A hunt.

Large pillars of red, the size of buildings extended from my tail bone. That's what they were... tails. I could use them, I could control them. The hole in my chest closed and all my wounds healed. It was as if the answer to all my problems all along was to eat a titan.

This only felt natural.

The same feeling I had the day Shinganshima fell to dust permeated through my whole body. I could feel everything. My body felt as light as a feather.

My tails tore through the fallen titan's stomach and the red sky came into view. And then there was a shower of blood and acid. I got released into the world.

'I won't die. At least not until I kill every titan.'

"RHHHHAAOOOORGHH!!!" A thunderous roar reverberated through the whole town. It wasn't a titan, I was the one behind it.

It was time for the hunt to begin.

Titans- at least twenty of them.

Mikasa was flying around slaughtering them. But she was on her last blade. Turned out even she couldn't cut precisely when her mental state was a mess.

My tails dug themselves into the ground and propelled me up into the sky. I was almost half as high as the walls. The town was there for my eyes to see every detail. I was processing a little too much information.

I could handle it.

From up there, I let my four appendages loose and they battered the titans on the ground.

Sure, that wouldn't kill them, but it would immobilize them for a bit. But best of all, it felt like I was squashing ants. It felt nice looking down at them.

I understood the sense of superiority they felt.

Using the ground as a grip I pulled myself back down immediately.

Mikasa was leaning against a wall. Holding her body in.

She was huffing either in agony or dread. Then her eyes fell on me.

"Eren?" Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was twisted. But her expression turned a lot more relieved after seeing me.

"Yeah, it's me."

A cord dashed past my face and the next thing I knew she was right next to me.

She stood in front of me meekly, not knowing what to do. But her hands inspected my body for any damage.

"Why does your eye look like that? What are those things on your back? How did your hair grow back? There was a ho-" That was the fastest and the most I had heard her speak in the entirety of the time I'd spent with her.

"Just wait for a minute. I don't have answers for most of the things you asked. But I'll tell you in a bit."

She calmed down quickly.

"Are you fine?" She asked while tugging at my collar.

"Yeah." Except for the part where my head is about to burst into oblivion from the pain, I was fine.

The slightly softened look on her face compelled me to hold her, but the situation wasn't in my favour.

A titan near the back of the horde got back up after healing.

I dashed beside her and jumped. The tails compressed to form a thin, sharper blade that pierced through the entirety of the titan's neck, beheading it. Rather than a cut, it felt more like a blunt attack, and the head looked more like it had been torn off.

'Should I run or should I fight?' Was the question permeating through my head.

Slowly but steadily the steaming pile of titans I had created got up again. Their battered bodies were now completely healed. If I were to describe them, persistence would be an understatement.

Facing them all in battle was pointless, and my mind had taken a toll after almost dying twice in a couple of hours.

But I wanted to kill them.

Every single muscle in my body fought against my consciousness' decision to run away and was egging me on to fight.

Just this once. I should know what my body is capable of.

"Mikasa get back on the building. I'm going to kill this horde."

"I won't." She said sternly. I mean, I wouldn't blame her. The last time I told her to leave me behind I ended up becoming a titan's lunch. This time was different, though.

"I swear I'll be fine. If something happens to me, help me out. But for now, I don't want you to get caught up in my attack."

She didn't answer back. She just reluctantly looked at me, before caving in and climbing a building nearby.

There was a forest of titans in front of me, and I was just about ready to chop it up.

I ran straight into the bunch.

The titans' feet tried to stomp me, but they were so slow that dodging them didn't even require any mental computation.

Whenever a foot was coming I would sense it way beforehand. It was purely based on instinct.

What I didn't sense was the irregular titan slamming its body onto me.

With a thud, the surrounding tiles getting upturned, the entire mass of titan was on me. My reinforced ghoul body took no damage.

Instead, it felt like the titan was too light. Well, it was a small titan. I used my tails to shield, then impale it and lift it into the sky before tearing its entire body apart.

Taking the death of the irregular as a cue, I jumped up to the height of every titan's nape.

The tails turned into four spears and threaded through the remainder of the eight titan's necks in one go.

One of the titans grabbed one of my tails, but the next thing it knew, its wrists tore off.

Using the direction of propulsion from my previous attack, I pull my fist back. I tried to concentrate as much power as I could in one punch. A punch that after hitting the titan blew its face clean off.

Becoming a ghoul had made me unbelievably strong.

'I'll only eat titans now.'

Even if they taste like decomposing greens, I'll eat them. Rather it was a relief that I didn't have to eat humans anymore.

There were eleven titans left. All of which had gathered around me. Mid-air, I attached myself to a titan and chop up every titan on the way to him. Then repeat the same process with the other titans.

None of my strikes had precision but I minced the titans to such a state that even if their nape did survive, there was no way they could survive.

Titans died and died and died until none remained.

I annihilated every titan that currently posed a threat to me.

But that wasn't nearly enough. As soon as I got through the horde, a new one appeared.

These bastards really did come in an endless bulk.

'Screw it. I'm out.'

"Let's head back!" I jumped up to the building, grabbed Mikasa's hand and made a run for it.