The Other Side of the Story


Kyelle took a seat on the couch next to her. She sat oddly, with her feet pulled up onto the couch yet her arms at her sides. She wasn't holding a drink. She stared out the window as if she, too, were somewhere else in her head.

Sasha watched her, waiting for the attack… or whatever was coming that made this woman so tense.

"I'm sorry you felt we were speaking over you," she said finally. Sasha just waited since it was clear Kyelle was about to tell her why. "We were not trying to hide anything from you, only… only be sensitive. You are… special to Zev. I did not want to give you any reason to question that."

A lead weight appeared in Sasha's stomach. She swallowed. "Why… how would you?"

"I wouldn't," Kyelle hurried to say. "But Zev and I are… were close. And Yhet was aware of that. He was warning me that you were the one I had heard so much about. He was trying to spare my feelings."