Not sure.

Lucia's eyes lit up when she heard Justin's decision, she seemed to fly in the air and couldn't wait to marry Justin.

Lucia's first plan worked so she looked even more excited.

"You are right, then I will ask Uncle Markus to release you," Lucia replied with a smile.

Justin just nodded emotionlessly, after that Lucia immediately went to meet Markus.

Markus is King Erick's most powerful accomplice, he uses his magic to predict and immobilize his opponent. Even so, he has not been able to match Justin's strength in terms of fighting. 

A moment later. 

Justin was finally released, he and Lucia went straight to the King who was gathering with Lucia's parents.

"Are you sure you want to marry Lucia?" King Erick asked when he saw Justin was already standing in front of him. 

"Yes," Justin answered emotionlessly.

Lucia couldn't help but smile, she was so happy that Justin said "Yes" without hesitation.