Chapter 478: One hell of a protagonist (2)


This was the secret conversation that me and Eliza have before she made the gauntlets for me. I had to make sure that Dabria was away to get her dessert takeout or whatever.

"...a secret password?" Eliza questioned

"Yeah, this piece of of plotinum, like the rest, will have an ability that I want or desire in it, with you making it, it will be slower, but you can hide the ability and make the piece of equipment able to mix in with other items faster."

"So you want to hide the ability like a failsafe in case you fail?"


"What do you want the password to activate the power or whatever to be?"


"I'm sorry, but what the hell is that going to mean?" Eliza raised her eyebrow in suspicion

"Just do it, I'll be one hell of a protagonist when I activate it, even though it's just a reference and the powers are not the same, but it'll look cool."

"I don't think looking cool and being strong are the same thing." she crossed her arm

"Pretty please?"

"I like cute things, so I'll do it, but it better be worth it." she grumbled

Back to the present...

3rd person view

Of course, Eliza and Cordelia were watching the fight away from everyone else in order to hide the identity of Perseus as a reincarnate in the case he accidently said it, she is fiddling with a necklace with a red hammer pendant that is next to the one of a silver sword while holding her son with her other arm.

"You have been fiddling with that necklace ever since he gave it to you on your first anniversary." Cordelia noticed

"Of course, it's an item symbolizing his love and promise to marry me."

"Luckily I one upped you, so I have no reason to be jealous."

"I know, you're married and have a child together now, I like my lead when I had it, besides worth it, Leonard is seriously cute...Now, come on, Perseus,, you better prove yourself to be the best protagonist."


Heracles appeared right after Atlas followed by Hecate and Fortuna, he can see that Perseus have the spear right through his heart, a fatal blow, Styx or not, that's a death shot, it should take only a few minutes if he hold it out with mana if the spear isn't taken out and he's allowed to rest for it to heal properly.

There's spatial disruption preventing anyone else from joining, so it's just the original crew.

< A few seconds if Chaos does something deal even a little blow > Heracles thought

But what was next shocked him because the spear disappeared from his chest and it looked normal as if it hasn't even been scratched. Even if the powers of altering reality can do it, with Chaos there to stop him, it can't happened so instantaneously.

And Chaos tried to finish him off with spears of light which pierced his body, but again, it disappeared the next second and appeared on Chaos' body faster than it could react.

Atlas was the one who had the spear through his chest even though it was in Perseus' chest earlier. A black swirl of light appeared on the spot of where Perseus was at.

He looked...different. His hair is now black, the gold and silver eye reversed, the gold is now on the left and silver on the right. Plot armor was now white, he now wore black jeans and white sneakers, his teeth are also now fangs as he cracked his neck.

1st person view

< Reverse: Lord of Destruction and Fantasy > I casted < I look more like Theseus than I thought in this form, though luckily I am still me. >

The ability I had on the gauntlets are 'Reverse', inspired by a certain card game everyone of you readers know. I can reverse anything, I got hit, nope, reverse card, you got damaged, and it worked on this form as well.

Unlike my original form, the lord of creation and reality, I would create spells and lifeforms and alter anything I want, but this form...I can create any illusion so real that no one would know the difference and a form purely for fighting.

Chaos send more spells at me, I let them hit me and used the ability of my gauntlets to reverse it and hurt Chaos instead, I suffer no injuries whatsoever.

"Come on, send me a stronger spell bitch because one of us here is going to die, and I'll make sure that it's you, because as the protagonist, it's my job to rid of you stupid side characters and background characters like Atlas who gets in my way." Fortuna tried to come and help but Hecate held her back. I can see that Heracles was pummeling Atlas and winning, I was about to go and kill Atlas but Chaos shot a spell at me, but with just a touch of my hand, the spell disappeared and shatter midair.

"How...? HOW?! I'm more powerful than you!" Chaos yelled

"You are, if I fought any longer in my original form, I would have lost 9 times out of 10. But you are nothing more than a god who create things, you are only compensating the gap, by gathering powers all these years, there's a reason why you're mostly unknown, heh.

"But I'm now the personification of destruction, and including the amount of items to compensate my lack of power, I make up for it. Your vessel is cursed to not be able to wear anything, so you cannot beat me since I can revere everything, the spells that shouldn't hurt you, it did. I have more than made up for everything. Hahaha, look at your pitiful glaring eyes, it's amazing, hahaha. Shouldn't have killed Nova, you arrogant bitch."

Chaos then released the floodgate by disabling the spatial disruption and many of Chaos' minions. Atlas tried to escape, but Heracles help him, I warped to Atlas and delivered a punch to the face causing his body to turn black and have red cracks, and he broke down into nothing.

-His soul left.- Dabria informed -He's dead.-

-One down, a hell lot more to go.-

Chaos tried to get away, but I warped to it and grabbed it by the leg, its power is preventing it from breaking down and dying, but I can see the black spots spreading all over from where I grabbed slowly. It just cut of its leg with magic and opened a portal away.

Chaos may have retreated but I won...hahaha, I fucking won.

"The rest of you are here to die for nothing, a pity to fight a lord of destruction." I laughed and jumped to fight the flood of oncoming enemies.