Chapter 512: Start of something new (2)

I woke up in the morning with Dabria being really clingy like usual, her arm is fully wrapped around me. I can't believe she convinced me to drink some alcohol, luckily I have very high tolerance as reincarnates are basically immune to toxins.

"Hey Eliza, why are you here?"

"You sound like you're recovering from a hangover despite never being drunk, how was your date?" she asked

"It was great, amusement park, a movie, ice cream, strolls on the beach and a nice dinner in Olympus cooked by some amazing chefs...she's going to be pregnant."

"Damn it, and here I thought that I would take the lead the moment I marry you." Eliza cursed "She's already having an equal playing field."

"Are you jealous?"

"Not that much, I heard you said that I was the best kisser."


A couple months later...

"Dad, I look like a clown in this white ceremonial robe. Why can't I just wear a suit? Besides we're already married, with a daughter even. You saw how cute she was?"

Marrying a literal princess comes with a lot of work, I have to follow their traditions and even make it public.

"Come on, your mother is outside crying tears of joy and I'm here to help in case you get cold feet."

"But I'm not, we're already married, it's just that we have to hold a ceremony cuz you guys want to punish me for that time we married in secret and I died in secret."

"Well you're annoyed, so it's working, so put a smile on that face, we don't want everyone to see your grumpy face, that Nyx lady is scaring people enough as it is."

"I mean, this robe isn't even water proof and yet we have to hold the wedding swimming around in the water, for an underwater kingdom, you'd think that they'd be smart."

"Stop complaining and get out there."

The wedding is similar enough to your traditional wedding, just that instead of the bride being escorted by the father, it's that both the bride and groom has to be escorted by their respective birth mothers or female guardian(unless all are dead, then a male one is fine) through the water in front of the officiator who is currently my brother in law, Struan.

Struan's marriage was different because he was the king, I knew I should have force my way upon that throne.

I can see my bonds in the crowd tearing up as me and Lia gave our vows and placed our wedding rings on each other. And to end it, instead of kiss, the bride has to apply this make up on my face by dipping their hands in this paste to apply it on the groom's face with their fingers.

"I look even more like a clown." I whispered under my breath

"Stop trying to make me laugh, it's hard for me to do this if I laugh." she giggled and hold in a full on laugh

"I'm not trying, I look like a clown, like seriously, why can't we get rid on this tradition? My children will laugh at me when they see a picture of this, Leo is right now in the crowd."


"You look ridiculous at your wedding." Zach laughed as we wandered in Eden "I tried my best to hold in my laughter to respect their religion,, you should see your grumpy face, you hid it well."

"Not well enough for us since we recognize your face." Kenny joined in

We then joked for a long while before we reached the tree of knowledge. I see 2 gravestones, Adam and Eve, their final resting place. God has allowed one more grave stone at the other opposite end for Zach but Zach just planned on dispersing his body into mana.

"Father, are you sure you do not want to live till our marriage?" Stella asked sadly

"Hah, you're just going to get me attached, I don't plan to live for anymore longer." Zach declined "It was nice seeing my siblings again, and it might just be time for me to meet the other, you are all equally precious to me, and we at least accomplished something before I can go, we defeated the strongest enemy in existence."

"Say hi to Benny for me."

"Smack him for leaving early." Kenny joked

Like Adam, Zach left me some of his powers before dispersing with a hopeful smile on his face, everything is over now, and even though I should be happy now that I have to only solve regular problems like bandits and world peace, but it feels a bit lonely.

"Bye guys. I hope to not see you guys soon." Zach said before he disappeared

Me and Kenny cried a bit while Stella cried a lot as Zach left us for good. All this power...I'm sure the universe won't come into danger while I'm still alive, but...same can't be said after a few centuries when I pass on, so I'll just teach some people I guess, I have my bonds to help too, we'll raise some warriors throughout the years.

Amora and Eislyn are also there to help, we have to build forces for when this generation is gone.


Years later...

I'm currently 26, my bonds are more busy than ever but we still spend a lot of time together every week and make sure that none of us are lonely during our busy times.

"Grace, oh my god, please stay still." Dabria pleaded as our daughter run around the house

She resemble Dabria a lot, though the genes of my white hair sure is strong.

"C'mon Grace, be like Cynthia and Leo."

"Ok!" She said as she jumped in my arms

"Why does she only listen to you?" Dabria sigh

"You're too strict as I am not, spoiling them a bit is a good thing, you know."

Grace then stick her tongue out.

"That's not being graceful now." I laughed as I placed her to sit on my shoulder "if you behave, I'll take you to visit grandma Elektra today, I heard that she's making some brownies."

"Yay!" she cheered

I went out side to see Cynthia who has Lia's blue hair and a streak of white, her eyes are brown like my original eye color and shares the same fair skin as her mother. Leo resemble me the most most, only difference is that he has a streak of black hair like his mother.

I'm pretty happy as I am, I spend my days building some help centers for the unfortunate and donated my fortunes to them. I also spend some days teaching magic to younger people in my spare time.

-It's been peaceful for so long, I sort of miss the days where our lives were always in danger.- Ace said

-That's only you, I love my peaceful days raising the pups.- Siege replied

-Everyone is having children and I feel happy to be everyone's baby sitter, I have no complains.- Diana sighs

-I do, dragons are a bit noisy.- Damon joined in -Though I feel bad for Dabria who can no longer communicate telepathically after becoming mortal.-

-Well she miss this too, but what do you guys want to eat this weekend? Stew?-

-Fried fish.- Ace answered

-Sure, I can cook up anything.-


I currently have 11 children between my 3 wives. 2 sons and 2 daughters with Eliza, 3 daughters and 1 son with Lia and finally 1 daughter and 2 sons with Dabria. I'm satisfied with my life.

"I can't believe it's been so long." Dabria said as we watched the sunset

"Yeah, it's been crazy since we met...I'm glad that you gave me this second chance."

"A chance to finally be a slacker?"

"You mostly stay at home too, we're the same."

"I can't believe that our 3 oldest are attending the academy now, Leonard, Cynthia and Grace, they grew up quick."

"Well let's go home, my husband, it's time to start living our lives."


Author's note: This is the end, I do not plan on expanding the story further.

I do have a new work, 'Re: The Last Rose', show it some love too. Our characters here will also make small appearances there.

I spent months writing this novel just to please my boredom, it's not perfect, but I love my journey and did not regret any of it, I will leave this novel under no paywall so anyone can enjoy it.

Once again, thank you from the very bottom of my heart, because you stuck to the end.