Chapter 469: Space wars (4)

The councilors and our opposition then erupted in an uproar, the assassins in the room jumped at us, Struan reacted quickly as his blade cut down the 2 nearest one with a single swing. No wonder he was the strongest before I came, he reacted quick, back then I probably wouldn't have beaten the guardian either, luckily for the plotinum blade that I can no longer use.

Several black spikes shot up from our shadows and pierced the rest impaling them to their deaths. Lee just chuckled as he then spread his shadows across the whole arena entrapping the enemies in their place. Wit a snap of my finger, i warped us all in front of the councilors.

"I can't believe such honorable people like you would go back against your word." Louis said with a slightly disappointed tone "I am seriously considering killing all of you even if it means resulting in inevitable chaos and creating a rebellion against me."

"You cheated! Your ally can teleport just by blinking, what's to say he didn't interfere with the match and cheated." a councilor spat "You gave us the cat's blood for a blood test for drugs, it is a normal cat, how could it spew fire and create mirages of itself?!"

"That's why I told you that gods are real and you all need to accept that, magic is real, everything is, you and your old ways!" Louis retorted


3rd person view

Currently Chaos is at its base repairing the damages on its skin with several gods helping to heal it, it was having a hard time repairing itself.

< This vessel was made to fool me, it isn't the worst of quality if I were to face someone, I can take on anyone, but the recent fight against the 3, Hecate, Andrius, and Perseus have proven to be very dangerous. > Chaos thought < They also thought of everything, this body gets hungry quickly and it is allergic to many food, healing is slow despite skilled healers...damn those 3! >

"How's the chair?" Chaos asked one of her subordinates

"It will take a while." the god replied "Magic cannot help detect the immediate error, we have found the problem, but these'll take a while to fix, they really did a good amount of damage to it, the goddess of death also placed several curses of death on it, the moment we used magic on it is the moment we die, it's similar to the ones Thanatos have. It's powerful."

"Acquire them at all cost! You have my permission to do anything to get those." Chaos ordered before turning to a goddess "How's Fortuna in her journey"

"She is doing well, but the progress to find a replacement for your blood is very slow due to the fact that many reincarnates of the Daoist worlds have teamed up to fight her." the goddess answered "But there is one known person who have the a god level blood...Perseus Silver, Fortuna found the traces of his bonds in a temple and none of them are observed to have their blood merged yet."

"What are our chances?" Chaos asked

"Hecate and Hypnos is known to keep a close eye on his world and Hecate is particularly great against you." the goddess replied "Elektra is also one of the top enforcers who is there physically to protect the world and most importantly his family."

"What about Albert? He is strong for a reincarnate, but he isn't impossible to fight." Chaos suggested

"Albert seems to have purposely be left defenseless, but knowing Perseus, that would be a trap. Albert is also currently working with 2 reincarnates, Luca and Kate, there's also no guarantees that Perseus would sacrifice the blood for their lives."


"Occupied by Heracles."

"Tsk." Chaos clicked its tongue "That boy has gotten in my way all the time, but we'll risk it, do whatever it takes to lure Albert and his group away from his world, and trap them, Perseus may not want to sacrifice the blood for them, but they'll at least get his attention, I'll personally fight him if he actually comes."


1st person view

The fight continues and the space war went on swell for us, the opponents stood no chance fighting reincarnates of different worlds. Some of the aliens do possess cool abilities like breathing flames and shooting lightning of a similar level of magic, but they are too few in numbers, and they also can't block spatial magic erasing them from existence.

Pegasus is also unexpectedly useful with negotiating with some native aliens in their unknown language, apparently he's been here before and he never told us, the bastard, so we managed to recruit them to our side.

I doubt Chaos would spend its time to keep them alive like it did with Kenny. Kenny is also receiving regular check ups from Stella when we're not there, Chaos could place some traps within him that we couldn't detect, and since she's there, she can do it.

It took them a week, but they finally surrendered. I helped using magic to rebuild the destruction and many buildings before I head back. Lee also head back, but he told me something.

"Fortuna seems to have slowed down in her search and the god's movements are weirder and weirder by the second, it's harder to predict and track them, so be careful, they may be targeting for you and the other 2 who made the vessel." he warned "Without you 3, they have no one to really fear. So be careful."

When I got home, Struan joined me and collapse on the couch.

"What happened? You look both physically and mentally exhausted." Mom commented

"I have earned a bit more respect for your son." he replied "He does all that work and come home somewhat energetic to then watch over his son. I could barely take on one god and there he is fighting several of them at once."

"It would explain why he has a lot of stamina." Lia popped in which I facepalmed "Anyway, Albert came by and gave you a message to help check on his family while he's gone."

-Strange.- Dabria commented -Helena is also gone.-