Chapter 410: Pegasus

"Isn't that a good thing?" Uncle John questioned "By joining them, you'll have lesser gods after your head."

"But with that comes responsibility, they mostly chose me because of my fighting prowess and the stupid prophecy of how I'm going to be the one who save every living being in existence. If I do prove to be the savior they expect me to be, they'll be scared of my powers and so securing me in a marriage would be beneficial to them."

"You are not like my brother at all, you're too smart."

"Well either way, your responsibility is too much." Mom sighs "I personally didn't even believe in prophecies and the like till boom, right in my face."

Dabria then descent physically right behind us. She then gave me a look and I do not like it, based on her memories, that is the face of whenever she tried to piss off Nova since he's usually calm, just to see how far she can push I till he's ticked off. She then gripped one of my shoulder.

"Well you don't have to worry about him not leaving something behind." Dabria reassured their worries "He's already married to Cordelia."

-You bitch!-

"Hold on, what?" Dad responded

"He has already secretly signed the marriage documents and have it kept secret, but if you go ask the castle's administrative office to search his files, you'll see that he's married." Dabria informed

"Yeah, he did." Cain confirmed as he ate

"Based on his reaction, she's telling the truth." Olivia commented "I can't believe you, you even told a stranger first. And married, not engaged?"

"Well yes. But we didn't want to make a big deal out of it, like I said, even many gods don't know about it, so we can't hold a ceremony yet. They'll really go after her if they know that she's my wife."

"Is she pregnant?" Mom asked

"Why is that the first thought that come to mind?"

"You have your father's blood. No offense, John."

"No, she's not...Well I haven't checked...I'm kidding, don't have a hopeful expression."

"Just so you know, I'm telling the Laguna family about this and I will convince them to not hold a ceremony."

"Fine, just make sure to tell them in this house or my house where no gods can hear."


So we grew those wheat with magic several times, with magic, they grew quick and we would just spent the next hour harvesting wheat and I met up with Professor Emma and Amora who are waiting at our house with her bonds.

"Oh forgot that no one was home, why didn't you call? Amora, didn't I already register your mana, you should be able to go in ad help yourselves."

"It's fine, dad." Amora replied "I wanted to stay outside."

"I wasn't here that long." Professor Emma added "So everyone's here, are we leaving now?"

"Well I got one more person to help since she's fun to bring along."

As I said that I can see a warp portal next to us open and Stella stepping out of it.

"She's a black core, got affinity for all attributes. We'll have to travel several worlds to find one of the horses, so we need all the help we could get."

"Hmph. We barely meet and the first thing you request of me was to got to Tartarus and now to find horses." Stella pouted

"The Tartarus one was Zach though."

"Can't you call me when you're free or something?" she then used sound magic to sound exactly like me "Hey sis, do you want to go on a picnic with me this Sunday?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

"What about father, the one who is your sworn sibling?"

"We have our own things and we promised to meddle with each other, and Rex hasn't reverse engineered video games yet, otherwise I would play it with Zach everyday."

"All I hear are excuses to help with your social anxiety since you prefer to be alone."


"Homunculus got your tongue?" she asked

"Damn you."

We got many information about Pegasus, he prefer the spring time, so we focused our spatial magic to go to worlds where it is spring time and go on from there. After arrival we would all spread out in 4 different groups to go 4 different directions. Professor and her bonds would go with Ace to the west, Siege and Damon to the north, Diana, Amora, and Stella to the south and finally me and Cain to the east.

We are to spend one day at most in search for a god before we move on to another world, my bonds can sense a godly presence and we can track each other easily allowing us to follow the other. We did sense a few minor gods on the way, but not the immortal pegasus. Dabria also help as she can survey the world better than us and would help look at the spots we missed.

So we moved from one world to another and we kept repeating the process for about 10 straight days(we had rest in between of course). On the 11th day, Dabria can sense Pegasus in our world and so in our search, Diana and Stella found him which the rest of us gathered quickly to her spot.

Pegasus is a 1.8 m tall white stallion with a golden mane and tail. His wings are white with slight golden tips. He's resting under this shade of a large tree as we watched from far away.

"He's beautiful, we are to bond with him, right?" professor Emma asked

"What is it with you and winged creatures?" Wally asked

No, it's literally impossible to, best we can do is get a Nexus with him. Go on Wilson, go speak with him. Lower his guard a bit so they we can talk with him comfortably."

"What's the point of taming him?" Wilson asked "You tame him just to give him to another person, he would either fly back to you after you hand him over after several hours or...he'll leave both you and that God person."

"Well, our task is just to hand him in and I prefer to not use violence to be honest, it's our last resort though."