Morning After

~ ZEV ~

Zev was aware of the pain first. He tried to roll into the warm scent of Sasha at his shoulder, but his body gripped him and he had to lay still and breathe for a moment.

He settled for turning his head.

Her dark hair was scattered across his shoulder and chest, a sticky patch on his shoulder under her cheek. Her cheeks were pink, but the rest of her looked a little pale.

Zev winced when he realized she was seated in a chair at the side of his bed, leaning onto him, her hand in his. Her back was going to regret that when she woke up.

He sighed, testing the pain in his side.

It was bad, but not as hot as the day before. He felt weak, but as if he was coming more alive, not less.

Healing. Thank God.

His bad side ached when he didn't move, but was only sharp when he tried to shift his weight.

Sasha sucked in and sat up, her hair falling over her face as she blinked, bleary-eyed, then rubbed her mouth.