The Solitude - Part 1


Sasha stared at Zev, silently pleading.

"I will," he whispered, his expression earnest and delighted. "I will, Sash. You have my heart, too. It's yours. It always has been."

She pushed away the protests that wanted to rise. "Then, I guess we're even," she said, finally smiling.

Zev beamed and took her mouth in a gentle, soft kiss, but he nipped her lower lip before straightening, his eyes flashing with wicked delight.

"Are you ready for the rest of our lives?" he rumbled.

Sasha bit her lip and nodded.

"Good." Then he took one of her hands and pulled her around the corner of the trail to a place where it disappeared into what, from this angle, looked like a crack in the snow.

Sasha frowned as Zev beelined for it, but as they approached the space widened and the crack became a crevasse.