Chapter 424: Another secret


"To make it more convincing, you might need to give up an ability." Hecate suggested

"Yeah, it'll also be useful for you temporarily." Zach added "But giving up an ability for it, we have to use forbidden magic to do that."

"That's fair. I'll give up 'narrator', it's a good enough ability to fool everyone for the start of the banquet, even Eros won't believe that I gave it up. I just need my 'Protagonist' ability." I sigh "It seems like I became prince to meet Valentino for nothing."

Present time...

-You're hiding something from me, spill it out.- Dabria demanded

Currently no one is home which, I know, hell of a coincidence, isn't it? But no my 'Protagonist' skill do not grant me this kind of luck, I do have a trait, 'Unusual luck', but this is not it. Currently she is cornering me in the kitchen where I had no place to escape.

"Do you not like cinnamon rolls?" I joked as I placed them in the oven.

"No, I know you have some secrets that you keep to yourself, but..." she then scratched her chin trying to figure me out "After we come back from time traveling, you immediately went to the seeker's base where I cannot see due to the runes and enchantments, usually I can from your perspective, but you managed to block it, what do you not want me to know?"

"I'm creating a ring for our future engagement."

"Stop the bullshit, Grace."

"I told you to stop calling me that, Dabria. But like I said, it's something I can't tell any of you."

"Not just that. You returned with the power of Thoth, you apparently met an alternate version of Horus' advisor who trusted you enough to bestow upon you his secret name. You currently possess more combat powers than me, a goddess, at the age of 17 years old."

"Well yeah, there are many things that a god can do compared to a celestial, you can just travel between worlds according to your will and have many other privileges."

"Why are you trying so hard to hide something?" she insisted and backed me up till I was half sitting on the counter "If you tell me, I'll kiss you right now."

"And if I warp away to escape this awkward situation?"

"I will not talk to you for a week." she threatened

"You are becoming more problematic than Lia somehow."

"You 2 move too fast, just over a year and you're married already. Shouldn't you have at least asked for my blessing? But tell me what you're hiding."

"Well in a certain timeline, I managed to subdue a goddess, she found me handsome and managed to give me a peck on the lips."

"It's not me, is it?"

It's technically something I would love to keep to myself but it's the only way to get her to back off. This goddess is really stubborn sometimes. But I tolerated her for 17 years, so it's too late to back out at this point.

"It's...I can't believe I'm about to say her name..."

-Me neither.- Adam chuckled


"Oh...What?...How?" She then went silent with a very confused expression "Isn't she like your mom? That is so wrong."

"I'm questioning my existence too, don't worry."

"Even if that's the truth, I know you're still hiding something, that was just to throw me off." she pouted "I know you too well."

"You're cute when you pout."

"Stop patting my head." she retorted as she swat my hand away.

"Well I'm taking Oliver and Emily on a ride on Pegasus today, come join us later."


As we totally did not force Pegasus to take my 2 cousins for a ride, Elektra and Morpheus came to visit the kingdom in person, how Morpheus got in? I do not know.

"You go visit your kid yet?"

"I did." he replied "Oh man, it feels amazing to hold them in your arms, if it's with the right woman, I would have settled down."

"Perseus, whatever you do, please do not end up like him." Elektra advised "Hmmm...I sense a new power on you, what happened?"

"I received the powers of Thoth, not important, why are you both here? Want to ride Pegasus too?"

"Perseus, do I look that childish to you?"

"Your alternate version sure act answer my question...please."

"Well through our very hard work, we've discovered that Chaos will be sending a suicide vanguard to accompany her to come to the banquet." Morpheus informed "Her goal is to have people hold people off as she gains possession of you."

"Be careful, Perseus." Elektra warned "Even master Hypnos is now being active and doing actual training, you may possess a lot of power, but do not be careless. Chaos has planned this for a long time, a plan to recreate the universe to her ideal image."

"I know, I have many plans to deal with many things, so let's just hope everything goes smoothly."

"And not just that, we have one more news to give you." Morpheus then elbowed Elektra "She will tell you, but trust me on this, something of this caliber hasn't happened before."

"What do you need to tell me?"

She then got into her enforcer uniform out of nowhere, which is her golden armor. So if she's in that uniform, it means that she's been tasked by the council to do something, and I do not like it at all. She then cleared her throat.

"Congratulations, Perseus Silver." she then did a salute where she slams the butt of her lance to the ground "You have been bestowed the title of the lord of creation and has been chosen as the new member of Olympus. And as a member of Olympus, you are being summoned by the council of gods where you shall be evaluated further."

"I thought you used your fist and magic, where did the lance come from? Maybe slippers or hangars too if it counts."