Chapter 466: Space wars

| You already know what title I was going to put, but you know these companies, even if I don't get paid, they will find a way to sue me, so better be safe than sorry. |

-Booo, coward, call it sta- -

Author's POV

Bob and Dick...why must their names be so stupid, if you're Richard, go with other nicknames other than Dick, you know the guy got bullied in school, anyway, they slipped up their locations, over the past few days, we have kept track of the food and drinks they got based on the logo of the franchise or business, they slipped up and ordered pizzas from a local family business.

The cops then quickly and and quietly narrowed down their location, even though the restaurant can deliver a few towns over, mostly nearby, so that narrowed it down to 6 of them, we then checked warehouses around the areas and we got about 11, so they contacted the cops from those areas.

Those officers on the receiving end are apparently splitting up to go check all those areas, the twins seems to have intercepted the calls and are making an escape for it, Baeli took this opportunity and jumped into a nearby laptop.

"Did she just..." the officers on our end are shocked at what they just saw.

I mean, I warned them that she isn't an ordinary person but noooo...I sound funny. The narrator saw this and jumped in the webnovel too, shocking them more and causing a few of them to pass out and me to deal with them.

"So...yeah, he's gone to get her before she kill any of my characters due to her rage."


1st person view

We are currently on a small ship flying through space dodging every laser blast and landing inside it, we can just use magic to burst it and kill everyone inside, but what's the fun in that, we gotta make Struan have some fun too.

I also sort of forced Kenny to come along for this one instead of just letting him lazing around and only helping occasionally. I then tossed him a white and gold rifle which he grabbed.

"Imprint it with your mana, that rifle can switch modes between an assault rifle and a sniper, it's also made from Eros' bow, so be careful, you can make Stella hate you."

"You seriously implying that I'm desperate enough to use it on a girl I like?" he responded

"Yeah, you are so awkward dude, you are like me, except Lia is very pushy, but for you...both of you are awkward, you probably need some help, you'll probably use it on yourself to make yourself more confident."

"You got anything for me?" Struan asked

I then tossed him and Kenny a badge.

"It's powered by a mana crystal, if you were to get sucked into space, inject a small dosage of mana into it where it will create a sort of mana space suit to allow you to breathe and not get microwaved, oh and don't worry if you don't see anything, it's transparent."

"You just gave me something that you gave everyone else." he complained "You also haven't give me a wedding gift."

"I thought you said you didn't want any when I asked."

"Unlike you, I'm not literal all the time."

"Don't worry, I got you something, and now that we're fighting in space, the aesthetic would match."

I then tossed him a golden handle of a blade, which he inject mana into and like a light saber...yeah, it's a mana saber, mix with aura of course.

"It's made from the tip of Nike's spear, usually mortals can't handle a divine item, there are exceptions for a descendant of a god like you, but I had Eliza dumb down the potency a bit, similar for the rifle. You now possess a new heirloom that is blessed by a dead victory goddess."

"It seems I was right to marry my sister to you." he replied as he admired the blade "What happens if I run out of mana or aura?"

"Mana crystal in there just in case, should last 2 or 3 days, they also recharge and have an easy 3 step process if you want to change for a better crystal, I'll give you the manual later."

"Shit, I wish I got a sister you can marry." Kenny grumbled "Are you taking Zach by any chance? We know he goes both ways. I also want an extra gift."

"Don't push it bro."

Man, they sure are lousy shots, like seriously, did they even get proper training, i can dance my way through this and the bullets just fly by, some were more closer to my face than I thought, but still none of them even graze me, not that I will get seriously hurt thanks to the curse of Styx.

Struan on the other hand was not having a fun time, but he sure fit in well, he spun his blade and deflected on the shots that came at him, while Kenny was just walking behind my back.

"You're the protagonist, they would never hit their shot unless it's for a dramatic moment." he said

This guy was my captain and here he is using me as a meat shield, I mean it's smart, but even I wouldn't stoop to his level.

-No, you absolutely would.- Damon argued

-Yeah.- the rest of my bonds agreed

-You guys suck.-

It's not like I possess a trait in my 'Protagonist' ability that allows me to evade every shot. I walked to one of them and despite being less than 20 meters in front of them, they still missed their shots.

They finally managed to hit me when I'm like 5 meters close, now that's just lousy.

"You guys sure are pitiful."

My arms burst into flames as I shot a huge fireball which caused a massive explosion in the ship, it sure is durable though.

"Magic?! Run!" one screamed

Ace just used wind magic to shoot out wind slashed to cut the guy down before he got far.

They all started running, but Siege ended them them all as mana arrows all hit them from the back and goes right through the chest from the back.

-It sure is fun killing people.- Siege said

-We need to get you checked.-