Camilla woke up from a nudge on a shoulder.
She opened her eyes slowly as she adjusted tit the morning sunshine.
"Miss... Miss wake up... Miss."
An old lady came was the first person she saw when she opened her eyes.
Forcing her self up, a smile of relief appeared on her face; "MA.... Mama Di?"
"Huh? Mama Di? Whose that? I am not mama Di."
Camilla rubbed her sleepy eyes and the familiar face she had earlier seen was replaced with that of a stranger.
Her smile turned into a frown as she said, "Oh am sorry."
"What are you doing here? Your a maid. Aren't you supposed to me in your master's house?"
"How did you kn..." as she was about to ask, her eyes fell on the maid's uniform she wore. She had forgotten to take it off. "Oh."
"It's nothing. These are not mine. I'll be going now." she pushed the coats on her body a side as she made her way to a random direction.
"Young child, wait..."the old lady called out but Camilla was already too far of a distance to hear her.
Camilla searched through her memories for the nearest location of police station.
She wandered along the streets and turned several corners.
She got lost many times as her memory was faded.
After an hour's worth of searching, she saw the words she had been longing to see.
A sign with the word Police was right up a head.
She ran towards it and ended up at her destination.
Although deep down I her heart she new how this would end, she still bothered to give it a try.
She has been through this process several times already.
"Hello sir...I would like to file a report." Camilla forced a smile as she took a seat opposite the Officer in Charge with the police man's desk in between them.
"Mm... What would you like to report about?" the officer nodded as he picked a registrar and then wore a pair of reading glasses.
He leaned forward and picked up a pen as he prepared to write down what Camilla was going to say.
As his hand itched to write, Camilla said nothing at all.
He turned his gaze from the book to Camilla and looked at her over the reading glasses.
"Miss... You can make your report now."
His voice forced Camilla out of her daze and she started; "Yes... It's about Quan...."
"Hmm, this ought to be interesting."
Camilla breathed in a long breath before as she prepares to narrate everything to him.
"Quan and Lorene kidnapped me and changed my appearance then proclaimed that I was dead."
The police officer looked Camilla blankly.
"Just to be clear, Lorene? The actress?"
"Yes sir." Camilla nodded slightly.
"And who are you?"
"I am Becca the famous actress who every one thinks is dead."
The officer shut the book on the desk and dropped the pen before falling back in his chair; "Miss... I don't have time for this nonsense. Please leave this place immediately. We don't tolerate pranks here."
"No it's the truth... Please listen...." tears threatened to fall down from Camilla's eyes.
"Miss please.... Don't waste any of our ti..."
Before the officer could finish his statement, Camilla fell down to knees and started pleading.
Her abrupt movement sent the chair she was seated on sliding backward.
She put her hands together as she begged;" Please sir please. I know it is not believable but please just give it a try. I've reported this to so many stations but no one has paid any attention. I swear by my life and God that I am telling the truth....they did this to me. As revenge. After they changed my face, they sent me far away to the county side.
Please just believe me. "
She lowered her head as tears constantly dropped to the tiles on the floor.
Her broken breaths due to the crying filled the police station's atmosphere and it attracted attention from those who were currently around.
" Miss.... Please don't MA.... "
" Please sir...please. Your my last and only hope. Please...." she sobbed.
Giving in, the man sighed and picked up the pen to record her statement; "Alright... You can stand up now. Don't cry. I will record your statement."
"You... You will?" Camilla's voice broke in between her cries.
"Yes I will. Now stand up."
She wiped the tears constantly falling down her cheeks with the back of her hands as she stood up and took her seat.
10 minutes later, Camilla left the station with reddened eyes after the officer promised to handle the case.
All she could do now was pray he would keep his word.
She wandered around the streets as her mind was void of any thoughts, her heart void of any emotion and her eyes void of any aim.
She was like a hollow shell of her former self.
A flash she was very familiar with twinkled at the corner of her eye.
And excited squeals of fans made their way to her ears.
She turned to see where the flashes and squeals came from only to notice Lorene being interviewed by journalists at the entrance of the film company she previously worked for.
Anger and pain reappeared in her expressionless face as she stared at the smiling Lorene.
She laughed and smiled as she answered every question that was thrown at her.
She hastened her pace as she walked to where she was, eyes locked at the actress.
Everyone was so focused on Lorene that no one noticed the maid walk through them.
By the time they realized, she was already in front of the camera.
"Maid... What the f**k are you doing here!" one of the fans behind the barricade voiced out.
In a volume that was audible from several meters away.
"Miss please step away from the camera!" the reporter holding the microphone towards Lorene said.
"No.... I won't go... I'm Becca... I'm not dead. Quan changed my appearance and sent me to a place far away from here as revenge for reporting him. I am Becca." She pointed to herself as she burst into another round of tears.
The atmosphere was immediately silenced after this statement.
The Camilla said those words, it was evident that emotion was backing them.
They couldn't tell whether she was lying or not.
" Miss what are you talking about?" the news reporter held the fury microphone over Camilla's lips.
"I am Be..."
Before she could make her statement, Lorene interrupted.
"Oh please, she is obviously lying. If whatever she is saying is true, I would recognize my best friend even from a distance. Even if her face was changed.
She's clearly an obsessed fan trying to get an easy kick start to life...." she said those words as if she was getting emotional. She used the back of her index finger to stop the tears from falling over her make up.
"Here, I'll prove it..." she turned to the face the fans behind the barricade.
"Lorene. Your despicable!" Camilla scoffed at how innocent her ex best friend acted.
"Who else here claims to be Becca?" Lorene raised her voice so it could be heard by everyone present.
Immediately, all the females raised their arms and screamed to their lungs fullest.
" I am Becca."
"No don't listen to her.... I am the real Becca."
"No it's me.... Quan did all this to me so he could get revenge. He even raped me while I was knocked out."
"I'm the real Becca."
A commotion started up as the fans claiming to be Becca tried to push their way through the barricade.
Lorene's bodyguards were having a hard time keeping the barricade in place.
"No... No... No..." Camilla's voice came off as low as whisper as she shook her head not wanting to believe her eyes.
Everyone here was despicable.
"Guards... Please take her away." Lorene's manager who stood beside her voiced out.
And immediately and two bully guards made their way and dragged Camilla away.
She straggled to free her self from the strong hands dragging her but all her efforts resulted in her kicking the air like a mad woman.
"I am Becca.... I am Becca. No.." her voice slowly faded out of the atmosphere as she was dragged farther away.
"Any Miss Lorene, now that the commotion is gone. Let's get back to where we stopped. About your next movie...." the news reporter continued.
A small distance away, Camilla was thrown to her bottom before they left her alone.
And like as if the wall holding back the tears had crumbled, she cried uncontrollably.
She no longer cared whether she was in public.
She just wanted to find away to relieve herself of the pain in her heart.
People occasionally threw scornful glances her whenever they passed.
Without knowing, half and hour had already past by.
She wanted to cry some more, but it was like she had dried up her lake of tears.
Her lungs taking in broken breaths, she stood up and patted her maids uniform. Sending tiny clouds of air into the air.