Chapter 386: Hera (2)

You know what? Having Hera and Zeus in front of you really helps you distract from the fucking fact that you're holding the sky. It feels like hours despite Dabria said that I only held it about 2 hours, it felt longer.

"He said it's because he wants to work on his upper body strength." Dabria conveyed my message

"Really?" Hera raised her eyebrow in suspicion "Then where are your bonds? You always train with them."

"They're resting."

"Is that why I saw your cat flirting with other cats?" she asked curiously

"We don't really intrude in each other's love life."

"And more importantly, why are you 2 intently staring at my garden?" Hera asked as it feels like she's picking up on what we're about to do.

"Say, I might be rude, but I'm curious about those apples, is there a way where I can get my hand on it?" Dabria asked "Just one is fine."

-We're so going to get a stupid request, we're probably going to be better off just attempting a heist.-

-Well it's better than not trying.- Dabria replied

-I mean I get it, but you know what I mean.-

-Besides, we should get extra. They grant immortality, remember?- Dabria reminded -If it comes down to it, you eat it and become immortal. A celestial who gained immortality will gain godhood.-

-I know, we can give it to Albert and Zach too, but if all 3 of us become immortal, Eros isn't going to back off from choosing one of us, so one of us 3 have to not eat the apple so that the other 2 will have their fate spared.-

Zeus seems to have stayed quiet, since he saw that Hera isn't punishing him for attempting to flirt with Dabria, he's just probably hoping that by staying out of topic that she'll just forgets it all together.

"Those apples are precious to me even though I have cared for it less and less throughout the years. It was my wedding gift, you see." Hera explained "But what you said earlier were partially right, I barely have any feelings left for my...husband, and so those apples are starting to lose its meaning. But it is my duty as a goddess of marriage to stick through with it till the end, you have to give me something of equivalent value."

-A withering flower?-

-You are so messed up.- Dabria commented

-It was a suggestion, not an answer.-

-A sculpture of a peacock made from scraps of the sun chariot?-

-That would work, but are you really planning to gift that to her?-

-No, the sun chariot of Helios is of similar value of that of Apollo, I'm not stupid to even waste the scraps. We'll have that as a last resort.-

"I have a question...when was...the last time...that you even slept in the same room?"

"Oh years." Hera answered "Until he is faithful and committed to this marriage like I am, then I will continue to sleep in a different room."

"I can't a therapy session, right?"

"That's a bit low, don't you think?" Zeus retorted

"Zeus, you shut your mouth." Hera ordered "The only reason that you're not castrated right now is because of my mercy, this is my conversation, so don't you dare butt in."

Zeus then glared at me as I laughed to his face.

"Wouldn't Perseus holding up he sky for 1 week suffice as service and enough of an equivalent exchange?" Dabria asked

"No, he volunteered to do this all on his own. So it wouldn't suffice since he's doing this anyway." Hera answered "Unless...Perseus have to promise me on Styx that he would succeed Jason. Gather heroes and allies to defeat Chaos."

"I already am?"

"I didn't finish my sentence." Hera raised her hand to stop me "I want you to do it under my name, become my saint."


"I am a goddess of marriage, Perseus." Hera chuckled "That means, you can only marry 1 person."

"He said, yeah, fuck that." Dabria conveyed

-I'll have an easier time stealing the apples. And I'm not destroying my own happiness for a goddess that I barely know.-

"Thought so." Hera smiled "You do not like being under orders. You, like Zeus, have the ability 'Conqueror'. As the name implies, you are a conqueror, a person destined to be king, you hate taking orders."

"King? Yeah, I don't care about the stupid fates, I hate having responsibility."

To speak continuously like that really takes a toll, let's hope I'll at least get physically stronger right after a week of this. This stupid lifting thing sucks, can't believe Atlas did this for all those years, why can't they just build pillars like a variation of the myth.

"So you hate your current baby?" Hera asked "He's going to be a responsibility."

"Not that, you idiot."

"Don't you dare call my wi-" Zeus tried to speak up but Hera just raised her hand signaling for him to not interfere.

"What's the point of being king? This demon lord thing I do is only...because I need something from them...Prince of vampires?...I need a good ability. I have no desire to be...a king. I just want a simple life...but it really isn't going my way with all the stupid shit...the author pull as he...writes to pass his time."

| Don't blame me, I have only some control as my characters always go off my script |

"Well then I will take Zeus away as you 2 enjoy whatever you're doing." Hera said with an amused look "Though it is a weird sort of kink to suffer a terrible while your partner is enjoying a picnic."

"I am not his partner." Dabria corrected

"You bitch, if a day comes where I can replace one of the Olympians, I'll...take Zeus' and make sure to...give you a lot of management jobs."

"Hestia would get a seat first, you know." Hera pointed "She used to be an Olympian too, and a current honorary memory of the council."

"Yeah, I'll get a temporary seat and make sure you all will have hard lives. I'll make it so that...Zeus look like...a good king."

-Dabria, we're stealing those apples, we'll take a lot and I'll bite one in front of them to assert dominance.-

-I thought becoming a god is the back up plan.-

-I'll spit it out, don't worry.-

-Spitters are quitters.- she joked

-Damn you.-