Chapter 471: Lured away (2)

I went on to check up on Helena at Olympus, apparently Apollo couldn't even figure out what was wrong with her, but then Asclepius, a better healer, who unusually can just heal them up, but not this time, clearly this was a message.

We caught the person who sneaked her body up here, but the spy killed themselves before we can know more, but we can easily know who the perpetrator is, Chaos. It probably was the one causing those problems in the other worlds. We asked the gods who were watching Albert's progress, but apparently it was suddenly cut off, they just assumed Albert wanted privacy by drawing up some runes and enchantments.

I went to check up on Helena and I can clearly see what's wrong, I used my eyes to check further and confirmed my suspicions.

"There's a timer on her." I informed them "It seems these curses placed on her body are very strong, but I doubt any of us can heal her until the timer's up, I can see the time curse placed on her, I can take it away, but it would require physical contact..."

"You might want to avoid that." Asclepius replied "When I checked her pulse physically earlier, I felt weak, it seems to be a curse that would drain a mortal's lifeforce, taking a few years off your timespan."

"As expected of our resident time warden." Hera applauded "With those gold and silver eyes, you finally resemble a proper reincarnate."

"Yeah, no need for the compliments And I'm also not a time warden, will take a few days till she wake up, 3 specifically since I refuse to become a god now. Chaos seems to be luring me into it and I don't want that."

"That's a good choice." Athena chimed in "It's better to be cautious than to just do what Chaos wants. Even if it will help us, we shouldn't play into their mind games, but you do need one thing, and that is to reach your black stage in magic, absolute black is the best, your body will become similar to that of a black hole where mana continuously flow into you, that is the best time of you becoming a god, since that would give you a lot more power."

-Adam, can you lift the curse?-

-I can, but same situation, I need to use your body.- Adam answered -You can become a god now, but once you become mortal again, you can never become a god ever again, so best wait till you get to the black core so that when you become a god ten, it would rival that of Horus.-

My left eye can see it better since it is for healing after all, but there are many curses that would even affect gods if we try to awake Helena from her slumber, Asclepius notice it also, and he would rather not risk it. So it's best to wait 3 days, but we made sure to leave some guards with her.

I don't know where Albert is, but it's better to not be rash and wait till Helena to wake up to now more. Artemis seems to have volunteered personally to track Albert down and return in 3 days, unlike anyone else here, she's arguably one of the best huntress of all time, she can escape if the situation gets really dire, though as a huntress, she doesn't specialize in a head on fight, but one of the deadliest here nonetheless.

So in the meantime, I would spend my day at Valhalla and night at home to watch over Leonard, I get like 2-5 hours of sleep, but it works fine for me, being a celestial does have a lot of perks.

-Uh might want to use your beautiful eyes to check up on Cordelia, maybe put on glasses if you have them.- Dabria informed -It seems she has placed magic hid it!-

-I don't know what you're talking about.-

-You hid it so well, only you can fool me in this house!- she accused

-What is she talking about?- Diana asked

-Yeah, why do you sound so angry?- Siege joined in -I'm at Valhalla, so did I miss something again?-

-She's pregnant!- Dabria shouted

-Does she know, Perseus?- Damon asked

-Of course she does, it wasn't that long ago, I told her the moment I found out. Unlike with Eliza, this was a bit intentional, but like I said we li- -

-You like to keep things quiet till this all settle down, we get it.- Ace finished my sentence

-She was very happy about it, but this time, she was the one who suggested it when I say to tell everyone instead.-

-Oh so after all our nights together and my promise to marry you in the future, shouldn't I at least know out of everyone?- Dabria exclaimed

-We never made any promise though. I don't even know how to identify our relationship.-

-You should know that I take our relationship seriously at the very least.-

-Joking, I know, my mistake, but she did say that if one of you find out, we would have to reveal it to everyone. But I'll do it after Helena wakes up.-

Helena woke up just like I predicted on 3 days later, as Asclepius was checking on her health, Artemis have shown at a perfect time to hand me a letter that was addressed to me, though there are many specks of gold on the letter. It's most presumably blood.

"How did you eliminate?"

"A dozen, maybe? I lost count." she shrugged

I opened it and read the letter and surely enough, on the bottom of the paper, it was signed by Chaos in bright purple letters.

'Give me the blood, Perseus.' was all that is written.

I just burned the letter and went to check on Helena who is still experiencing a bit of trauma.

"Albert and Aenon got kidnapped?"

"Aenon died..." she replied as she teared up "We refused to obey and he gave up his life..."

She then broke down crying.