Chapter 447 Blood replacement (3)

3rd person view

"I'm sorry, master." Eros apologized after he finished checking on Chaos "It seems that he used his 'Narrator' ability on the veins and his brain too, along with all the curses, it'll take decades for us to take them off and get you out of this vessel."

"Quality wise, it's not the worst." Chaos replied "They made this using good quality bones and other materials in order to trick me, but if Hecate, Andrius, or Perseus were to fight against me, they will have a lot of control over this body, so as I look for blood replacements, kill those 3."

"The methods, master?" Nike asked

"I want them dead and I do not care how." Chaos answered "We kill them and we'll prepare either Albert or Lee as the replacement. Louis is a popular and a great commander, so kill him too. Fortuna, you focus on finding the blood as Eros and Nike will fight them, it will also distract Perseus from Fortuna if he's winning."

"So we eliminate all our major prophetic threats as priority, as you wish."


1st person view

As Ace waited with the rest in that spaceship, I first went to get Arion, he easily joined me as I got Pegasus to stay behind to help in fights if necessary and then got to get Amora who are currently at the Steels' house and slapped me at first sight.

"You too?"

"Your own literal flesh and blood?! Are you fucking insane?!" she yelled

"Well it worked, didn't it?"

"Oh you're talking back?"

"I am...?"

"That wasn't the right response, you idiot." Professor Steel sighs "You have 2 women, you should at least know what things to avoid when you are on the receiving end of a scolding."

"Ace and Siege's expressions switched for a second and others may not have known it, but I did." Amora continued "i forced it out of them and I cried! This was the 2nd time, you died and sacrifice yourself while I can do nothing to stop it, but oh no, it was a fuc-"

"The Amora of this timeline is still a young child, so don't swear." I interrupted "Professor Green may be covering her ears, but it would still set a bad example."

"Thank you." she said as she is a bit baffled before having an angry expression again "Wait, you're not getting away with this. You ripped your heart out?!"

"Well yeah, Zach is strong enough to hurt me if he use his full power, but taking out a heart with fresh conditions and have minimal effects on my body is something that only I can do, so I had to do it myself."

"No, no excuses. No one would be that messed up to think of that. Oh wait, of course, there's one, you! Are you seriously trying to become like those messed up mythological Greek figure because you're made an Olympian or a messed up Egyptian one because you're favored by Horus?!"

"Sheesh, you should be made my mom instead and no, I no-."

"Hey, no talking back!" she snapped

-She's definitely like your mom. Remember the time we argued in front of her?- Dabria asked

-Yeah. Amora does remind me of her a bit.-

"He's spacing out, he's talking with the goddess." professor Emma pointed out and snitched on me. That bitch!

"Oh you just said 'that bitch!', didn't you?" Amora asked

-You're in trouble.- Dabria said

"Not aloud. There's the young Amora over there."

"So you did!" Professor Emma exclaimed


Anyway, I got Arion and Amora into the vault thing and get them to inspect the chair, Amora doesn't recognize it, but Arion looks like he got some clue.

"They're made by these group of rogue gods who decided to not follow the council, during the time, runes wasn't as advance," he explained "So the only way to hide it is to have mortal's blood to replace their original one, and in the process, they created this. Though it wasn't perfect as a good portion of them either lost their immortality or become semi immortal instead."

"Where are the group now?"

"Dead." he answered bluntly "Though not agreeing to the rules of the council is one thing, but rebelling and launching an attack against them is another, I bet your goddess doesn't even know, the civil war was quite old since the start of the council, but it isn't talked about anymore, I come across a researcher who taught me this."

That would make sense, so a large collection of gods made it causing it to have a wide variety technology and create such a great piece of technology, but apparently this is the best piece they could make, it can't have a perfect version of it made, there are replicas, but even then, this is the best one.

"God level blood doesn't really refer to a god, just rarity and the classification of its strength, we should prioritize on finding them and guard them since there are about less than a 100 left," Lee suggested "We can destroy this device but even then, chances's not impossible to find a way to completely replace their blood."

"Can we even destroy it?"

"Not impossible, but I will get in trouble since it is owned by the supreme inter galactic court, many people associated with me will die." Louis replied "They do not really believe in the existence of gods or the oncoming war. Some do, but they have too much confidence in our advance weaponry that can supposedly triumphs gods."

-Perseus, Eros, Nike...they have arrived on the field.- Diana reported -The odds are leading in their favor again.-

-Shit, they could be misleading us by appearing on the battle field but are focusing their efforts on the blood.-

-No choice, they are the leaders and have boosted morale greatly and with Nike commanding them, their numbers are finally coming to work and pushing us back, we can't hold it for long.-

"Say, Louis, how many ships can you get to join the fight?"

"Depends, why are you asking?" he responded