Chapter 3. Copper Cantury:

Dave could see it. In the distance the walls of the town could be seen. To Dave's surprise he could see the town from further away than he expected he also arrived far faster than he expected it to take. His village was destroyed during noon and he finally left by nightfall. He expected his supplies to run out only a quarter of the way to the next town. It should have taken him about three days. Yet now it's dawn and only a day and two nights have passed. After walking further for a while he finally reached the town. The town Copper Cantury is a large town located in the Kingdom of Massadra. After paying for entrance Dave was now alone in the town. The town was bustling with activity

Every moment in the streets he could see more people than the total population of his town. The town of Copper Cantury was mostly known for its copper mines and its relatively advanced magic (for a town in such a region). Dave was a farmer and while he thought about it on his way here he already knew, it would be problematic for him to find a job.

He moved across the streets thinking of a method to find a job. He already noticed that he had changed. While he still felt pain deep in his soul he somehow was able to think straight. It was as if he was unaffected by it despite clearly feeling this pain. It was as if the shackles of pain & anger that crippled him were dropped. Dave guessed that the culprit for it was the Giant squid. He mumbled to himself.

"That damn Equi"

As he walked it was clear he was lost in thought. He turned left into a narrower road turned right to an even narrower one and left again to a slightly wider road until he finally noticed he didn't know where he was. He noticed that he had reached the sums of the town. No one was outside and the small houses were rotting and falling apart. He turned around to return where he came from.

As he turned around he saw the road was blocked by two cloaked men. While he was a villager he still could easily tell what was happening. The taller man of the two took out a knife. It seemed they didn't want to rob him but rather kill him and then steal his property. Dave could feel a chill slowly rising up his back. He forgot to pick up his knife before leaving where the village once stood although it was probably crushed by the Equi during the time it ate the dragon. Either way he had nothing to defend himself with. The plowing tools were in his bag. But the tall man already pounced at Dave. Dave lifted his arms in panic as he took a step backwards. However the knife never reached him as a plow of smoke exited his arms. Both Dave and the thieves were shocked. However Dave's emotional state did not affect how he behaved therefore he instinctively took advantage of this and punched the neck of the taller thrive. Before the second one could react Dave rushed towards him and pushed the short thief aside as he continued to run away. He escaped into a different street and continued rushing through until eventually finding a way out of the slums.