The Dress


Kyelle had heard Yhet laughing and met them at the door, her own smile wide. But Sasha didn't miss the pinch around her eyes and tightness to her smile. It made her chest ache a little, but what could she do? Kyelle was the picture of a kind hostess—much warmer than she'd been in their previous interactions. But sadder, too, Sasha thought.

She had obviously understood what this meant for her and Zev. Sasha tried to be kind and friendly, without patronizing the woman. She tried to imagine how it would feel to know Zev was going to marry someone else—and to be asked to help them get ready.

She was pretty sure she would have been clawing the woman's eyes out.

"I really appreciate all your help," she said half an hour later after Yhet had left with promises to return in a couple hours, and they both turned back into Kyelle's home.