Bound by Blood


"I am not here for him," Lhars spat, stabbing a finger back towards the building where Zev lay sleeping. "I am here for the people who believe in him and need him to be strong and… and need a leader that won't walk them into the den of the lion!"

Sasha swallowed hard. "Well, regardless, I'm thankful—"

"Oh, stop with your fucking human manners and etiquette. You're Alpha. Your mate is Alpha of the wolves. You hold what opinions you hold. Stop inviting admiration with your words, earn it with your actions!"

Sasha bristled. "Why do you think I'm even talking to you about all of this? Because I want to make sure I'm measuring HOW to do this that's best for everyone!"

"Then talk to your mate! No one is admired more than my brother," Lhars sneered bitterly. "I'm only the second, remember?"