Is This Awkward for You?


Sasha stood there awkwardly as something passed between the two that she didn't understand, but that clearly reflected on her. How would this woman know her name?

Well, to be fair, it seemed everyone here knew of her.

She wasn't sure whether the fact that Zev had told all of them about her should make her feel warm, or angry.

"Hello," she said to the woman. "It's nice to meet you." She held out a hand.

It took the woman a moment to look away from Yhet's face, but when she did, she wiped her hands on the apron she wore over long, thick robes before taking Sasha's hand in a way that indicated she knew how to shake hands, but wasn't particularly practiced at it.

"I… good morning, Sasha," she said, clearly off-balance. "I never imagined… welcome to Thana."

"Thank you," Sasha said, then turned to Yhet, who was still watching Kyelle carefully.

"Zev is back?" Kyelle asked quietly, as if she were afraid of the answer.