Chapter 426: Summoned by the council (2)

You're probably wondering what my throne looks like, right?'s basically a grey arm chair that is comfortable as fuck. It also have a symbol of a silver sword and this silver specks to represent stars.

"Never in my years." Hephaestus sighs as I crank it backwards to lay down more comfortably "He might just be as bad as Zeus."

"Easiest job ever. I just gotta protect my world till my retirement. Do I get paid?"

"The only money you get are the money that worshippers offer to you in" Athena trailed off meaning that I'm getting no pay since I don't want followers.

"If you get those offerings or sacrifices, I know you can just have a currency exchange somewhere, but what about those offerings that includes living beings?"

"Don't worry, we have gods who will intercept and take those offerings and give it to other gods who are into that and are willing to give money in exchange. Those gods will get a small cut and we get the rest." Athena explained

I then pressed a button and this chair have this screen and popped up from the sides. Basically I have Hephaestus just crafted me a lazy man's chair, and I got something that the other actual thrones don't have, cupholders. I know, great right, and in it is this specially made metal cup container that can be filled up with any drink I want, hot or cold.

"Woah, free unlimited Netflix, Disney+ and all sorts."

"This is why I was against this decision." Hephaestus grumbled "Just you know, this is all your faults."

"What? You are my girlfriend's teacher."

"I trust her, not you entirely. Great worker, descendant of a god, yet most of her achievement are because of her hard work."

"I work hard too."

"Yes, I admit that's true, but still holding a position of such authority is a lot of responsibility."

"How many people was against me?" I asked as I drank from the metal cup "Good cold apple juice."

"It was me, Hermes, Demeter, and Dionysus." he answered "Hestia was also against you but we still accept the result nonetheless."

The hearth which our throne is surrounding then lit up. A goddess then appeared out of the flames, it is a woman about 164 cm tall, looks to be in her mid 30s, short dark brown hair, and have blue eyes.

-She's attractive.- Diana commented

-So that's your taste. I sort of get it.-

"I was against it because you hold too much power, there's no stopping you if you were to go on a rampage." Hestia said

"Isn't that what the council of gods is for? To stop gods from abusing their powers too much?"

"And Zeus has done that for years." she pointed out "They only took action because a war is close, and if you truly are this prophesized hero, then not even the council have the power to stop you, and currently I have doubts, it's only a few months away and yet your strength is only of that of a council member."

"I hate to defend my mortal here, but for a 17 year old celestial, having that strength proves his potential already." Dabria countered "And he did what none of you could, which was stopping Zeus. Even if you include the fact that he had Hecate's and my help, it's still a great achievement."

-Oh look, she's defending you. We must be dreaming!- Ace exclaimed

-Yeah, stop using your magic on us.- Damon added

-It is strange to see her defend him.- Siege commented -She is usually the first to rip him apart.-

"Well the council said the same thing so far, so I'll wait till then." Hestia sighs

"So I know Poseidon is already at the council, but where's Dionysus? I see everyone BUT him."

"At a party somewhere." Apollo answered "I was performing there last night, but as everyone here knows, his parties don't just last a night. Most of us don't really do our duties apart from Hera, Artemis, and Athena."


Since we're supposed to meet with the council, we have to be escorted by enforcers which Elektra and Heracles volunteered to do it, which is good since we can at least trust them. The place of the council is basically like a small coliseum where you are stood in the middle and a few dozens gods sitting on a higher ground.

"Wassup everybody."

"You meet the gods with the highest of authorities and you say 'wassup'?" Heracles asked

"Ey wassup dude." Horus greeted "How's your day goin?"


"I'm doing good, got Pegasus and Arion, can recently control time, and basically your trainings paid off."

"That's what I wanna hear." he laughed "Dude, I'm so proud of you, one moment I was trying to hit on your mother and the next second, you become your own father's boss."

"Should have left my mother out of this because you just made it weird. But thanks dude."

-Let's do this quick, because you still haven't decorate your quarters yet, if it's good, we should move here.- Ace said

-I would say that we should use it as one of our safehouses, but...Chaos would attack this world first and ours second, we won't be safe.-

"Now now. Focus." God clapped his hands to get our attention

"Heyyyy...this is awkward since Pegasus left you for me."

"Well to be honest, I've tried. Anyway, we are all here today to assess your morality and whether you will abuse the powers and authority that we will grant you. Any questions?"

"For the upcoming banquet, I'll still be attending as a reincarnate, right?"

"I don't see how it's related, but yes."

-The date is still on.-

-That's good then.- Dabria replied

"I have a question." Thoth raised his hand "I sense my powers on you, and mix that with the rest of your abilities, your current prowess is amongst of our elites. How did you acquire that?"

"Your alternate self gave me that, you bestow me your secret name."

"Me? Secret name?"

"Yep, I can now see through the past a bit and many other things, i can now fully utilize Kronos' powers."