Golden Sword

Night fall came and she was still seated by the tree.

Her stomach growled violently as if complaining for her to feed it.

The last time she ate was the previous day in the train.

She had bought a snack before she rode it.

Hunger knocked on the walls of her stomach but she didn't mind it all.

With all the pain she had experiences, she wouldn't mind the little stomach grumbling.

A dry trail of tears stuck out on her face like a drop of angry ink on a white parchment.

She stared in the air in front of her in a daze as her eyes were void of any feeling.

She momentary stood up and strolled to a place unknown.

The sound all over the place had turned into an eerie silence to her ears.

The world had stopped moving her.

She wandered around aimlessly like a lost soul that didn't know where the gate to the afterlife was.

She walked for hours to a destination she hadn't decided.

She halted her steps when she realized that she was no longer in the city's bright light.

But in that of the full moon and starry sky.

Trees surrounded and her and everywhere she looked.

Except for her front, where she could see she was on a cliff.

With these physical features, Camilla knew where she was.

She was in the Greenwood forest. She used to come here to hike every time to hike with her parents when she was in high school.

She knew most of this forest like the back of her hand.

It was then that she thought of ending her life.

The pain was to much. Nothing worked out for her.

The only solution to end this was to end her own life.

She walked to end of the cliff and looked at the distance down.

"Perfect. At least some thing's right." a disdainful smile formed on her lips as she looked down the cliff, "At least with this, I'll die immediately."

The night breeze tugged on her hair and made it dance in the air.

She closed her eyes tight and spread her arms wide as she braced for her fall.

She placed one leg in the empty space in front of her and let go of her body as she let gravity take its course.

She felt the air blow on her violently as she fell of the cliff.

Adrenaline filled her entire being as she felt her self get closer to the ground with each passing second.

All the sounds in the atmosphere were rendered mute in her ear except the wind that blew on her.

She keep her eyes shut as she didn't want to see how it would end.

She squeezed her eyes even tightly as she waited for her impact.

But it never came, instead, she felt a strong hand wrap around her waste and her descend slow down.

Her awaited death didn't come as her feet landed hardly on the ground.

She felt the impact, but it wasn't what she expected.

She wanted a hard impact that would end her life in microseconds.

Yet the one she felt now only made her feet numb.

They didn't even break them.

She opened her eyes slowly.

And the fast thing she saw was a man looking down at her.

She couldn't see his face as it hidden in the hood he wore over his head.

All she could see was a dark shadow in the depth of hood and his chin.

The black shirt-hoodie he wore was shredded with claw marks.

But under it, pure glowing skin.

As if the claws didn't reach his skin.

"What the hell do you think your doing? You dumb ass. Why do you want to end your life?" he let go of her waste and stepped away from her.

Camilla could now see his well built body.

In his right hand, he held a glimmering silver long sword with a golden hilt.

A silver light ran through the blade and disappeared at the tip as it reflected the moon's light.

"What's wrong with you? I wanted to die. Now you ruined it. This universe seems to take away everything I want." Camilla yelled.

But before the mysterious man could reply, he looked above them, at the cliff as he tightened the grip on his sword.

He pushed Camilla to her butt then turned around and ran deeper into the woods.

Camilla looked around her.

But there was nothing but trees.

She stood up and patted the dirt off her clothes sending tiny clouds of dust into the air.

"What a rude man!" she scoffed.

"What was he running away from?" she wondered when all she could see were the tress and shadows from the moonlight.

She started to walk in the direction the man took as it was the only way back to the city.

She clenched her stomach as it growled from hunger but there was nothing she could do for now but head to the city.

"He should have just let me die." she scoffed as she killed the dirt on the ground.

But just as she was about to move forward, she realized a shimmering object that was half covered by the dirt on the ground.

She knelt on one knee and picked it up.

She raised it to her eyes to have a better look.

"Some kind of stupid golden sword toy." she grumbled when she examined the pen sized golden sword.

"What a joke!" she stood up and pulled her hand back to gather momentum to throw it as far as she could.

She swung her hand forward in a graceful arc and just as she was about to release the object, it glimmered and shone as it sipped into her hand.

"What the f*ck!" In shock, she shook her hand violently shake off the clinging object.

But it didn't work at all.

Her hand glowed with a golden hue as the object melted into it.

A burning sensation whaled up in her hand as she felt like it was being cut off.

She clenched in with her other hand hoping it would ease the pain but it didn't work too.

She knelt down still clutching her hand as her agonizing screams filled the forest's environment.

The pain only increased the more the object go absorbed into her body.

In turn it made Camilla scream even louder.

The pain was simply unbearable.

After 1 minute of screams, her hand stopped glowing as the object completely disappeared from her hand.

Her screams died down but her breaths were still hurriedly and her lungs in desperate need of air.

After another minute, her breathing stabilized and everything went back to normal as if it never happened in the first place.

She stood up on her feet and patted the dust of her knees.

She looked around in a confused way.

It was like she was lost.

But then she remembered she had been pushed down by the mysterious man.

"What a rude man!"

"He should have just let me die... What was he running from anyway?" she grumbled and made her way through the woods.