Chapter 451: Prison visit (2)

"It's chaos out there, isn't it?" he snickered "People are dying left and right, I'm sure you receive many reports of betrayal recently, I enjoyed it very much."

"Your wife will be joining the trial, and you are not to address her or she will suffer and she will do the same. She will do nothing but watch you face your death, and she will follow through our order, hurting her would hurt you very much, she is the only one whom your love value more than that of your master."

"You are no better than us." Nike chimed in

"I never said I was. I'm a killer. I'm a selfish guy who values myself over everyone else and that is something I also hate about myself, but I can't change my nature. My wolf reported a few attacks on my world, you know, all unsuccessful."

"You are too cautious, one day it will be your downfall, Perseus Silver." Nike retorted

"I'm regularly cautious, I will make sure to live to the very end. See you in 2 days."

Eros and Nike are pretty much powerless now, they have been already permanently been removed from godhood, even Chaos would no longer have use for them, but even then, they are calm, their loyalty are something else, I'll give them that.

I then left them there ending the conversation and headed out.

"Your powers are very dangerous, you know." Zeus muttered as I walked by "There are many gods who would not want you to be a god. You get stronger every fight, whether the opponent is weak or not, that makes your potential limitless if you actually put in more effort."

"Don't worry, I hate immortality, living for 3-4 centuries is good enough for me, maybe I can negotiate a way for you to get a seat amongst Olympus again when I retire, though you can never become king again."

Elektra then just handed me a churro out of nowhere.

"You're tired, eat this sugary churro, it'll give you some energy." she advised


"Yes." she nodded

"Thank you, mother." It was too sweet for my liking, but can't argue with her food.

I then ate it as I attend to a few of my other matters. I went to meet with the vampires who are currently fighting in Valhalla. Everyone seems to be in really high spirits despite the fact that their numbers just went down by a quarter.

Though I could say differently for Vlad who does not look like he was having a fun time, he looked sleep deprived despite the fact that on average we got 7 hours of sleep, his eyes was droopy and it seems like he almost fell asleep during every discussion if it wasn't for Heathcliff and the retired Dillard.

"Dream magic and sloth magic needs sleep, why am I being forced to sleep less than 18 hours a day?" he complained which no one really cared about

"Gotta say, most fun I had in a while." Urie laughed "Most of our opponents here don't die in just one hit, they resist very well."

"Perseus, how is the situation from our kingdom?" the king asked

"We have a few skirmishes here and there, but nothing to worry about, Wyatt is leading the forces well. Lillian and Natalie also have contributed a lot on the frontline themselves."

"Seems like my son serve you well." Dillard chuckled "Amongst your 3 aide, who would you say that would most likely become the next prince or princess."

"Easily Wyatt, your son, Shamita next and Ranger in 4th or 5th."

"You got 3 aides, how is he not 3rd?"

"He's strong as the other 2, is a genius in his field but he can easily lose focus. He quite literally has a short attention span. Besides, if he and Shamita end up together, it'll have a lesser burden on their relationship if they both don't have to take on such a heavy role."

Urie then tried to challenge me into a fight in order to test his limit which I heavily refused, he even tried shooting spells towards me and everything, so I promised to fight him after everything is resolved.

I then went on to visit Kenny, I opened the doors to see Stella walking around being wrapped in a towel as if she had just gotten out of the shower. Kenny on the other hand seems to got up quickly from the couch with messy hair and clothes.

"I swear to god that this isn't what it looks like." he yelled as he panicked

"So what does it look like?"

"We had pizza and lemonade and got into an argument, that's all, I swear to god. And the shower and me waking up messy is just bad timing."

"Sure..." I know that he's telling the truth, but it's fun messing with him "So sis, do you walk around in a bath towel like that often?

"I only thought he was asleep, otherwise I won't." she responded "And what's with your reaction earlier, why did you panic when he assumed we did something intimate? Is being with me that bad?"

"No, it was just to clear the misunderstanding."

She didn't look convince as he turned to me with this expression of 'is this what women are like?' which I just nod in response. 'It's always your fault' I mouthed back. 'Is marriage worse?' he asked. 'Depends on the woman.'

-What's that supposed to mean, you jerk.- Dabria joined in unexpectedly

-Oh, the private channel.-

-You tell anyone else what happened, I'll personally see to your death. Don't worry, I'll take full responsibility of your child.-

"Well, Kenny, I need your papers on the prediction of their next attacks and plans before I attend to the trial. I need every help I can get."

"Yeah, on it." he then got up and give me this paper which is arranged on every tactics and predictions of the enemy and even tactics to counter them if that happens. Even plans in case to counter their counter of our counter. Confusing, I know, but it's useful.

"You guys didn't do anything while writing these papers, right? Do I need to sanitize these?"

"Don't worry bro, I'm still a virgin." he replied

"That's not what...well I am too."

"...Yeah, alright then, we share a lot in common then."