can." Apollo threw his hand up in frustration "I'm the god of music. It's like asking whether dirt taste like dirt."

"So how do we eliminate Eros' arrows' effect on her?" the king asked

"Oh your cool and handsome white haired friend got the solution, he got the sort of cure for this. I would say Hypnos, but he's currently away."

"I thought you were the god of healing, can't you use your powers and do it yourself, master Apollo?"

"Yes, I am the god of healing, but I know how to heal small things, doesn't mean I can do it myself." Apollo sighs "My son, Asclepius, can do that since he focus on healing patients everyday instead of getting distracted by beautiful men and women."

"So how long do we have to wait?" Charlotte asked

"Do I look like Perseus?" Apollo asked "He's in Tartarus trying to find Kronos' fragments or whatever, might take weeks or months. I mean, I wouldn't advise anyone to go down there, very icky and especially that time I hosted a concert down there, it was horrible, terrible reception...."

The god then continued to ramble about his terrible experience and no one wants to interrupt him since he's a powerful god who can blast them to ashes at any second.

So they just stood there silently and awkwardly while nervously fidgeting which should be an experience our readers know since they experience it at at their family gathering all the time.

I apologize, this was in the script the author wrote for me.

< Man, this god is hopeless, even Perseus is better. > Craig sighs < Perseus is arrogant, but he's doing it on purpose and he knows it, while this guy is just an airhead which makes things more annoying. >

"Now where were we?" Apollo asked "Right, my oracle. So until I have her consent and until you find anyone willing to take her purity, she's stuck as a semi oracle. Her body right now is very unstable, without my blessing, she's like a ticking nuke that will explode into a burst of solar flare about...I'd say 3 weeks, if I'm being generous."

"Then why can't you give her your blessing now?" Albert asked

"Consent is a very important thing, so we need Perseus to erase her effects off so I can get her consent for it, unless you're my son or someone who can handle Lethe like Lethe herself and Hypnos, don't even touch it." Apollo warned

"And so we just gotta get Perseus, right? I'll volunteer, might as well bring my daughter along too since she's stronger than me in every way." Craig replied "When can we start?"


"Our lives really are like as if we're some characters in a fictional novel." Cordelia grumbled as she received a call from Emma informing her of what just happened.

"Well it does, anyway, I'm bring my pegasus along for the journey there." Emma said "We're just wondering whether you'll come along since you have actually been to this underworld place once."

"Hmm...I'll need to inform my brother and Elizabeth first, but I'll come along. I can control water, but I can't control Lethe enough to wield it. I don't know how much to use."


Eros himself isn't in the best condition, he is killed as he borrowed the mortal host, his god soul was then forcefully sent back, such a sudden death has impacted him greatly.

"That stupidly smart vessel." Eros chuckled to himself "Can't believe I overplayed my part, I even used his blood to make sure my disguise isn't found out."

He then head to his headquarters and talk to his closest allies, Nike and Fortuna, those 2 were the first 2 gods he recruited to work alongside him for Chaos.

"You got absolutely humiliated." Fortuna commented "I'd say the disguise was pretty good, too good."

"Well we did use most the blood he shed." Eros replied "I apologize for having to show the sight of his unclothed body to you."

"Well it was your fault for striving for accuracy, it'll be more accurate if the mortal body was stripped after all." Nike replied

"Though, like how accurate is it? Cuz I'd say...he got many god beat." Fortuna said "If he isn't going to be used as a vessel for our master, I would have loved to experiment with him."

"Very accurate, we used Dolos after all. The guy's disguises are always perfect." Eros shrugged "Can't believe he expected all that, I wanted to go down arrows blazing, but if I did, the council will trap us and eliminate us, so I had to use stealth which also didn't work."

"I warned you, I can sense that you had very low chance of success, but you didn't listen." Nike commented "Anyway, we gave Atlas the position as one of our generals, even though he's helping us, he isn't loyal to our cause, the chance that he will betray us after we accomplish our goal is high."

"It make sense, this is his first time experiencing freedom in a long time, he want to do his own things not working for us." Fortuna sighs "But our master will kill him at he first sight of betrayal."

"Well we'll see, forcing Eleanor to be a host for Pythia, should complicate things for them and make things easier for us. Abducting Pythia's soul has finally come in handy after all these few decades."