Don't Look at Me


Despite her emotional turmoil, Sasha slept well. Between the time in the hot pools, and seeing Zev, once she'd gotten back to her new house, she'd fallen into the bed and slept without waiting until the birds were chirping outside and the sun was making orange shapes on the wall.

True to his word, Yhet was waiting for her outside when she got dressed and ventured out. He beamed at her, his voice booming his good morning as he beckoned her to follow him to the trough for breakfast.

"Do we have to call it a trough?" Sasha said, wrinkling her nose. "It sounds like something cattle eat out of."

Yhet frowned. "Well, the goats might qualify?" he suggested, then threw back his head and laughed until his voice was booming through the trees.

Sasha made a mental note never to amuse Yhet when she wanted to be discreet.