Chapter 435: Just a little break

As a current Olympian, I managed to work my way in order to give Elektra a break, from both working as a scout and an enforcer. And as per my duty, I'm also supposed to bring Leonard to the Crimson kingdom, since it's a tradition for the vampires to report of a dhampir or bring them to the kingdom where I'll meet up with Elektra.

Due to getting Thoth's powers, I can distinguish different type of species with just my eyes, but for the vampires, they will want a bit of blood, so with loads of healing magic so that he doesn't feel the pain, I managed to withdrew 3 drops of blood for my aides to confirm it.

"You're dangerous, if you were really morally corrupt, you can raise an army of dhampir." Ranger commented

"Hmm, I can replace every vampire in the kingdom by the next generation."

"You're seriously not thinking about it, are you?" Shamita asked while backing away "With your strength, you can seriously do that, and that's what's scary."

"Wyatt, you did inform the guards of a blonde scary goddess with a literal electrifying presence?"

"Yes sir." he replied "She wouldn't really kill the guards to have her way, right? And why is she scary? You defeated my gods and goddesses before."

"She's the only one who can boss he around, I owe her my literal life, so I usually let her do what she wants."

"What is she, your mother?" Ranger joked

"You're not that far off, you know."

"Well either way, we don not want to offend a goddess." Wyatt commented "Especially if you say that she's an enforcer whose job is to enforce the regulations among the gods, it would make her a very powerful entity. The recent attack has proven that we are more powerless than we thought."

"Yeah, I actually got hurt, I lost my ear for a moment there, if I didn't have these Hermes shoes and the curse of Styx, I would have died."

"I'll file this to the king, to meet 2 dhampir at the same time, this is very amazing." Shamita said "Working under one would also do good for my resume."

"Well I'll retire from my prince position after my fight with Baeli, so work hard for my vote. I also heard of plans for the king's retirement, so more spot for prince will open."

-If you want, you can force Vlad to retire.- Dabria suggested

One of my castle knights then got into the room informing me that Elektra has arrived and I let her in. She then arrive in our office.

"Can I hold him?" she asked quietly to not wake him up "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Where's the mother?"

"Home, she's resting since it's been mentally exhausting for her, so I'm taking care of him until she gets better." I answered while handing him to her "Be careful."

"I know what I'm doing." she replied "By the way, Nyx will be joining the banquet."

"Crap. Goddess of night, Grandma extraordinaire and the only woman who has tried to get me in an arranged marriage twice."

"Many gods are impressed that you are the only one so far in history who has enough courage to attack her home in the pits of Tartarus."

"Tartarus sounds like some fancy food." Ranger commented

"Oh, it's a great place, warm, homes to gods and demon alike."

"You think you can take me there?"

"I can right now, if you want."

"Oh go ahead."

I then opened up a portal in front of him, warped behind him and kicked him in. Don't worry, I applied some magic on him, I can warp him back out any time and he should be able to basically not die there if he's careful before I closed the portal.

"I'll let him stay there for 10 minutes."

"I read it from the reports, Prince Urie went there with you." Shamita realized "It's said to be one of the most dangerous place you 2 ever ventured in, monsters whose powers even rival you 2."


"No one would venture down there if they're smart, even us gods don't like going there." Elektra added

After 10 minutes, I warped Ranger back whose face was as pale as snow, he had a lot of sweat on him with bruises and injuries everywhere, his clothes was burnt. He then punched me in the arms before going down on his knees.

"Dude that was 10 minutes, it's not like I warped you next to Nyx's base where celestials can attack you on purpose."

-You are a cruel man, I love you.- Ace laughed

-It was a bit far out, but close enough that one or 2 celestials can sense him. They wouldn't have attacked, but knowing him, he probably approached them asking dumb questions.-

"Fire river...poison air...beautiful celestial...flying pigs." he panted

"Want to go there again?"

"Hell no!" he jolted

Leonard then starts crying again and Elektra then tried to calm him down. Shamita then twisted his ear for doing that, Wyatt sort of took pity on him and healed him.

"It should be a great place to train for the upcoming attacks."

"Well it's either death or death at that point." Ranger argued

"You just faced a foot soldier, but anyway, Wyatt, make sure our troops is ready at all times, the banquet is close, be sure to be on your feet and take command in my stead, the next attack is Ragnarok, a prophecy of the end of everything, it'll make the recent attack look like a kid's cat fight."


The time has come, I made sure everyone is busy and away, I even blocked Dabria from seeing things before I met up with Zach and Hecate at our secret spot. I can see my clone being made, all it's missing are the limbs and a heart.

"Well now I have to give you guys my heart."

"It would sound really poetic if it wasn't literal." Hecate complained

"Yeah, and we thought that using your literal arms and legs would make this more believable." Zach said "As Hecate confirmed, the curse will remained at your cut off limbs for about 8 days, so it should sell the act."