Need You

~ ZEV ~

Her eyes were red and unshed tears shone in her eyes. Zev's stomach plummeted.

"Hey, don't look like that. It's not a problem, Sash. I just meant you don't have to worry—"

"Not worry?! I just dumped your dinner on the floor!"

"So? It happens to all of us—I remember one time, Dunken was—"

"Zev, listen to me!" Her voice was high and thin. "I'm human. Not Chimera. I don't know all the things you guys know. I can't even cook a meal here! Everything is too big and too heavy. I don't know how to do things over a fire. I'm not strong enough lift everything. I don't know how to walk quietly in the forest. I can't turn into an animal and use that to hunt or… or anything! If I can't even cook a meal, how am I going to be any kind of leader here? You have to take the Alpha thing. Beat me in a fight, or whatever… Zev you have to!"

"Sash," he sighed, "We can talk about this later—"