Chapter 483: Sword Spirit

3rd person view

Nyx grinned at Chaos' cold eyes.

"Is there anything wrong with me on wanting to check up on you?" Nyx laughed "I am a neutral goddess, I have no desire to harm you."

"Your grandson sure did have the intention to kill me." Chaos retorted

"The vessel you are currently forcibly stuck onto also tricked me, you know." Nyx slightly giggled "He sure fooled the rest of the gods at the banquet, the flow of mana, his speech patterns and nothings seemed aloof at all."

"Don't need to remind me, this is why I hate prophecies, this is a body of a god and yet mimic somewhat of a mortal function, so I will grow slower than he currently does since he ate the golden apple before I possessed this." Chaos complained "When I created mortals, they were the closest thing to me, but they sure are even more unpredictable than me. Now god or mortal or whatever this body is, I can be killed."

"Of course." Nyx agreed "No mortal would agree to shed their own, flesh and blood to do what he has done, even giving up his own heart, it was probably an even more painful process than your recent fight. On the bright side, you are a bit stronger before your possession."

"Next time, I will go with the intentions to kill, I will make sure to have proper preparations and go get everything I need myself, you can go warn your grandson that I will make sure that his world will suffer the most." Chaos declared


1st person view

I know this is happening a lot, but I've been feeling a sense of uncomfortableness washing over me ever since the moment I arrived in Eden, it's really strange, but I've been forcefully pressing it down, I thought it was Adam, but we are far enough from him that it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Currently now that we're in Eden, we are exploring it a bit as we left Adam and Eve before going back. Eden doesn't have an end, it's an infinite flat world with the tree of knowledge as the center, which doesn't make sense of a center, why would there be a center if it's infinite, any point can just be the enter, but God said it is, so be it.

Currently, me and Dabria are enjoying this break on this hill by setting up a small picnic surrounded by grape farms where Arion and Pegasus are allowed to roam freely and eat the grapes that would infinitely grow back.

Arion needed to eat a lot, a fast horse like him needs tens of thousands of calories to just go on, expensive horse to keep, luckily I'm making Struan pay for it.

"Is this our proper first date?" Dabria asked

"Without interruptions and anything else, I think so. Why? Are you going to awkwardly reach for my hands with a flushed face so that we can interlock our fingers?"

"You read too much." she complained "Ever since you got those stupid new phone and tablets, all you do is read cliché stuff like that, you spoiled the mood now, and yes...I was going to."

"Since when did you become so sweet?"

"If you think that I was going to date a 12 year old you, you're sorely mistaken, you're old enough now, and somewhat more charming, so be grateful that I am having this conversation with you."

"And remember your declarations during the early chapters about not marrying me? It seems like at this rate, you might as well become my 3rd wife."

"We'll see, if I find someone more charming, I'll just switch, I haven't agreed to be exclusive yet."

"So we're what? Friends with benefits?"

"Say that one more time, and I'll end you." she retorted "We...we're more than that, and that's all I'm saying."

I can then feel the sense of unease within me earlier fading away little by little, but Dabria was shocked to see something and pointed behind me, the presence was faint despite being so close, but I felt it too and turned around.

I turned to see a little girl about the height of my waist, she has long black hair and a small white streak, grey eyes and wears one of those ancient Japanese robe that is black in color and it's super loose, the length of her sleeve is twice the length of her arm. She is also walking barefoot.

"Um, who are you? And why is your presence so little that I can barely sense you even though you're so close."

"..." she opened her voice and said nothing "Pa...papa..."

"Author, are you seriously mocking me with another one, we already have Amora at home!" I shouted towards the sky as I got up

"Papa, please don't shout." the girl begged and wrapped herself around my leg

"What is your name? Maybe I can help send you back to your home and your timeline."

"I'm...Dream Eater." she replied

"Uh what?"

"Why haven't use me for so long?" she teared up "I was so lonely in the void, you barely use me anymore."

"Hey don't cry, besides your powers are connected to my powers over reality, it's not like I don't use you, I just use you only when I fight super strong opponents."

"Oh, you already accepted that she is your sword?" Dabria questioned "She looks similar, even though she does not share your light brown skin, but you can tell that she resembles you a lot."

"So why do you use the gauntlets more than me, I was so lonely." Dream eater cried

"I thought sword spirits don't exist!"

"They don't, but you're the lord of creation and you must have created an entirely different thing all on your own like those animals that are roaming on Olympus and some are being taken care of by Emma." Dabria explained "Good job, you have gotten the first ever sword spirit in this world, a thing that not even Andrius can accomplish. He would have a hard time defeating you now as it is."

"We're about equal, it's just that I'm more fitted to combat than he is."

"Papa, please pay attention to me." Dream eater cried

"Alright, please don't dirty my clothes."