
"Where do you think you're going?..."

  He heard a deep voice and turned around only to face lucifer.

  He put on a brave face and answered.

  "I'm going home... I don't want to live here anymore. I want my brothers..."

  He once again turned around but before he took a step forward he was thrown onto a hard shoulder.

  Lucifer took him to their office and placed him on the office desk despite his struggles.

  He cupped his face with his big hands angrily.

  "You want to leave us again... You want to leave..."

  He flinched at her red eyes.

  "You're not going anywhere, I'll show you who's yours. Who owns you..."

  His eyes widened at his changing aura, he looked extremely angry and dangerous.

  "You are ours... Do you understand..."

  Lucifer's scream in his face made him flinch.  He threw a nearby vase against the wall in anger and a silent scream escaped his mouth.

  "You belong to us... Only us..."