Chapter 401: God's requests

"You're hiding something from me." Auntie Elektra commented "What is it?"

She came to visit us earlier and joined everyone for lunch, I'll be meeting God tomorrow and I'm using today to slack off a bit. I can see her sneaking glances at my direction as we discussed somethings and she's totally spot on, I'm hiding the fact that Chaos has made contact with me.

I can already imagine telling her 'I don't know what you're talking about', but she would just find a way to yank it out of me. I can tell her upfront that I won't tell her, she would also yank it out of me. I could also just straight up ignore her, but yeah, she'll berate me for ignoring her till I cry. I need to throw her off topic.

"Lia's pregnant."

She then choked on the orange juice that she's drinking and spit it all over Damon who sat next to her, he used magic to dry himself out while giving me a glare which I replied with an apologetic look. Now hopefully, it'll throw her off the subject.

"Then how could I not see it?" she asked

"Dabria's the goddess of life, she can easily hide the presence of life to the point where even you can't detect it."

"Wait, I am?" Lia questioned and looked at me who was signaling her that I'm trying to not answer auntie Elektra right now, she knows that I can't go against her.

"He's just trying to throw you off." Lia smiled and told the truth even though she knows what I'm trying to do.

"Then how can I not sense that he's lyi- oh, you little..." Elektra realized as she know I can bypass lie detectors "Damn your training as a soldier. I can't believe they managed to make kids do it."

"Well conflict doesn't just exist between human and the gorgers, but between countries too. Us soldiers are easily able to be captured and used for interrogation. Bypassing lie detectors is pretty easy for me."

"Don't you boast." she ordered as I can then sense her using memory magic on me, which is used to detect lies. I then activate Hecate's powers of absolute control over magic to counter it completely.

"I would head over there to pull on your cheeks, but damn that curse of Styx." she cursed

"Just a question." Eliza raised her hand "When you raised him, were you the one that breastfeed him?"

-That's not possible, you need to be pregnant to be even able to do that. SHe probably used baby formulas.-

-She's a goddess, most of them can.- Dabria refuted which just gave me knowledge that I do not want to know -I've seen other goddesses do it.-

"Ew, let's not answer that. I'm fortunate to not remember memories when I was that young."

-We actually know the answer to that question.- Dabria chimed in -I can use it to blackmail you.-

"Isn't she kind of...flat to do that?" Lia asked

"Please, we're having lunch, and I want to have an appetite."

"Yes, yes I did." Elektra answered which I wish she didn't because now my head in the worst mess it has ever been. I was already slightly traumatized going through that this life while having full knowledge of it but now my brain just exploded.

-Well no need for black mail.- Damon laughed

-I wish I have a replay on his reaction, priceless- Diana joined in

| Don't worry, if we're adapted into an anime, you can rewind it all you want. |


Instead of going to meet God, he will come to meet us directly in Neelofar, so I also brought Cain along, he doesn't look too happy to come with. Auntie Elektra also insisted on coming along so she did, I already booked a private room in a nearby diner.

We got there first and waited for a while since we got there early, he arrived 20 minute earlier than our appointed time.

"Hello Cain, long time no see." he greeted

"You know, I'm really not in the mood, so make it quick." Cain sighs "Does Perseus have to be nailed to a cross or something?"

"I'm not that cruel to wish for that."

"Oh really? My punishment isn't considered cruel then? I killed my brother, okay fair, but what's the fucking point?! You know how demeaning it is to hear people who have done worse than you go to heaven?! I don't even care about heaven or hell, I just want everything to end."

"You didn't just killed your brother, to gain my attentions, you killed millions of others afterwards." God pointed out

"Waiter, we need some wine." Cain requested "Bring us your most expensive one, 2 whole bottles. I'm going to need to forget this experience."

"Dude, I'm the one paying."

"Exactly, you're rich anyway." he grumbled

"Well, God, what do you need from me? Some sort of sacrifice? Maybe get you some stupid jar only to have it returned to you with a promise of your alliance?"

"I want yield to me." God answered

"Yeah, no thanks."

"See, just kill me without his approval, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind you being banished from Eden too by doing so." Cain grumbled

-Yeah, our son have suffered too much, even if I have to sacrifice my last chance to go back to do it, I'll do it for my son.- Adam confirmed

-A god just entered our world.- Dabria informed -...Oh him.-

-Him who?-

-Just wait.-

I can then sense a familiar presence nearby after a few seconds, I can then hear his voice heading towards our private room.

"Hey Lucifer, long time no see." I greeted the moment our door opened.

"Yo." he winked and went ahead to join us by sitting directly next to god wrapping his arm around him.

"Hey old man, I've never seen you visiting me a lot despite being my father." Lucifer said "1 revolt and boom banished, not even a call."

"You wanted to be a being with the highest status because your pride won't allow you to just be a high ranking angel." God responded slightly tilted and removed Lucifer's arm "And you gathered an army to rebel in my heaven."

"Barely anyone was harmed, Cain, totally get ya. He really is a terrible guy. One mistake and you'll get eternally punished. He's a worst father than the God from the show."