Chapter 475: Fight!

I tried erasing the memories of my encounter with Theseus, but no methods worked, not even Lethe, all I can do is to wash my mouth and face, that was disgusting.

I don't think that anyone apart from me notice it, but the ability 'ferocity' completely disappeared from my body, but I feel physically stronger, much stronger and in a way, I can't wait to fight, it's like everything in my body is urging me to fight for enjoyment.

Well I can't delay it any further, I wasted hours trying to get used to my new mana stage, it seems like I'll have a higher chance against Chaos now, mana wrapped around me and I can manipulate it just by my will, it seems like having a soul of someone who is related to Hecate got some perks.

I got out of the bathroom and set to meet with Hecate and Heracles...why are there so many Greek figures with the name starting with H? But was confronted by Elektra.

"I can no longer sense the ability that was in you, 'Ferocity'. Your mother had it, you had it, now it's...gone." she commented

"I told you earlier, I ate it, Theseus was about to consume me and take over me if I didn't do it to him."

"Didn't Theseus like die a really really long time ago? Are you sure you want to go fight Chaos, you can ask Lee as a perfect substitute." she advised

"Don't look at me like a crazy man, the gorger called himself that. Anyway, I'll be fine, he's been waiting for my breakthrough since that moment, my mental state would be vulnerable, so vulnerable that if Adam decided to take over my body, he might actually can."

"Okay...if you say so." she nodded with concern

"Besides, it's not all bad news...can't believe I'm telling you this without her permission since my own birth parents don't know yet...Cordelia's pregnant. I intend to win and return no matter what, so please do not worry."


I then went to meet up with Hecate and Heracles, the were all decked out and are taking this fight seriously. Heracles wore light but durable armor underneath his lionskin and instead of a club, he wore this cool bronze gauntlets that unlike mine was thick and really heavy to deal massive blows.

Hecate wore a black and gray robe and is decorated with divine jewelry that is heavily enchanted, from necklaces to bracelets everywhere. As soon as we're ready, we got to Helena who opened up the warp portal for us, but instead of walking through immediately, Hecate would shoot out flames through the portal to burn our opponents on the other side.

We then walked through afterwards to enter a desert where we walked on glass that was probably cause by the intense flames earlier.

Chaos, Fortuna, and Atlas was waiting on the other side, behind them was a large metal box with little holes, probably for light and air for the 3 reincarnates inside, I can see the heat that would have probably burned them on the inside earlier.

"Let them go, Chaos, I won't say it twice."

"You think that just because you possess the powers of multiple worlds, doesn't mean you can win hear today." it chuckled but opened the box anyway and used magic to levitate the 3 injured reincarnates to us and also the dead body of Aenon.

Their hearts were barely pumping, their injuries were very severe, we got them through the portal which then got forcefully closed off. I would explode Chaos body immediately, but it seems useless as the blood and everything on that vessel is coated by its own mana, the body function is protected by mana, it should make Chaos very hard to move, but Chaos use of magic was perfect.

It does come with a problem though, the vessel is basically being manually operated and has to be that way in order to block me and Hecate having the advantage of over that body, from breathing, mana regeneration, pumping the heart and moving the body in general.

"You're not even going to negotiate for the blood? It's faster than going to find one since we have gathered every resources to stop you."

"I know you brought it, and the only way to acquire it is t beat you thoroughly, and the reason for me to give you those 3 is so that you'll be relieved, making you weaker." Chaos explained "If I left them in that box, you'll be more motivated and there are no guarantees that you are willing to give me the blood you have."

Atlas and Fortuna was then warped far away by Chaos along with Hecate and Heracles to isolate me and Chaos.

"Good, I needed to release some steam." I then lifted the restrictions of my celestials power

"Heh, your eyes have switched from the beginning, you're fighting with your full power from the beginning, good." it chuckled as the air started to distort thanks to the intense mana being released from the both of us

"You shouldn't be the one laughing, Chaos, because it will be the first time that you will experience a genuine loss, I will make sure of it."

-Dabria, our fight is being broadcasted, right?-

-It is, The steels are also watching since they begged Elektra.- Dabria replied -Your in laws are as well, go on, I won't disturb you anymore.-

-Then I'll try to be mindful of what I say then. Gotta boost the morale somehow.-

Flames were being released from my fist and I got my gauntlets on and charged in with full force, I was quicker than Chaos predicted as I was right in its face the next second and I then punch it with full force causing an explosion to blow Chaos far away.

"That fist was for messing with me."

I warped to Chaos and I coat my fists with star magic to then smash Chaos against the desert creating a huge explosion and crater.

"I held my anger for a very long time, that fist was for Nova."

< Meteor crash > I casted as I dropped down with both my fist and my whole weight to Chaos.

In the smoke, I grabbed its face with my left hand and cause spatial distortion to stop it from warping and with my right, I threw a strong right hook that broke several teeth from the vessel.

"And that was for making Dabria cry."